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My thighs feel like I just ran miles, Oh wait I did. My coach pushed us so much today in practice and it's the off season. Well let me introduce myself my name is Sam Williams and I am the catcher for the Stone Gate High School Home of The Bulldogs. (Ya!). I love sports they are my whole life but my favorites are softball, track and basketball. I love playing sports have all my life I plan to be a twelve sport athlete when I graduate but I will get more into that later.

        I love softball but being on the softball team means you are expected to date someone on the baseball team. Yuck!  I hate most of them. They have quite a few that are egotistical assholes and the biggest one of them all is there pitcher Casey Wilcox. Our school is weird just let me tell you that before you begin we like things done a certain way around here.

            Casey is amazing to everyone but me and even then he’s not really nasty, more of just an asshole who doesn’t know when to shut his mouth. He’s lucky that he is so good at the sports he plays or I would have broken every bone in his body about ten years ago when he first started get really mean to each other.

It started when I was seven and he was eight. He had cut his lip and was crying like a little girl (I will never let him live that down) he was telling me that it hurt really bad and wanted to go to his mommy and have her kiss it better but we couldn’t because than we would get in trouble for playing on the rocks when we were specifically told not to. So I told him that I would make his booboo better if he told me what to do. There was my first mistake because he told me it would help it feel better if I kissed it so I learned in and gave his lips a peck. My second mistake was letting him pull me back to him and kiss him again. So Casey was my first and last kiss. I have not kissed anyone since than because I’m scared it’s not going to be as good as my first kiss with Casey. 


I am so happy with this book so far I am going back and rewriteing it and making major changes to the plot so you might want to reread it. 


The Author 

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