Chapter 1

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Frank's p.o.v:
After waving my parents goodbye for what seemed like the 100th time today, I departed and retrieved my new dorm key. I decided to come a few days earlier than we were supposed to arrive just to settle in a bit before the term started and I'd have to go through all the stress of meeting new people and actually figuring out where I'm going on campus. Briskly, jangling my key as I walked, I arrived at the dorm room. I was in no.43 on the first floor just down the corridor from the entrance of the dorm block. Not sure of what to expect, I inserted the key and turned it until I heard a soft click, revealing my dorm room.

The dorm was fairly simple and contained all the necessities I would need. Upon walking in, there is was a short hallway lined with shelves, ornaments and pegs to hang jackets on. Perfect considering the amount of jackets I own. At the end of the hallway stood a welcoming living room area with a large TV and a sofa with an armchair on its left side, nearest the wall and the small window with a table in front of the chairs. The window itself gave little view as it was staring straight into the leaves of a tree but it provided some light so it was good enough for me. To the left of the hallway, there was a Small kitchen with a couple cabinets, a microwave, small oven, little work surface area and of course; the kitchen sink. The right led into a small bathroom containing a toilet, one of those bath and shower thingies combined together and a little sink directly in front of a large mirror that pretty much covered the entire wall. Lastly, just past the kitchen stood another hallway with 2 doors at either side, assuming these were the bedrooms, I waltzed in looking to claim the better room before other people got there only to find out that much to my disappointment, they were both identical. In each room there is a bed near the window, a built in wardrobe, a small desk next to the bed and a whole wall of empty space ready to fill with posters from my favourite bands. I decided to claim the right one because why not.


After dumping my stuff on the bed in my new room and exploring campus, it was late and I was starving having had only breakfast today. Slipping my phone out of my pocket and opening google maps, I found a nearby pizza place so got a large Hawaiian pizza to deliver (because pineapple belongs on pizza) and started walking back to my dorm room. I arrived back within 15 mins which was perfectly timed as the guy delivering the pizza arrived just a couple minutes after I got back. Huge pizza infront of me and an empty stomach, I devoured half of it within 10 mins before deciding I should maybe slow down and enjoy it a bit more. I walked over to the fridge for a dr pepper only to remember there was obviously not going to be anything in it so redirected my path to the kitchen sink to grab a glass of water. I probably should've gone out to buy something but I can't be bothered now so I guess that's a job for tomorrow.

Plopping down on the sofa, the rest of the afternoon pretty much consisted of me watching this weird documentary about aliens (which was actually pretty interesting) that came on when I turned the TV on and leaving all but 1 slice of pizza uneaten. It was tempting but if I ate it, there would be no breakfast for tomorrow because my dumb ass didn't pack any food whatsoever. I placed the remaining pizza in the fridge for tomorrow and trudged back over to the sofa to finish the documentary. About 5 mins after doing this, however, my eyes started their battle with sleep and within a minute I had fully lost consciousness.


Gerard's p.o.v:
Tiredly, I rubbed my eyes and pretty much obliterated my alarm clock for another 5 minutes of sleep. Why I had to wake up so damn early was beyond me especially after the huge goodbye ceremony my family held for me yesterday. My parents were both still asleep yet I was told yesterday that I had to leave now to get there on time even though there literally is no rush to get there except having time to unpack and maybe explore the college and the closest town. Slinging my body off the bed, I chucked my alarm across the room before getting up to get ready.

I. Am. Not. A. Morning. Person.

Walking over to my bathroom, I quickly brushed my teeth and splashed my face with water before applying a thin layer of eyeliner and smudging it slightly. My mid-length black hair seemed to have fell into place so I just smoothed it down a bit with my hands. The last thing I can be bothered to do is go through all the packed things for a brush. Walking to my wardrobe, I pulled out a black shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans and slid them on. I grabbed my phone to check quickly and saw a text from Mikey telling me to have a safe trip and that he was sorry he couldn't say goodbye this morning because he was staying at Pete's house again. As per usual, I swear those two have something going on. I texted him back telling him it was fine and I'd talk to him later before sliding the phone into my pocket, grabbing my bags and going downstairs. While downstairs, I deposited my bags by the door and slid my leather jacket on before collecting the pastry my mom had left for me and a bottle of Pepsi from the fridge. God I'd feel almost naked without a jacket. I scooped my keys up from the dish by the door and hoisted my bags on my back before turning and mentally saying goodbye to the house. I'm going to miss home.

I got into my red car parked on the drive and pulled up google maps plotting the route to the college. It was 1 and a half hours away, meaning I'd arrive at 7:36 if my phone wasn't lying to me. Pulling out of the driveway, I set off to the college, mind flooded with thoughts of how it was going to be. How would I cope? What would it be like here? Shaking myself out of my mind, I turned on the radio which was playing green day and helped calm me down a bit.

Before long, I had arrived at campus and parked my car in one of the spaces round the back. I shoved my pastry in my mouth and drank my pepsi, chucking the wrappers on the back seat and heading to the reception after locking my car. I decided to arrive a few days before classes started to avoid being too lost on the first day and so there would be some time to settle into my dorm. The receptionist took my name and handed me the key to my new dorm, telling me it was on the first floor and just down the corridor from the entrance of the dorm block. Shoving my key in my jacket pocket, I made my way to my new home, arriving and checking one last time that I was at the right room. Room 43, I confirmed before unlocking the door and scanning the apartment only to find that there was someone already here. That someone just happened to be sprawled across the sofa infront of me. That someone happened to have perfect, long, dark hair swept to one side, the sides short and bleach blonde. That someone's face looked so calm and peaceful, their lips a perfect shade of pink. This person looked so perfect and... cute?

Oh god I did not just think that. Goddamnit I think I might like him. Good going Gerard, you've been in the building a total of 5 minutes and somehow already managed to become some sort of perv. This is going to be fun.

author's note:
So yeah there's the first chapter of my Frerard book I decided to write. I hope you enjoyed it whoever you may be reading this! This is based off a really weird but awesome dream I had so yee. The actual part with the dream in will be Frank's dreams that he gets later on in this book. Thanks to my fren Amanda for giving me the idea to make this and I hope you like it! Now let's hope i'll actually update this but for now, drink ur wudder, eat ur vegetables and don't die!

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