Chapter 5: A Foolish Squid V.S. A Ready Octopus

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Blood sputtered out of Ink's shoulder, causing him to wince. He could hear gasps from the spectators. He scoffed, seeing some trying to cower away. The artist wasn't expecting backup, but trying to hide is pathetic. He jumped up, wielding his giant paintbrush. Tentacles shot up and tried to slither their way around his legs, but Ink reacted quickly and threw red paint on them.

It burned Nightmare's tentacles and while he didn't seem to mind, it distracted him for a second. Ink charged at Nightmare, purple paint covering the tips of his brush. Luckily, the negativity god managed to teleport just in time to avoid the magic resistant chains. Both growled, and began their duel of back and forth attacks. Ink's were quick, yet weak. Nightmare's were strong, but could never land his hits on the creator.

Ink's eyelights turned an even darker crimson than before, forming a triangle and a small target. Swinging his brush with all his might, he managed to splash some orange paint on Nightmare. It caused the destroyer's ally to regurgitate whatever he had eaten that morning. With a wicked grin, Ink was convinced he had the upper hand; oh but he was wrong. He let his guard down for a second, and two tentacles grabbed his arms and let him dangle in the air.

By now, both were exhausted, but Nightmare was radiating HATRED and JUSTICE.


Nightmare yelled with fury. His tentacles twisted Ink's wrists, fracturing the bone. He yelled out in utter pain. Nightmare wanted justice for what they did to Error. The words they had ignored... He slammed Ink into the ground twice, a sadistic look in his eyes as he watched the other struggle in pain.

Nightmare laughed, before dropping the colorful skeleton. Most of Ink's bones were fractured or broken, and scarred with bruises and scratches. He looked as if he'd been through hell and back; which, in a way, I guess he did. But did Nightmare care and have sympathy? No.

'He deserved every last drop of pain that stings him.' He thought.

The goopy skeleton calmed his laughter and squat down beside Ink's sprawled out body.

"Maybe you should've listened, squid." He whispered, kicking at Ink. He then turned around, looking at the new opposing enemies with sadicy written all over his face. "Now, who's next?~"

A determined looking UnderFell! Sans and ReaperTale! Sans glared, their bad time mode activated.

Core watched in horror and worry as Error forced himself up.

"Y-You can't be serious, Error! You are in no condition to be fighting! What are you do-"

Error cracked his knuckles, sighing. "I'm stilL a Sans and a JudGe, Frisk. A destRoyer, too. So whaT if I got a fEw scratchES and cuts? I've eNDured worse. I hAve tO keEp gOinG."

"But Error, you need to be healed by Life-"

"I'm fIne. I'll heal lAter. I prOmise."

Core looked on with doubt, but nodded nervously. "Just.. be careful, please. I made a promise to someone long ago that you would always stay.. Determined."

Error chuckled and nodded weakly. Half his wounds had been healed slightly, but it still hurt.

"I aM noT gOing tO lEt theM break my SpiRit just beCause of their UNFAIR JUDGEMENT..."


you know the story is about to finally start when the title bomb is dropped.
anyway I'm like.. just trying to pass the time it's like 12:10 or something I don't know.

I can't sleep so I made a short chapter. hope it satisfies you guys for now. might make another chapter tomorrow, dunno.

banana yeets out ✌️

608 words including a/n

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