Chapter Sixteen

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Eight Years Later

"Deep breaths, Lexi." Alex says over my hospital bed. I'm scared, but this time I'm happy scared. I scream. I'm in so much pain but I need to breathe through it.

"Just take deep breaths, push." A voice says. I know I can do it.

"Push." I scream again.

"And there she is." Alex goes and holds me tight.

"We have one girl." The doctor hands my newborn child to me. I'm super emotional right now but it's not over.

"Are you ready for the next one?" The doctor asks, I nod.

* * *

I'm staring at my twins. I love them so much. They are me and Alex's, they are ours. My dad comes over, holding Micheal's hand. He reminds me so much of mom, she died giving birth to him but that's long in the past, this is the present and that is what I'm focusing on.

"Do they have names?" My dad asks.

"Yes, the girl is Molly, named after mom."

"And the boy?" I look at my son.


"Can you tell me more stories about Evan?" Micheal asks. I laugh.

"Of course." My phone rings. I pick up.

"Hey, Lexi! How are they?"

"Hey Danielle, they are perfect."

"I'm sorry I had to miss it."

"And I'm sorry that I had to miss your wedding, I bet it was beautiful."

"It was, I'm glad that I'm going to spend the rest of my life with Mai."

"You made the right decision. I have to go."

"Ok, I need to see the twins soon." I hang up the phone.

* * *

I've recovered, the twins are asleep and I'm at home. I'm about to write the last paragraph of my book and it's super exciting! I write,

These last eight years have been very tough for me, but now I'm ready to start a new life with Alex, Molly and Evan. If anybody out there has struggles in their life, just think of my story, you can always make it better. As for me, I will always try to keep on breathing.

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