Chapter Thirteen

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"Red shoes, or black shoes?" I ask Danielle as she pulls out one more pair from her bag.

"What about golden?" I laugh.

"I'm not a princess."

"Okay, in that case, I think we should pick out your dress first."

"Good idea."

"I picked out about five dresses for you, I think all of them will work perfectly." She says as she pulls dress by dress out of her bag.

"I have an hour so we need to be quick!" I say, rushing her.

"That's plenty of time." And then, she doesn't even need to pull all of the dresses out of the bag for me to know that the one I see is the perfect one. It's short at the front and longer at the back, it's a pale blue with beautiful roses on it.

"That one." I say with no hesitation.

"In that case," She says, "Go with the red shoes."

* * *

Now that Danielle is gone and I'm all ready, I'm about to text Alex where we're meeting up when there's a knock on my door, I run to it. I open the door and as I suspected, it's Alex. He holds up a strip of fabric and wraps it around my eyes.

"This fabric better be clean." I say, he laughs. "Where are we going Alex?"

"It's a surprise, why else do you think I wrapped this fabric around your face?" He says as he starts leading me down the hallway.

"Because I'm ugly?"

"Impossible." He responds and kisses me on the cheek.

"Seriously, where are we going?" I say laughing. We make a right.

"You'll see." I'm laughing, he's laughing. Is this what it's like to feel true happiness?

"We're almost there, just hang on." I hear the opening of a door.

"Okay." Alex says excitedly. "Are you ready? One, two, three!" The darkness slowly becomes light and in front of me is the swimming pool with a rowboat in it and in the middle, there is food from the cafeteria.

"Hop on." He says, I laugh.

"You really are the cheesiest person I know." Alex helps me on the boat and then gets in himself. We row to the middle of the pool and I break open a pudding cup.

"How did you do this?" I ask him, amazed.

"The cafeteria always has leftovers so I just took those."

"No, I mean the boat!"

"My uncle loves fishing and has plenty." My jaw drops.

"You did this all in two hours?"

"Yeah, it wasn't too hard." He looks into my eyes.

"You know, there's something about you that's absolutely stunning." I smile.

"Then I guess we have a lot in common." I lean in to kiss him as I start falling off the boat, I'm screaming. Alex grabs my hand and falls in with me. We're both soaking wet. We're both laughing. This is what it feels like to have true happiness, this is what it feels like to be in love.

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