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"Rahhhh!" Jimin groaned at his study desk, his head falling on his text books in front of him "This is impossible for me to memorize."

"What's wrong baby?"

"Wha!" Jimin falls out of his chair from Namjoon's sudden appearance.

The vampire was sitting on Jimin's bedroom windowsill, he smirked seeing that Jimin got startled.

"You can't just come out of no where....now I'll have nightmares because my vampire boyfriend decided to scare the shit out of me." Jimin glared.

Namjoon put his hands up as if he was surrendering. He slowly made his way towards Jimin and helped him up from the floor. Of course helping him meant pulling Jimin hard to Namjoon's chest so that they were very close to each other.

"I'll protect you from your nightmares." Namjoon moved his face closer so that he gave Jimin a passionate kiss.

Their mouths slosh together in sync and Jimin wrapped his arms around Namjoon's neck. They continue to make out for about 5 minutes but Namjoon had to pull away or else he won't be able to control himself.

"You could've just used the front door, my mom isn't home." Jimin said and be walked back to his study desk.

"Yea but...that wouldn't be fun. I texted you to keep your window open so that I could prank you. But you didn't suspect anything, even when I told you to open the screen as well?"

Jimin sighs rubbing his temples from slight stress. "Not really, I just did as I was told. And also I'm preoccupied right now. Studying for college entrance exams is hard!"

"Awe~ does my baby need help." Namjoon pouted cutely.

Jimin looked at Namjoon in utter shock. He's never seen the older male doing cute things. His face was either serious, slightly scary, or blank.

"What drugs for Vampires did you take today?" Jimin laughed "Ever since this morning at school you've been all cheerful. I really like it."

"Well it's almost your birthday, so I'm excited to finally have a date with you. I've been busy with teaching and making materials for class, and you've just been busy living your student life."

"Awww!! You're more excited for my birthday than I am myself. Now I can't wait for whatever you have planned." Jimin then hummed happily.

"Of course, I gotta do something special for my baby's birthday."

"Well I can't even focus on my birthday because of the upcoming exams, it will determine wether I get into college or not!" Jimin head fell down on his books again in stress.

"Thats what I'm here for, I'm always here for you Jimin. Anyways, let me see what's bothering you."

Namjoon took another chair from somewhere in Jimin's room and sat next to his younger boyfriend. He looked over at the books and smiled because the the familiar content.

"I've lived for 800 years so, I have taken many academic tests before. Some things get repetitive. You're lucky that I'm your super smart boyfriend." Namjoon winked.

Jimin laughed. "Teach me well..." He got closer to Namjoons ear. "Mr. Kim" He whispered.

Namjoon turned his head and practically growled at Jimin's sudden seduction.

"I'll tell you what, if you can get more than 30 questions right in a row, then I'll give you a little treat."

Jimin's eyes got wide in excitement. "A treat? W-what kind?"

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