Chapter Seven

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I wake up on the floor, I'm thinking about yesterday and how I spent the whole day with Alex. I rub my eyes and get up. I check the time, 9:32! I needed to pick up my pills at 8:00, I fell asleep with my clothes on so I'm fully dressed with my hair a mess and my bangs sticking up, running out the door.

"Where are you going?" I turn around to see a lump on my bed, what is Alex doing in my bed? A horrible thought crossed my mind but I decided that it wasn't true. I'm fully clothed and hopefully he is too.

"I'm picking up my pills that I was supposed to pick up at 8:00." Just when I said that, I saw the room number, 235, we're in his room, that explains why I was on the floor and him in the bed.

"I already got your pills." He said.

"Thank you Alex! You're a lifesaver, literally! Did we plan this sleepover or what? I can't remember."

"It makes sense that you don't remember, we were having a great time and then you collapsed on the floor, I was worried that your lungs gave out for awhile."

"You worry about me!" I tease.

"You are my best friend, you would do the same thing."

"I wouldn't worry about your lungs, you don't have lung cancer." I realize now that I don't know why he's here, he has a cannula so something is wrong with him.

"What do you have?" I ask. He crosses his legs and looks me in the eye.

"You probably don't know what this is." He starts.

"Just tell me, I'll listen." I answer, eager to know.

"It's called Cystic Fibrosis." I freeze, not being able to move.He continues speaking.

"It's where too much mucus gets into your lungs and it's hard to breathe. Everyone with Cystic Fibrosis needs to stay six feet apart from other people with Cystic Fibrosis or else they would probably die." I can't tell him I know what it is, I can't speak.

"Die" I keep hearing that over and over in my head. I lost Evan to Cystic Fibrosis, I can't, I just can't lose Alex as well. I need to help him. I want to scream, I want to die just so I can watch that brain damaged dude burn in hell! I need Evan in my life still, it's too late so I have to protect Alex.

"I can't bring him back." I think to myself, trying to calm down, somehow, it makes it a lot worse.

"Lexi, are you okay? Talk to me Lexi! Lexi!" I want to respond I really do but I feel so paralized. Alex walks up to me, grabs my shoulders and shakes me.

"Say something so I know you're okay, Lexi." So I did. I fall on the floor, crying and whispering to myself,

"Evan, come back, come back, come back, come back."

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