Chapter 7: I've Got a Question for Ya..

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Error walked towards the mangled body of the artist, Ink looking up with wide eye sockets. Ink seemed surprised at first, but his look slowly calmed, showing irritation and annoyance. He grumbled words into his blue and black sleeve, his ever changing eye-lights looking down. Error sighed, squatting down next to Ink.

"Look, yOu don't hAve to believe me. That's Not whY I'm here."

"Then what? You came here to pity me, destroyer? Happy you got the upper hand? End me Error." Ink looked up and spat, wincing in pain. His snarky attitude may end up being the death of him one day, but Error just chuckled.

"Ink.. I thInk we bOth know whY I can't do thAt even if I waNted to."

Ink looked at him curiously, before his eyes widened in surprise once again.

"I don't know what y-you're talking about." Ink stuttered, trying to keep his tough guy act up.

"I've knOwn sInce ouR first fIght, it was inEvitAble, yOu knOW?"

Ink fought his body's protests against it, forcing himself to stand on his scarred legs. He grunted quietly, the process taking a bit longer than it should've. He glared at Error, who was waiting patiently and smirking.

"Why then?"

"I haVe no Idea WhAt you'Re taLkIng about." Error was checking out his bandaged fingers, a quiet hum escaping his skull.

"Why haven't you told anyone yet? If what you said was t-true.." Ink's voice started breaking, colorful and translucent tears forming at the edges of his sockets. "Then.."

Error stared, a sigh escaping his nonexistent lips as Ink finished his sentence.

"THEN WHY DON'T YOU HATE ME?!" Ink yelled out, the tears now streaming down his cheeks.

His noise levels gained the attention of everyone around. For a second, the chaos ceased. Not a sound was heard other than the heavy breathing and gasps. Error looked sadly at the petite skeleton, before chuckling with no humor. His eyes gazed around at every face. His look hardened, staring into every SOUL full of judgement.

Eventually, a brave skeleton stepped forward. His red scarf blew in the snowy wind, the crimson blood spilling from his permanent wounds.

"What you said was true, wasn't it?" His voice was full of seriousness, lined with guilt. His face said otherwise, though. Blue tears stained his cheeks, more spilling out and not giving it the chance to dry.

Error's just chuckles became more maniacal, still no humor, but was full with.. something else.

"O-O-Oh god.. aha.." The bleeding skeleton's skeletal hands reached to his crying face, not even trying to wipe his tears. "OH GOD.." He shook violently, mumbles of apologies slipping out his mouth.

Every face started trembling, sorrow growing greatly in the atmosphere.

The negativity king's magic started growing in strength, but he found himself in his passive form, tears streaming out of his sockets too. He gently pat his comrade's back, trying to comfort them.

"Ah.. ahaha.."

Skulls looked up at the now laughing skeleton.


Error clenched his stomach, Ink stumbling back in fear and terror. The glitching skeleton's aura blazed with determination. Hope, and such a broken dream.


The broken laughter sent a shiver down everyone's spines. Even Nightmare's, who was now back in his goopy form. The glitching skeleton summoned a sharp bone, calling his tied up SOUL out.

The SOUL's negativity and positivity clashed together. So determined, hopeful.. yet so.. disappointed, hopeless, and hateful. Such counterpointed things; an absolute contradiction!

"Error?.. what's gotten into you?" A small figure asked and walked out of the crowd, with golden gloves slipped onto his wrists. His shining crown glistened, his aura fighting with the dark atmosphere of the situation.

Error looked up, his eyes narrowed at the opposer. He seemed thoughtful and calm for a moment, but it faltered when his twisted grin grew wider.

"Well, let me ask you a much better question, little Dreamie." His voice came out deep and smooth, the glitching and random tone change ceasing.

"Do you want to face reality and have a bad time?"

The words stung Dream's apple-like SOUL as if they were knives.

Dream swallowed, before nodding. "Please, just answer me.."

Error chuckled darkly, before obeying.

"Well, let me just ask you a few things before I do. Unless they already answer your questions, alright?"

He didn't seem to be seeking for an actual sign for consent, because he continued before Dream could object. His voice was filled with venom when he spoke, not to mention the questions seemed to be thoughtful, which was terrifying...

"You all look at me with that face, I can tell what you're thinking.. but please, am I REALLY the one who deserves to be pitied here?"

"I had a motive to destroy, but what was yours? To protect your brother? To seem heroic? Pfft, if it truly was to stop all the pain, then you should've listened to all the signs.."

"In the genocide routes, you all speak from the heart.. but have you really thought about it? Is love and LV that different, to be true?"

His final question struck them all in the SOUL

. . .

"Were you all the protectors and judges, or just the blind followers of a SOULless man?"

—- A/N

ANNDD cliffhanger >:D

I hope you guys like this chapter because I loved writing it

this error is really motivated, just hates himself and had low confidence

: ) don't forget to drop a favorite and comment if you liked this

922 words including a/n

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