Chapter 4

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And there was a knock on the door. [Y/n] pulled herself up off of Shaun and grabbed her jacket, zipping it quickly. She answered the door to see a young man.

"Lazy again?" he asked.

"Partially," she said with a laugh as the guy walked in, setting down the food. He eyed Shaun and her shirt on the floor then looked back to her. He suddenly looked embarrassed and kinda cold.

"It's $20.50, including delivery," he said flatly.

"Ight." She grabbed her phone and slipped off the case. She unfolded a twenty and a five. "Change is the tip, Zhao."

"Thanks, [y/n]," he said flatly.

"I don't think he liked me."

"Don't mind Zhao. He's a good guy, just kinda..."

"He likes you, doesn't he?" Shaun said, avoiding her eyes.

"I'm not sure, babe. But that doesn't matter, 'cause I like you."

He smiled, and she leaned against his chest. He put his arm around her, and she kissed his neck. "More after we eat, okay?"


She opened the boxes and laid them out on the table. She handed him a small cup.

"This is egg drop. It's the best." She sipped a little. "So, about the work there?"

"Yes. I am a surgical resident."

"Really? Do you like the post?"

"I like helping people, even the ones that are hard to or don't want to be helped."

"That's really sweet. I think I get what you mean too. My mama was a CNA, and all kinds of weird, difficult patients passed through her care."

"Did she tell you the stuff they did?"

"Sometimes, but never names, of course. One time an elderly lady didn't like who she was sitting with at dinner and started throwing stuff at them. She nearly impaled an employee with a fork. After that, she was only allowed spoons."

"Sounds like a lot of fun."

"Yep. Once she worked with a nurse that started peeling the skin off her feet. She swore there was something in her foot, so my mom looked, thinking it was a sliver of glass or something. There wasn't anything. She kept digging at her foot and was going crazy. My mom was on night shift, so she was the only other worker there. She texted her boss and basically said if things got scary she better get her ass up there to deal with the nurse. My mom convinced the nurse to go to the doctors the next day. She was loaded with opioids, including methamphetamine."

"Was she stealing from the hospital?"

"I don't think so. At that point, my mom worked at a long term care facility for old people and there weren't scripts for what she took."

"That's surprising."

"She was agency, so she might've been nicking it from other jobs. It's hard telling."

"I always get nervous with opioid prescriptions just 'cause they are so addictive."

"Yeah. I hope with more awareness it's easier to help addicts rather than just shame them."

He nodded, finishing his soup.

"And now, the best thing ever, crab rangoon."

They ate in silence and she cuddled against him.

"Are you from here?" she asked.

"No, I'm from Wyoming."

"Is it nice there?"

"In a way. Bad memories."

"I get that. I'm from a hood on the south side of town. I had to get out of there before I was shot."

"Which hood?"

"Off Strawberry, Grove Street."

"Wasn't there a huge shoot out there a year ago?"

"Yes. Drug deal gone wrong. The man that set up for the killers to come was killed by the same ones he sent to the hood."


"Yeah. The guy drove a car through a basketball court. Stretch was the only one that died."

"I never heard about that."

"It was a rich white guy. No one looked any farther into it, and we were glad he wasn't going to bring any more murders in. The one...he killed most of the gang himself."

"Where were you?"

"Inside my house, looking out the window until a stray bullet broke it. I ran downstairs."


"Yeah. What about you?"

"My father was not a good man. My brother and I...we left."

"What happened to you guys?"

"My brother...he fell. I like to think he joined our bunny."

"It's a cruel world, but very beautiful." She put her hand to his face. He looked like he was tearing up. She kissed his cheek softly. He wrapped his arms around her. She kissed his lips.

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