Chapter Twelve

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"I didn't know you were-" But she cuts me off.

"I'm not."

"Then what are you?"

"I don't know, I think they call it Bisexual? I don't really understand."

"How long have you, well you know. Known?"

"It's complicated. It didn't start until we started hanging out. When she's not trying to be cool, she's really nice." I already knew this, but I still don't want to admit it.

"The heart wants what it wants." I say.

"Exactly! Even though she's really mean, I can't help being in love with her! I'm glad you understand Lexi." I'm amazed how Danielle and I have befriended each other in such a short time. We trust one another so much.

"I'm gonna go." She says.



* * *

I've been looking up a bunch of stuff about what Danielle is or could be and what sort of community she's in. Apparently, It's called the LGBTQ Community, it stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans and queer. It's also called the LGBTQ+ Community if you want to include people that are Pan or A-sexual.I had to look up what most of this meant. Pan, or Pansexual, is wher you'renot limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity. So basically, it's where you like every gender. Bisexual, Is where you're sexually attracted not exclusively to people of one particular gender, which means that you're attracted to both men and women.. A-sexual, is where you aren't interested in having certain sexual contact with your partner. Transgender is when you have a gender identity or gender expression that differs from their assigned sex.

I knew what everything else is already, so I skipped it and I decided to finally text Alex.


He immediately texts back.

Where have you been?

Sorry, busy day.

Want to meet up?


Let's see where the evening takes us. We can have our first date

Now I have something to look forward to, a date night with Alex.

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