Chapter Eleven

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"You're amazing" Alex says when I'm leaving his room. I don't want to leave, but I have to. It's getting late and I need to get some rest.

"Do you have to leave?" He asks once I'm in the doorway.

"I don't know, do I?" I ask.

"You have time." He says, pulling back into his room.

"You really can't spend a night away from me?" I ask in disbelief. He looks at me with puppy dog eyes.

"I'll see you first thing tomorrow." I say, he starts to whimper.


"Tomorrow." I run back to room 315 and check the time, 9:36. I climb into bed, not bothering to get my pajamas on. I close my eyes while trying to get to sleep.

* * *

I can't sleep, I check the time again, 11:42. I can't stop thinking about Alex, it's so hard to sleep thinking about that grand looking face and his cute button-down T-shirts and his beautiful lips against mine. I can't take it anymore, I grab my phone and call him.

"Hello!" He says really excitedly.

"This might sound stupid but, I can't sleep thinking about you but I can't stop thinking about you either."

"Way ahead of you" I hear that voice so loud and so clear. I look up to see Alex standing in my doorway.

"Wanna have a sleepover?" Now I can finally sleep.

* * *

I wake up, smiling. Alex is lying on the floor so I look over the side of my bed to see him, he's gone. Well, at least I fell asleep. I go on my computer and pass time by seeing what's new on Facebook, although I unfollowed Mai, I can't resist looking at her Facebook page. There haven't been any posts of Mai and Danielle together lately, is that a good sign? I then go to my own account and I look at my most recent post that was posted so long ago. Me and Mai, messing around and being the dorks of the crowd. We knew that we only had each other, that we would never become popular, but things change and I've still not learned to accept that. Out of the corner of my eye, I see somebody standing in the doorway, Alex. I look up. It's not Alex.

"Come in." I say, barely being able to look at her.

"Lexi, I think you know why I did this." She says while waiting for a reply.

"Danielle, I really don't know. I don't know why you decided to risk becoming a snotty girl by becoming Mai's best friend." Danielle sits down next to me.

"I didn't want to be left behind. I didn't want to be teased." She starts tearing up.

"Hey, hey, I forgive you. It's okay."

"No, it's not that. But I'm sorry for this. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I don't want to feel this way but I do, I do and I hate myself for it but I just can't help it." She is now crying completely.

"Danielle, what is it?" I'm confused now.

"Lexi, I'm in love with Mai."

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