Chapter 12: Let's Start Over

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After the whole fight, Blue and Error have been staying at Nightmare's mansion. Blue, because he couldn't face his brother right now without crying from both guilt and frustration. And Error, because Nightmare's gang all insisted he shouldn't stay in the Anti-VOID. There was also some people that said Error could stay in their AU, but Nightmare's gang argued with them and so here we are.

It was a sunny day in OverTale, and Error was planning to meet up with Dream despite the gang's begging to tag along excluding Nightmare. They still didn't trust Dream, Error realized. But he was his own person. They weren't going to hold him back, as much as he loved them. Because he was finally free.

"Oh, hello Error!" Dream said. Error jolted up, snapping out of his thoughts when he heard the guardian speak. "Oh sorry, did I startle ya?"

"A bIT, yEaH." Error responded. He walked over to Dream who was smiling widely, though Error recognized a hint of regret and worry in his eyes. He hummed a bit, before readjusting his scarf. "So, yOU plaNNed wHat wE'rE gOnnA do, riGht?"

"..Huh?! Oh yeah!" Dream beamed before swiping his hand across the air beside him. Before Error knew it, a portal of positivity made an opening to a FarmTale timeline where they reached the pacifist ending. "Let's go." He beckoned, before walking in.

Error hesitated, but he reminded himself that he needed to calm down. Gulping his fears down, he walked in with a newfound hope and confidence. It was time to start over, after all.

When they arrived, they had appeared in a peach section of the farms. Peaches of a creamy orange grew and sprouted on the trees, ready to be picked. And that's exactly what they were there for.

"So, wHY aRe We here?"

"To pick peaches, silly!" Dream said. He picked up a pair of conveniently placed empty baskets and handed one to Error. "FarmTale is one of my favorite AUs, other than OuterTale, of course."

Dream got two ladder and placed them against trees that were right next to each other. "YoU likE spAce Too?"

"Yeah. I've always been interested in astronomy. You know how you're supposed to wish upon a star? Stars hold the hopes and dreams of so many people, so it was natural for me to be attracted to the AU." He said starting to climb.

Error did the same. "Huh. I foRgOt abouT thAt. I nEvEr reAlly beLieved iN stuFf like tHat." He began plucking peaches and setting them into his basket.

"Same!" Dream exclaimed. He picked peaches one after another, resting them into his holder. "Honestly if not for the beliefs everyone put into it, I would've forgotten all about it."


"Yeah, really!" Dream said, looking a bit peeved but smiling nonetheless. "Everyone thinks, 'oh you're the almighty positivity god you should believe in this stuff.' And I'm like, one I'm not even a god, I'm a guardian get it right! And two, why should I put my beliefs in a freaking star?!"

Error chuckled. "NeVer tHougHt yoU weRe likE tHis."

"Well I'll have you know, being a guardian of literally every dream and hope there is, is very busy work; but that doesn't mean I don't have a social life or my own beliefs!"

Error snickered. "ReaLly? I'll be honest, I thOught you WerE A woRK-a-hOlic."

"Me?! I'm almost offended!" Dream said. Subconsciously, he's picked every peach in the tree and now he's just talking. "If anything, Ink's the work-a-holic!"

"Oh, tEll mE abOuT it. He LowkEy mAkEs fifty AUS on avErAge a dAy."

Dream finally noticed his tree was empty, and was now climbing down. Error did the same with his peach filled basket.

"BuT you knoW whO eLse Won'T sTOP workIng? NIGHTMARE!"

"I don't know what I even expect, the guy was always the serious one." Dream said.

"He's alwAyS in hIs RoOm fiLling pApErWoRk. LIKE, WHAT THE FUCK IS HE EVEN DOING?!"

Dream laughed with a snort. "Guess we both have our crap to deal with, huh?"

"YeP." Error said. "So, whAt do We Do witH thE frUit?"

"Farmer dude said to leave it at the barn after we take as many as we want." Dream said, gesturing for Error to follow him.

They walked on a trail to a red classic barn that wasn't too far. There was a few stacks of hay (I accidentally put gay) outside along with a fold up table. Dream took a peach and put the rest on the table. Error saw and imitated it, resting his basket next to Dream's.

"You're not gonna take any peaches?"

"NaH. I doN'T reAlLy need to eAt."

Dream's eyes widened, before they went back to normal. He lazily looked at Error before resting his hand on his head, sighing dramatically.

"I'm not even surprised at this point. But don't ya like to eat?"

"No. It'S a wAste of TimE." Error said. He really didn't see what was wrong. Sure he ate some Mexican food that Blue made him after the fight, and was forced to eat actually full meals by the gang, but he didn't really enjoy it.

"...You know what, fuck it. It's not my problem." Dream said with a huff. "Anyway, time for our next activity."

Dream raised his free hand and pointed at a large cliff. "You see the cliff? We're gonna go there."

"BuT whY?" Error raises a brow.

"Just trust me. It's beautiful." Dream said with a smile and giggle. Error sighed as Dream disappeared in a poof, leaving a trace of his magic lingering in the air. Error did the same, snapping his fingers and teleporting to the top of the cliff.

"See?" Dream said. He sat next to a tree that was right by the ledge.

Error sat next to Dream, turning his gaze to see a glowing golden sun descending into the sea of reflection. Colors of pinks and oranges began to spread, covering the blue hue that was there. Bird silhouettes of black flapped their wings as they soared across the colorful sky, wind gently blowing the ocean smell to the pair.

"Isn't it grand?" Dream said, his eyes twinkled.

"..yeAh. It iS."

Dream smiled with joy, looking at Error with eyes that said otherwise. Sadness still lingered.

"I understand if you're still reluctant and can't trust me. You're very brave for coming here with me. I'm, and I can't stress this enough, so sorry for what I and the others did. It's unforgivable-"

"HehE. Are yOu stIlL thInking AboUt THaT?"

Dream looked at Error's grinning face of mischief, chaos, and destruction.. yet kindness was written all over him.

"I forGavE You a LoNg TimE aGo. NonE oF You are To BLamE, buT thAnkS for uNderStanDing why i'M hEsitAnT."

Dream closed his eyes before looking at the now almost gone sun. "Heh. Yeah. But I have a favor."


"If you see Ink, tell him I wanna talk. Nothing bad, I just... need to talk things out. He's locked me out of his realm, and I haven't sensed him anywhere so.."

"Yeah, I wiLl."

"Thanks." Dream said, before opening a portal. "Now, let's continue, shall we?"

And the two spent the rest of their time exploring the multiverse, talking and laughing; sometimes even bumping into people and the judges.

It was time for anew.

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