8: A Battle For Her

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Luc's POV

"You all have ten minutes to get suited up and ready," I shout. Looking down at my men, "Or I will kill you myself."

"Yes, sir," they all say in unison, terrified. 


They scatter off going to grab guns and whatever else they feel they need.

I turn and grab my pistol. I shove extra magazines in my back pocket. I put the gun in my waistband.

I shout, "Echo! Get your ass over here!"

I wait a couple of seconds.

"Yes, Lucifer?" she greets.

I don't turn to face her as I watch from above as my men scramble for good guns. I order, "You are going to get two other people and stay on guard for Ariel. You leave, you die. Understood?"

"Why am I on babysitting duty?" She complains.

I face her, grabbing my gun. I level it at her as I say, lethally, "Do not question me! Just do as you are told."

She nods. Her eyes flicker between my eyes and my gun. I lower it and inform her, "You're guarding her because I trust you and without me these shits don't know how to walk."

She nods and I dismiss her. I sigh, knowing I'm giving her this job because I don't trust her to watch my back like I used to. I shout to my men, "Are you ready to kick some arrogant shit heads in the ass!"

People cheer and raise their guns. I grin and shout, "Then, follow me!"

I see two people by the door as I'm nearing it. I approach and they are passing a note between themselves. I say, "Stop."

They freeze and place the note quickly away like I hadn't seen it already. I ask, "The note. What did it say?"

They shrug. I shrug too and draw my gun. I shoot the one on the left. He falls, blood pouring from the hole in his forehead. I glance at the other one. He opens his mouth to talk and I shoot him. I crouch next to the first body. I whisper to the one who is still dying, "Guess I'll just find out myself."

I grab the note and read, get the girl and get out with her alive.

I shiver. I know the handwriting. Theo. And they are targeting Ariel as I thought. I stand and say, cheerfully, "First two down. Hundred to go!"

They follow me out into the street cautiously. I hear a noise to the left. I spin and fire a round. I hear someone scream. The next second the army ducks around the corner guns raised. Jax is not leading them. Theo, however, is. He stares at me, hatred in his eyes. 

I say, "Fuoco a volontà. Non lasciare nessuno vivo."

Gunshots fire and the whole area becomes a flurry of bullets. I walk behind a stack of boxes and fire more rounds aiming for Theo. If the leader falls then so does the battle. Someone approaches me. They throw a punch. I grab their hand and throw them quickly over my shoulder into another. I turn behind and side kick the person sneaking up on me. They are targeting me, clearly noting that I'm the leader. They circle like a pack of wolves ready to pounce. One holds a gun. His finger tenses slightly on the trigger and I duck. The bullet hits the person behind me. I kick the gun out of his hand and grab the wrist of someone who threw a punch. I bring my knee up and bend his arm. I grab my gun and shoot. One falls. I twirl and hit the grip into another's forehead. They fall. I turn to my next opponent.

I hear a girl's scream. I freeze and the person gets a hit on me. I take them down quickly and then search for the screaming. I run into the house because I could recognize that scream anywhere. Ariel. I find where I told Echo to hide Ariel. Echo is gone. 

"Fuck," I curse. My heart races as I go to the street. Their army has dispersed. I go to the main road and see nothing.  

"Dannazione," I mutter then my voice raises to a broken yell, "God fucking dammit."

They took Ariel.

My beautiful is gone


Fuoco a volontà. Non lasciare nessuno vivo

Fire at will. Don't leave anyone alive


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