Chapter 3: Ugly Truths

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"Why do you REALLY destroy, Error?"


These words sent a tingle to Error's sorry excuse of a soul. Should he tell them all at once? It might overwhelm them; or worse, be too unbelievable for them. The last thing he'd want is for the creator and his possé to hate him even more- if it was possible, at least.

"Answer me, Error." Ink said with a low growl. His paint brush was in his hand, ready for the moment to strike.
"YoU miGht NoT BeLieVe mE." Error said with a shrug, which Reaper reacted with a kick in Error's shin. He groaned quietly with pain, mumbling a curse before sending a look at Reaper. Reaper smiled. And not the good kind of smile- the smile you give when you have the upper hand.
"Best answer him~" Reaper purred sadistically, finding slight joy in seeing Error so helpless after what he did.
"We don't have all day, Error. Whether we believe you or not, doesn't matter right now." Dream said. Error didn't notice it at first, but Underswap Sans, Blue, was being held back in the crowd by his brother.
Error sighed, sending a smile to Blue- or well, attempting to. He then looked at Dream. "FiNe.." Error looked away, before staring Ink in the eyes.

"What?" Ink said. He stared back.

"NoThinG." Error began. "NoW, thE reAsOn WhY I DesTRoY iS bEcAuSE thE muLti-vErSe Will eIThER ColLApsE cOmpLetEly oR kEep DesTRoyInG rAnDomlY iF iT's FiLled with AU's. EiTheR wAy sOMEoNE WoUld dIE. If I DeSTRoY, tHEn At LeAsT tHe oRiGiNAL AU'S aLonG WIth OthEr AU's wIlL RemAiN. FATE, thE OnE Who MAdE tHe MulTi-VersE, yOu, aNd Me, mADE It WiTh limItED SpAcE. ShE FoRCed ME intO bEInG thE oNE whO hAS To clEAn Up YouR mESS. If yOu ThInk I'm At fAuLt, thEN FiNe. BuT jUst knOW; tHeRe's a bAlAncE AnD AlwAyS hAs bEeN. I jUSt GoT thE uNlUcKy SiDe oF ThE bAlAnCE."
Ink squinted, not believing a word that spilled from this glitch's mouth.
"Prove it."
Error just chuckled darkly. "I cAn, bUt WiTh TImE. IF yoU DoN'T bELIeVE mE riGht AwAy, It'S unDerStANDabLE. BuT dOn'T kEep ASkInG WhY I DesTRoY. ThAt's ThE TRuTh, so dOn'T coMe to mE WheN It cRumBlEs To NoThiNG." He spat.

Error glared, truth filling his multicolored eyes. The judges quietly debated to themselves, wondering if it was true. Were they really the ones at fault? A few looked at the weakened skeleton.

They were the judges.
They were supposed to know.

Nobody spoke. Reaper looked at the pitiful skeleton before him. He looked at every crack that grew on Error- every intricate detail. Each one told a story. Like a soldier coming back to war, he seemed scarred; traumatized even. Reaper focused his eyes on Error's face. His eyes widened, and he regained his composure after the surprise he had from what he saw. Error had an all too familiar expression. Error was suicidal. Error wanted death.

Ink blinked. At first the artist didn't know what to say, but then he felt something. A feeling he had never felt before. His hands silently brushed over his colorful vials. He tried to identify the feeling inside of him. The sight of Error looking so.. broken. He looked away- not wanting to deal with this new emotion. It filled him with large amounts of pity and shame.

The negativity that followed Error in his wake like his shadow, was so strong. This is a man who's caused chaos and mass destruction for his entertainment, or so they thought. Dream recognized the feelings that radiated off of the abused skeleton. Hatred, sadness, and the worst. Hopelessness.

Classic, the original Sans, had empty sockets. He hadn't judged him fairly. The skeleton had always followed Ink; despite the lack of logic Ink had. He questioned him, but never disobeyed. He pulled his hood over his skull, looking down. The edges of his sockets quickly filled with tears. How could he have been so blind with anger?

A certain Underswap brother, known as Stretch among the other AU variations, was just standing. He didn't believe this shit. Actually, let me correct myself. He didn't want to believe this shit. He didn't want Error to take his brother away again. He didn't want his brother to even be associated with this bullshit in the first place! Stretch clenched his skeletal fists, fighting the tears that wanted to break free. Stretch didn't want this. He never wanted it; he just wanted everything to go back to how it was in the past.

Though hidden in the crowd of Sans', behind this pitiful sight, was another swapped brother. Blue, he called himself. The monster shook in anger. He had ran from his brother and hid behind a few judges. He wanted to go and help Error. He really did, but Blue knew better. The glitch had sent him a reassuring smile- or at least, what he thought it was. Blue, despite being his best friend, never made him truly smile. But now? That could change. Blue was being wise, and waited with patience. Error needed this moment, despite how dangerous it was. And not only did Error need it, but so did Blue. He needed proof. Proof he could protect himself. This was just a step closer to being able to shatter his own prison; his mask.


Ok so like I have 500+ reads for some reason and I'm just— MHHCgFGFYGJB THANK YOU
also sorry this was really short, like, WAY too short.
I was procrastinating, which is entirely my fault, so have this.

I wanted to dedicate this chapter to some of the character's thoughts.
I,,,, may have gone overboard with blue's thoughts. Hehe, whoops—

But anyway, thanks. I really appreciate it, and I know I'm overreacting because it's not 1000 reads or whatever but I actually didn't think ppl would like this..

but whatever. I have my plan ready to DESTROY SOME SHIPS! MWAHAHAHA. be warned, ;)

anyway. banana yeets out!

1004 words including A/N

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