Chapter 4: Sleepless Nights Will Soon Burn (2)

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Blue could only watch in horror as Ink launched endless amounts of attacks at his best friend. Error yelled, he begged, he SCREAMED for mercy as he was ripped apart. Blood splattered everywhere, mixing with chemical fluids and other substances.

"PLEASE! S T O P ." Error screeched as he sobbed and cried. Flurries of weapons were thrown at him, bones, paints, you name it..

Blue tried to make Ink stop, but was pulled away by Stretch. Tears streamed down his cheekbones like waterfalls, uncontrollable sobs being choked out.

"LET ME GO!" He pulled away, but the tall skeleton's grip on him remained strong.

Chaos spread around like wildfire. Mocking, laughter, cries of grief, and unfair yells of judgement was thrown around carelessly. Why would they care anyway? This was Error. A destroyer. A sadist himself. The equivalent of a DEMON. He was a mistake, anyway. His name even said it, he's a glit-


The beating stopped for a moment, but the pain still stung horribly. Error whimpered at the rugged, frustrated loud voice. Had another joined to taunt him? To HURT him?

"B-brother!.." A stuttering voice called out.

Error couldn't see due to appearing errors that clouded his sight, but he could easily recognize that voice. It was Dream. Wait, he said brother, didn't he?.. Which means.. the voice before was...

"YOU LOST THE RIGHT TO CALL ME BROTHER, DREAM." Nightmare hissed. He sharpened his tentacles angrily, others walking behind him. Dust, Horror, Killer, and Cross got into a position, pulling their weapons of choice out.

What happened next was a blur to Error for a while, his head was aching and basically everything else was too. But he could recall what had happened in his short daze of pain slightly. Though, it was vague... but that doesn't matter, does it? After all, what happened is what we should focus on for now.

Nightmare rushed towards Ink, a wicked grin stretching from each of his goopy cheeks. It only grew in size when he drilled a tentacle in Ink's arm, too. Gasps and screams of terror erupted from the crowd as they watched Nightmare slowly wrap his tentacles around a struggling Ink, each face turning into one of absolute horror. Speaking of Horror, the skeleton was currently terrorizing Dream alongside Cross.

Cross was slashing away with his long knife, while Horror was swinging at his head with an axe. Dream huffed, exhausted of dodging their weapons. He glanced over, realizing he should be helping Ink. He tried to run towards his teammate, but was stopped by a large knife to his neck. He was shaking in fear by now, his eyelights darting around in his sockets until he found his tormentors. Horror was staring into his eyes with a cold stare, while Cross was breathing heavily with anger- trying to hold himself back from pushing the weapon any further to damage Dream...

Killer and Dust were fighting off an angry and infuriated Stretch, who had unknowingly let go of his petite brother. Killer narrowed his sockets in anger, before summoning a sharp bone in each of his hands. Dust's eye seemed to light up with purple, the visual of the glow similar to fire. They summoned their attacks, and began to rush Stretch with them; they made sure to avoid harming Blue, which Stretch had irritably not noticed.

Chaos. Everyone else was either getting ready to join the fights, cowering into small hiding spots, or just staring at the scene. Error, however, didn't seem to be remembered behind all this armageddon. I wonder, what is that glitch doing? Let's get a closer look..

The monochrome child looked at the shivering glitch in curiosity and sympathy. They knelt down, before holding their hand out to him. Error flinched, wondering what the child would do. Had they somehow turned the all seeing Frisk against him?
No, they hadn't. Core Frisk's lifeless eyes met his scarred sockets; them smiling to him. They then rested their palm on his tear-stained cheek, caressing it. He tried to move away at the touch in fear, but he began to like it.

"I am so, so sorry, Error." They suddenly broke into tears, wrapping their arms around his aching body. They gently pulled him closer, making Error wince in pain. Core sobbed quietly. How could they be so cruel? They didn't do anything, even when they knew what was going on! Why.. just because they believed he'd meet a good ending? Even if he did, he put up with so much pain already! It'd be pointless..

The words that Error managed to choke out made Core cry harder, and even more concerned at that. "It's aLrIghT fRisk." He said weakly, managing to lift his hand up. He moved a strand of grey hair behind Core's ear, and smiled. "YoU havE youR reASons.."

Error coughed out blood and startled Core. The child tightened their grip slightly, humming a quiet song to Error.

"When the light is running low..

And the shadows start to grow..

And the places that you know..

Seem like fantasy.

There's a light inside your SOUL.."

Error closed his sockets, enjoying the comfort and kind gesture. Making sure Error had gotten himself calmed down, Core extended an arm to their right; a grey portal appeared, leading to what seemed to be a garden...

'I can't do anything for you, Error, other than get you comfortable with your duty.. but perhaps..

Perhaps, it was meant to be this way...

Life really is cruel, isn't it?
I'll try my best, but...

Bandaids can't fix bulletholes.'


——— A/N




anyway this chapter was like really fun to make, mostly because I LOVE core frisk. they're like really cool tbh??

also, if any of you aren't that familiar with core frisk and are confused why they are addressed as 'frisk' by error, that's because being a frisk is all they have left before they became core. People will start calling them core when the other frisks come around, but when it's just them, then they're addressed as frisk

I doubt not many of you guys heard of that, but eh just in case. ^

anyways, a little info on this core!

core knows about fate and destiny, but doesn't know as much as error. core one time spoke directly to destiny, and wasn't given much info about her and the Gods.

I might write about their encounter in my one shot book, so uh yea.

anyways, this core also has a strong belief that the out-codes shouldn't have ever dragged the others into their 'petty' fight, as core describes it. and will try to help error, BUT they'll randomly appear, and won't be around often since they don't want to be caught in the crossfire.

this core is also pacifistic,and will only draw their weapons on someone who acts on harming them extremely.

they are also one of the strongest beings in the multi-verse, (ink being 1st, error 2nd, and core 3rd)

okay, that's all. I was going to write more about this core, but it'd be so long lol. core and ink are my favorite fanmade characters, so uhh yeah ex dee.


1222 words (including A/N)

P.S, thanks for reading and sorry for not writing this sooner. had a lot on my hands, but it's cool now. gonna update again soon, I really wanna write the fight scenes.

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