Chapter Ten

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I wake up the next morning to my phone ringing, it's from Danielle.

"What is she trying to do?" I ask out loud. I decide to have some fun and answer.

"What the hell is this about?" I say as soon as I answer the phone. But I'm sorry to say that it's not Danielle at all.

"Hey Lexi! Me and Danielle are having a sleepover, wanna join us?" That is the most stupid thing to say, does she even know that I have to stay here for a month and two weeks?

"Two letters, N-O" I hang up which is a relief because I don't particularly like doing that first thing in the morning, I have something bigger on my hands. I don't know what me and Alex are, which is exactly what I need to figure out. I open my door and run out, heading straight for Alex's room, on my way, doctor Tenner runs into me.

"Ok doctor Tenner just give me my punishment, I'm in a hurry." I say when I see her.

"Punishment?" She responds.

"Yeah, for sneaking out." She laughs a little.

"Lexi, your in the hospital! I'm not going to give you any punishment."

"Really?" I ask.

"Really." She exclaims.

"Thank you!" I say, running off.

* * *

When I get to room 235, I knock on the door, smiling. I'm wearing a bit of mascara but not too much. There's no answer. When I called Alex on the first day I met him, I had to call him twice because the first time he didn't pick up, I know that if I knock again, he'll for sure answer the door. I knock one more time and the door opens, he's standing there, he still has morning hair (that looks gorgeous) but he's wearing nice clothes and he's still the same Alex but now I see him differently, in a very, very good way. Nobody knows how to start the conversation, so we just smile at each other.

"How are you doing?" He says, staring deep into my eyes.

"I'm great." I say, staring back.

"I think we need to talk ,Lexi." he says

"Yeah, I think we do." I reply. He gestures for me to come in and I do.

"Listen, I would really like to be with you Lexi, like really be with you. What do you feel about that?" He asks.

"Yes." I respond, knowing that this is the only word I need to say, it's the only word I want to say.

"There's one more thing I want to do." I say to him, softly. I lean in and he leans in and we kiss.

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