Chapter One

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I'm in class, my eyes going blurry as I struggle to breathe. I'm wildly coughing but I need to stop because it feels like no more air can come into my lungs. People are quickly crowding around me while I'm trying to cry but I can't because I can't open my eyes anymore and everything goes limp in my body.

* * *

I wake up after what feels like a day later and quickly realize that I'm in the hospital, it's not my first time here because my older brother, Evan used to have Cystic Fibrosis until he died of it because some guy that had Cystic Fibrosis as well also had brain damage and got too close to him. A doctor walks in, she has long black hair up in a high ponytail. She's holding a clipboard and writes something down.

"Hello Lexi." she says in a british accent. "I hear you passed out in class, is that correct?" I just nod my head. I'm pretty shy around strangers and I'm super tired.

"Do you remember anything, Lexi?" she asks quickly.

"Uhuh." I mumble, still tired.

"Did you pass out immediately or did anything else happen?" I figured out that I have to speak now.

"I-I couldn't breath and I was coughing while my eyes were going all blurry." I was surprised that my voice came out in a confused tone.

"I'm doctor Tenner and will be in charge of you." I don't say anything and I drift off to sleep.

* * *

I wake up once again to see my parents' blurry faces over me. I can recognize my mom's red hair and my dad's circular glasses that do not look good on him.

"She's waking up!" My mom says as if I was just in a coma for a year.

"Hey sweetie." my dad says. I smile to show I'm listening because I'm feeling too wheezie to talk.

"Good news." My mom says excitedly but quietly. "You're coming home! The doctors couldn't find anything wrong with you. But something could still be wrong remember that." My dad jumps in

"You were asked to eat more because that could be one of the causes. We don't know why you couldn't breath but that's what the doctors are trying to figure out." I try to stand up but I can't, I see that there is no need to because my parents are already putting me in a wheelchair. I'm going home, finally.

* * *

As soon as I'm home, I'm suddenly filled with energy. My sweet sixteen is in a week! I totally forgot! And I have ice cream in the freezer that my mom is getting for me because I'm still to wheezie to walk. I wheel myself towards the TV and roll onto the couch. I turn on my favorite Netflix show, Riverdale. As I'm watching, my mom brings me my Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream. I wonder how many people will be worrying about me tomorrow.

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