Jimin sits at his computer desk in his room, casually surfing Youtube. This is what he's been doing during his summer break. His mother offered him to try going out, and having fun with friends. But the little mochi surprisingly doesn't have any friends.
After Jimin's mother and father divorced, they had moved to Seoul, from Busan about a year ago. Starting at a new school wasn't too difficult, and Jimin had no problems communicating. He made friends with this one kid, but the kid found out Jimin is gay. He then spread this secret to everyone in the school, and now everyone avoids him.
Jimin was upset at first, but decided that maybe not having any friends is for the best. All he really cares about is finishing school, and becoming an artist. You see, Jimin enjoyed drawing, and he really wants to design characters for video games. He also wants to make his own comic books, which he's always been doing on his spare time.
It is currently Saturday night, and his mother is currently cooking dinner. The food smell made its way upstairs to his room, so he decided to be nosey and see what his mother his doing. He put on his fluffy blue slippers and made his way downstairs to see his mother cutting something on the cutting board.
"Hi momma" Jimin said back hugging his mother.
His mother was shorter than him, so he would often rest his head on top of her head. His mother used to do that to him when he was little.
"Hello Jiminie. Dinner is almost ready, I just have to finish making one more side dish"
"Kay kay, I'll just sit here at the dinning table then" he responded, smiling and observing as his mother finished their meal.
Right as he was walking, he noticed a platter full of fresh rice cakes. His mouth was watering, since rice cakes were one of his favorite snacks to eat other than strawberries or Ramyun. He was about to take one until his mother smacked his hands away.
"Don't touch those, they're for the new neighbor up the hill" his mother says, partially scolding her child.
"Wait what? You mean to tell me that someone actually moved up into that house? Weren't the ajumma's in town saying that no ones ever lives up there for years."
"Yup, that's the House. And it would be a great idea for you to deliver those rice cakes to the new neighbor tomorrow, okay?"
Jimin gulps "B-but what if that place really is haunted. I don't care if someone lives there now, it can still be haunted"
Jimin's mother laughs "Don't tell me your scared. And it's fine Jimin, I saw the neighbor earlier when I went outside. No ghost is going to hurt you. I swear, you read too many mystery books"
The two of them start eating 10 minutes later. They talk about everything together, like they usually do. After that, Jimin headed back to his room. He laid in his bed looking out his window which showed the view of the road, leading up to the hill.
Jimin's house was located in a private area, so all the house were spaced out. His house was on the corner, near the intersection and the hill that leads to the creepy mansion. He felt weird about keeping his blinds open so he quickly closed them, leaving everything to the imagination of anyone that decided to pass by, although that would most likely not happen.
Jimin wakes up hearing the birds chirping outside and the tiny bit of light shines through the closed blinds and curtains. Jimin rubs his eyes for any sleep boogers from his eyes. He felt a sticky note on his forehead and took it off.
Good morning Jimin! I went to work as you may already know. But I really need you to take the rice cakes the neighbor up the hill. Count this as your way of making friends. And if you don't do this, then I'll make you do ALL the chores in the house. So you better get to moving
-Love mom
Jimin scoffs "Wow.....I can't believe this."
Jimin just sits on his bed for a little while longer and then, he went to the bathroom to get dressed. He brushed his teeth as well as his hat to at least look and smell presentable. Then he headed downstairs to grab the platter of rice cakes. He made sure to lock the door before leaving the house and he was now on his way to see the new neighbor.
When he got to the top, he noticed how different the mansion looked from before. The outside was painted over a little bit, and the water fountain in the middle didn't have all the plants growing in it or trash. Instead water spread out of it. The mansion looked new and revived.
He made it to the giant door of the mansion. And tried to look for the door bell, but there was no door bell; Just that knocking handle. So he used that to knock on the door, and only a few minutes later, the door opened
Jimin was nervous, he has no idea why. Well scratch that he knew why.....he was just a shy person. He can be very nervous, especially if some crazy person decided to live here in this 'haunted mansion'. They must be pretty much insane.
"Hello can I help you?"
A low voice took him out of his trance. Jimin looked at the tall male, up and down. The guy looked young, like in his 20's. He had a nice body build and his gaze held a soft but also stern expression . The guy smiles a little showing dimples. Jimin was intrigued by this mans attractiveness.
"H-H-Hello" Jimin quickly bows "My name is Park Jimin and I live in the grey house down the hill. My mother made s-some rice cakes for you" The younger stuttered our adorably, a blush creeping on his face now.
Jimin held the tray out for the man to take. He wasn't sure how he would react, since he had a poker faced expression. But the man just gave Jimin a smile and accepted the tray.
While this was happening Jimin had been staring at him, mentally drooling over him. The man noticed this, and laughed
"You like what you see Park Jimin-sshi?"
Jimin goes wide eyed and blushes. He quickly says goodbye and runs down the hill, without looking back. When he gets home, he goes to his bedroom to hide his face in his pillow
"Jimin....what the fuck are you doing." He couldn't help to ask himself.
Welcome to You're Mine.
This story was originally on the @/SugaMintTeaa account. I was given permission to take on a few books so that they would not go to waste after the deletion of the account.Psst... follow TaeTeaTay

You're Mine{✔️}
FanfictionJimin finds out that his sexy neighbor is his homeroom teacher and oh so much more... First started: 5.6.18 First ended: February Adapted to a new account: 6.18.19 Finished:7.17.19