14: Battles. Dates... and Cramps

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Ariel's POV
"Good morning, baby girl," Luc whispers in my ear. His arm is wrapped around me, keeping me against his warm body.
"Good morning," I whisper as I spin to face him. He kisses my forehead and I smile.
He whispers, "You alright?"
"Yes," I whisper, "I'm fine, Luc."
"I wasn't too rough?" He asks. He looks worried.
I roll my eyes with a smile and say, "You're fine, babe. I'm fine."
"Good," He whispers and kisses my shoulder softly. His lips melt me like everytime. My body loves his touch and his kisses.
I sigh and whisper, "I wish this was our life. This fantasy. Where there is nothing going on. Nothing to get up and do. Where we could stay like this all day, but it's only a fantasy."
Luc doesn't reply. I look at him and he whispers, staring at the curtains flowing softly from the breeze coming in from the balcony doors, "I never thought about my life choices until I met you. Never thought about the impact my lifestyle would have. But then you come in and I start thinking what my life would be like if I hadn't chosen to lead a mafia."
He pauses and then admits, "But everytime I think of it, I realize I wouldn't change what I've done. Anything."
He stares at nothing. He has gone into his own little world of remembering his past. He looks so distant. So far from reality. I stare at him, studying him. His messy hair and silver eyes. The way his jawline looks so chiseled and the way his cheek bones dip in softly. The way his eyelashes appear to paint his eyes as if they were paint brushes. The way his pale skin makes his brown hair stand out. I want to remember him in this exact moment.
The silver of his eye is depthless with lighter rims and darker heading towards the pupil, leaving you falling into his abyss as you stare into them. Blue mixing through the silver in little ridges, making steep cliffs to hurt you as you dive into his eyes. The bronze color around his eyes, like eyeshadow, making the silver stand out more.The way his soft pink lips curve and dip softly. I love the way he looks as if I could never touch him. It makes me wonder what a child of ours would look like. If he'd get his eyes and my hair, or if she'd get my eyes and his hair. There are so many possibilities of a child who might never even truly be ours.
He shakes his head, suddenly, drawing himself away from his mind. He looks at me and says, "I need to get up."
I nod and roll away from him. I stand and go to the closet, walking in I scan. Luc organizes his closet by colors. My clothes and his. Where he comes up with time to do so, I don't know. I grab some clothes and put them on.
When I walk out Luc pulls me into his arms and kisses me, softly. He pulls away and whispers, "Ich liebe dich."
I smile. I know what he said even though it was in another language. It was in the way his voice was soft and caring. The way he whispered it. It has so much love in the words itself. I whisper back, "I love you."
He smiles and laces our hands together. He stares at them. He whispers, "I'll never get over the way we fit together so well. You're the other half of my soul. You're my sanity."
I smile and kiss him. I whisper, "I've never met anyone so perfect in my whole life. I love you so much."
He grins and then we exit the room hand in hand. He goes to make breakfast and I sit on the counter and watch. He turns to me with a strawberry sauce on his finger, "Taste that."
I put his finger in my mouth and flavor bursts over my tongue. The strawberry is so strong and sweet. I moan at the delicious flavor, twirling my tongue around his finger to get all the delicious flavor. He smirks and says, "Good?"
I pull away from the flavor and say, "The best thing I've ever put in my mouth."
He winks and asks, "You're sure about that, beautiful?"
"Yes, Daddy," I whisper with a grin. He rolls his eyes and turns around, returning to cooking.
A few minutes later, he says, "Sit down in a chair."
I groan and sit down in the chair. He turns and hands me a plate with pancakes on it. The strawberry sauce poured on top with some whip cream on the top. I ask, genuine curiosity hitting me, "Where did you learn to cook?"
"My mom taught me," He tells me as he cooks, "She used to cook all the time with whatever canned food we had. I've always enjoyed the art. It's fun to see what you can come with using simple ingredients."
"You're really good at it," I tell him, finishing the bite I was eating.
"Thanks," He says, glancing at me. His eyes suck me in. He looks away and I smile.
I eat the food, letting everything just soak in. The simpleness of this morning, how we could almost be a real couple, happily cooking together and spending days together. I take another bite as thoughts swirl inside my head. The sweetness flows over my tongue. Luc smiles at me and I ask, "What?"
"You have a little whipped cream right here," He says, pointing to the corner of my mouth. I lick my lips and Luc turns around. I can see his hands are clenched, holding back his desire. I smirk and go around the counter. I trap Luc against the counter. I lick my lips and then bite my lower lip. He says, voice deep and rough, "I really wish you wouldn't do that."
His eyes turn darker as I lean in, anticipating my lips against his. I kiss him, his hands find my waist. I bite his lower lip and tug on it. His grip tightens a little as he gives a breathy groan. I press my body against his. I move my lips to his neck. His hands slide down to my ass. He squeezes and I moan slightly. I bite his neck and he tilts his head back granting me access. I bite and suck on his skin determined to mark him. His hands grip my ass harder.
"What the hell?" I hear a voice ask, "Really? A porno in the kitchen?"
I pull away from Luc and he groans, so quietly, at the loss of contact. I turn to see Liam. He is staring at us with a shocked expression.
"It's your own fault for walking in uninvited," Luc says, nonchalant.
"How was I supposed to know you guys were making sex tape?" He asks. Then says, "I came here to tell you that Jax has men. A lot of men."
"What? How?" Luc asks, "I went to all the men I could think of and told them not to give him anyone. I paid a lot of money to keep them uninvolved."
"Do you know anyone by the name of Kyle Stanz?" Liam asks.
Luc sighs and pours himself a drink, "Yes, I unfortunately, I do."
"Who is he?" Liam and I ask at the same time. We glance at each other before our attention turns back to Luc.
"The rival mafia boss," Luc explains, "And he is using this war as a way to gain advantage of what I have. It makes sense that he would partner with Jax."
"So what are we going to do?" Liam asks.
"All we can," Luc says. He turns to me and says, "I have to go into work. Stay here."
He opens the drawer and hands me a pistol, "And shoot whoever walks through that door if it's not me or Liam. Understand?"
"Yeah," I say with a nod, taking the gun.
He kisses my forehead and says, "I'll see you later, beautiful."
I watch as he walks out, strapping his gun to his hip. When he leaves, I go up stairs. I turn the radio on and go to the bathroom. Grabbing makeup out of the closet, I sigh. I head into the bathroom and put smokey eye makeup on. I apply some dark red lipstick to my lips and then put on a black, skimpy bikini. It barely covers me, but no one is here to see. I head out to the pool. I grab myself a glass of scotch. I slide into the hot tub. The heat feels good against my tense, sore body. I sit there, thinking.
After a while, I decide to put sunscreen on and take a nap.

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