11: Pale And Lifeless

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"Everyone get ready for battle," Luc shouts, "We attack them today!"

His men cheer. I watch as they grab guns and rush around. Luc turns to me, clipping a holster around my waist, and says, "You're coming with me today, beautiful."

"What?!" I exclaim.

"I'm not risking leaving you here again. Especially now that I can't trust any of my men," he explains as he puts a magazine into his pistol. I have never seen him not use this gun. It's his favorite. He never goes anywhere without it. He puts that in his holster then grabs extra magazines and shoves them into his belt.

He turns to me after he does that. He grabs the extra pistol that was sitting there and hands it to me. I take it, lightning sparking across my nervous system, and he says, "I taught you how to use it for a reason. Anyone attacks you shoot them. Yeah?"

"Yeah," I say with a nod, trying to hide my nerves from him.

He sees my hand shaking as I holster the gun. He grabs my hand and says, "I will be there protecting you. You'll be safe. It's just in case."

I nod and take a deep breath. He presses a kiss to my forehead and then turns back to his men.

We get near Jax's place and I see Jax's men coming at us. There are a few men. Luc shouts, "Uccidili tutti. Non lasciare nessuno vivo!"

His men give a battle cry and charge into the fray. I watch as the first few are taken out quickly. Soon the battle is all around me and Luc. We are pressed against the wall. A man leaps at Luc. Luc pulls out his gun quickly and shoots him. That alerts others that we are here. Men charge Luc and he attacks back. His movements are quick and fast as he hits them. He turns and shoots one as he smashes his face to his knee. The guy falls whimpering. Luc turns and throws a side kick. The guy is flung back into another. He quickly takes care of the men and rests. The other men are still engaged in battle.

He looks for me. Eyes panicked for a minute as he thinks he has lost me. When his eyes meet mine, he smiles in relief. A man is trying to sneak up on him. Luc turns and shoots him. He walks over and I see the blood staining his clothes and face. I ask, "Is any of that yours?"

"No," he replies, his eyes are blazing. The aftermath of fighting flashing through his eyes. His eyes flick to every corner and hidden alley, looking for the next threat. It's a weird thing for me to see. I have never seen him in a battle. I'm surprised how different he fights against a group from a one on one fight. 

Another group of men charges us and Luc turns to fight. He battles, desperately trying to keep them away from me. A guy slips through his protection and charges me. I swallow a scream as I am slammed into the wall, I don't want to worry Luc. The guy grins, seeing me at his fingertips. He whispers, "Boss will be so happy when I bring you to him. I might even get more pay."

I punch him in the groin, no hesitation, and he hunches over with a grunt. He looks at me and says, "You bitch! You're going to regret that!"

He grabs my leg and pulls me to the ground. I scream, it slips from my lips, and I go for the gun. He crawls on top of me, knife in his hands. I pull the gun out and pull the trigger. He falls on top of me, blood splashes against my face, thick and warm. I scream again at the trauma of what I've done. Luc pushes the body off of me and holds out a hand. He pulls me to my feet.

I look at my hands and see blood covering them. I look at my shirt to see blood across it. I turn to look at the guy, but Luc's hand turns my face back before I can see as he says, "Don't."

At my horrified face, he pulls me into a hug. I don't reciprocate it and just stare at my hands. The blood staining them. He whispers, voice so soft as memories spill with his words, "You had to. He would have killed you."

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