Chapter Fifteen

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"Is that it?" I ask Alex as I throw one more thing into a cardboard box. He nods slightly and my dad peeks around the corner.

"Just a moment, dad." He leaves and I stare at Alex.

"Can you come with me?" I ask, desperate. He sighs and leads me out the door. Tears are forming in my eyes, I find my dad in the hallway and we start to walk to the car when my phone dings.

I love you too.

Tears now take over me and I lean my head on the window frame.

"I love you, I want you. I love you, I want you." I repeat to myself until a sad sleep takes over me.

* * *

I wake up on my bed. It's 2:30, half an hour until Danielle gets home. I want to see my mom, so I go downstairs.

"Lexi!" She says and tries to get up to hug me but I beat her.

"Mom, you're starting to show!" I say, looking down at the little lump on her stomach.

"I know, isn't it exciting?" She responds.

"Enough about me, how was your time at the hospital?" I don't want to talk about it, I'm scared to talk about it. I take a deep breath and I finally say,

"Mom, I want to write a book,"

"A new hobby? What would it be about?"

"My experience, I'll call it "Breathing" Without another word, I run upstairs and open up my computer and then, I start to write.

Chapter One

I'm in class, my eyes going blurry as I struggle to breathe. I'm wildly coughing but I need to stop because it feels like no more air can come into my lungs. People are quickly crowding around me while I'm trying to cry but I can't because I can't open my eyes anymore and everything goes limp in my body.

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