Chapter 2: Why?

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The moment he stepped into the alternate universe, bones fired in his direction. He tried to step back into his portal, but was interrupted and stopped by the weapons. They were threw at his skeletal hands and feet and pierced through- pinning him to the walls of Waterfalls. His face turned to a shocked and fearful expression. His eye-lights darted around, only to find about a hundred of Sans' walking towards him. But he wouldn't go down without a fight.
Trying to forget about the army of copies going to torture him so he didn't look as scared as he was, he focused his strength on his hands. He pulled forward, bringing his wrists free. He let out a yelp of pain quietly, blood and bone marrow spilling out where the bones had stabbed him.
His attention turned to the approaching skeletons a little too late, seeing how he was punched in the stomach by his worst enemy. It hurt so much. Come to think of it, carrying that paintbrush around must've made him freakishly strong.
Error's sockets widened, coughing out crimson blood which spilled on his blue scarf. He shivered, feeling cold.
"Error. Your reign of terror ends here." Ink spat. The color in his eyes turned a bright red, indicating he was extremely frustrated with Error.
"W-wHAtEvEr yoU SAY, cReAToR.." He managed to cough out. He choked out more blood when he was jabbed in the stomach with the bottom of Ink's large paintbrush.
"LOOK AT ME, ERROR." Ink growled, clenching his fists. "OR ELSE YOU'LL GET HURT." He threatened.
Error hesitantly made his skull look up at Ink- an empty look in his eyes.
"Good." Ink stepped close to Error, making him flinch.
The dark skeleton tried to lift his arm up to summon his bright electric blue strings, but was met with a fist digging into his elbow.
"Don't." Ink demanded. Error was trying not to scream and cry at the sudden touch. He was panicking; and it was VERY clear who had the upper hand.
"WHaT d-D-Do yOu WAnT?" Error exhaled, letting his arm slide down the wall.
"Answers. You will obey, or else."
Error smiled weakly, "oR elSE WHaT? YOu cAN'T thReAtEn anD SCarE mE ANymoRE."
"Then I'll make you scared." Ink put his hand under Error's chin and lifted his head up, making their eyes lock into one another.
Error glitched violently, his eye-lights looking around for any sign of escape... barely any chances. The other Sans' had their weapon of choice out, ready to strike if he somehow made it pass Ink..
"Your game of genocide has gone on long enough, Error!" Dream said as he emerged from the army of Sans'.
Error wasn't really paying attention to Dream, as he was trying to figure out a way to leave. He could break out and quickly retreat to the Anti-void, but Ink would make them follow.
"You might act all tough, but soon enough you will be on your knees." A familiar figure said, as he too, emerged from the crowd. He had a coal black hood covering his head, with a large scythe. Death...
"It'S nOt lIKE I HaVeN'T hEaRd thAt bEFoRe.." Error mumbled, before getting a whack on the skull by Ink.
Perhaps he could take them all on? He's strong-... no, that wouldn't work.
"You'll answer our questions, understand?" Ink said while glaring at Error.
Error reluctantly nodded. "SURe... aRe You goIng to aSK AbOuT mY FavOrIte coLor?"
Death teleported beside Ink, his scythe hitting against the wall- just right beside Error's skull.
"Take this seriously, Error..." Death growled.
Error would've rolled his eyes, but he wasn't in the mood to get hit again; even if he had a high pain resistance, it still hurt.
Ink smiled to have him at his mercy... at least.. that's what he thought. The creative skeleton pulled the bones out of Error's legs roughly, making the destroyer fall forward. He allowed it, but was then violently kicked by Ink.
"Get up. You look pathetic." Ink said.
Error stared, before getting up with only a bit trouble. A few skeletons floated over, only to stop above Error and Ink, ready to attack if Error tried to escape.
"Now..." Ink began.

"Why do you REALLY destroy, Error?"


this isn't as long as I wanted it to be, since I wanted it to be 1000 words but that's ok. uhhh, excuse my horrid writing lol
anyway, just wanna say- I didn't think people would actually like this?? like?? GYAsydgfgDTZ
I be like- banana.exe broke noises
but uh thanks for watching and don't forget to SMASH that like button for another episode of...
I woke up and wrote a story and called evil Santa! (3 am challenge) (GONE WRONG?) (GONE SEXUAL!)

803 words~

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