Chapter 2

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Gerard's p.o.v:
Finally averting my gaze from the beautiful- I mean from the boy Infront of me, I decided to explore the dorm a bit. I looked around all the rooms finding that he had taken the one on the right which left me with the left one. After about 10 mins pretty much every corner had been searched in the dorm leaving only the boy's room untouched. Concluding there was nothing else worth doing, I took my phone out of my pocket to tell everyone I'd arrived safely and decided to turn the TV on, sitting on the armchair next to the sleeping beaut- I MEAN BOY. To my surprise, supernatural came on which is my favourite TV show. I flicked through the short description the TV gave me and quickly realised it was one of my favourite episodes which was probably the luckiest thing that's happened to me in week(e)s.

The only thing was, I couldn't bring my thoughts away from that boy sleeping so peacefully just a metre away and kept finding myself staring at him. I swear to god I have an actual problem. Never have I been so interested in someone that not only have I never spoken to but also don't know anything about other than the fact I apparently live with him now.

Suddenly a loud scream from the TV flug itself through the air and made me jump, interrupting my thoughts and waking the boy up. It was Dean screaming at a cat that had just popped out of a locker, I knew just by the sound and the sheer amount of times I had watched this episode. The boy Jolted up with the noise, looking around and seeing the TV being the source of the noise and me just staring at him awkwardly, a confused look plastered on his face. I watched as his look of confusion slowly morphed into panic and he fled a whole 30cm to the opposite side of the sofa.

"W-who are you?!" He asked slowly getting up to edge further away from where I was sitting. A small blush dusted my cheeks as he did this, I don't even know why.

"Uh I'm Gerard, I'm pretty sure I'm your new roommate. Uhm sorry for scaring you, I probably should've woken you up," I was now staring at the floor. I could feel myself starting to lose it, anxiety taking over as my composure I've tried to put on for the 'new start' rapidly crumbles away. "I  would've woken you up I swear you just looked so tired and I thought I'd let you sleep I'm sorry please don't ha-" I was silenced by the touch of the boy's hand on my shoulder and taken aback slightly. When did he get this close? I could feel my heart start to speed up in my chest and a the blush from earlier crept back onto my cheeks, glancing up at him but quickly shooting my eyes back to the floor.

"Hey chill out a little." He said through what I could tell was a smile. "I'm Frank Iero by the way, nice to meet you Gee"

Damn this guy has a weird name I wonder where Iero came from WAIT. Did he just call me Gee?
"Gee?" I said pretty blankly.

"O-oh would you prefer me to call you by your full name?" He asked clearly a little flustered.

"Nah it's fine it has a nice ring to it! You can call me whatever as long as I can call you something too." I said with a small grin on my face, giggling at how he got so easily worked up. He tilted his head like a puppy waiting to get his new nickname and I set off into my mind to find something appropriate. It has to be perfect, I want it to reflect him in a way. Maybe frankster? No that's dumb as hell it has to be cuter. My face lit up, thinking of the perfect name.

"How about Frankie?" I say, eagerly holding my breath waiting for a response.

"Sure!" He replied with a warm smile before walking into the kitchen and realising the goddamn door wasn't fully closed from my entrance earlier so he pushed it shut.

I watched Frank silently as he got the slice of pizza out of the fridge and shoved it in his mouth in the kitchen. This gives me time to think again which is probably one of my favourite activities alongside drawing and making music. Why do I get so flustered around him?  My mind leaps onto its thought train, still staring at Frank. You think I'd learn from the last time I did this that the outcome was bad but nope. How someone could look this good after they just woke up I have no idea. I wonder if I'll ever get to be proper friends with him. I wonder if he likes the same things I do...


Frank's p.o.v:
Getting the pizza out of the fridge and shoving it in my mouth, I began my search for a Dr pepper only to remember, I still haven't bought any. Ugh water is so bland and boring I need some Dr pepper and I need it soon. I turn around to see none other than Gerard staring at me so an idea pops into my head. I should take Gee shopping with me and maybe we could get to know each other a bit better on the way.

"Hey Gee," I say, finally taking the bite out of the dangling pizza that has been attached to my mouth for the past minute as I explored the kitchen. "Wanna go to town with me or something? I really need to do some shopping, we literally have nothing and I also kinda wanna explore a bit before the term starts."

I can tell I look hopeful without even seeing myself, maybe I come across as desperate. I don't know anymore I just really have the urge to be friends with this guy for some reason.

"Oh...Um yeah sure Frankie," He replied, me cutting him out of whatever he was thinking about. "I could go for a Dunn bros actually. Maybe an iced coffee OR A TEA!" I watch as he just casually becomes one of the most beautiful things on the planet for a coffee shop.

"Someone's enthusiastic about their beverages." I say, a huge grin spreading across my face as he goes bright red from- well probably embarrassment.


I finish the rest of my pizza (without drinking because tap water sucks) and tell Gerard I'd be ready after I had a shower and got dressed. After my shower, I threw on a pair of black ripped jeans and a my favourite blink-182 shirt along with a navy blue hoodie. Drying my hair, I walk out into the living room, seeing Gee on his phone on the sofa completely oblivious to his surroundings. As quietly as I possibly could, I jumped on him, plopping next to him on the sofa and earning an irritated 'what was that for?!' which was actually pretty cute.

"Welp ready to go?" I say still pretty amused by my successful jump scare.

"Mhm, I'll drive us." He says, still pretty pissed by his tone. "Nice shirt by the way, jerk." He retorts, I guess this is payback. I nod and we both stand up in unison and head to the door. I actually couldn't wait to spend the day together and get to know him better. I grabbed my keys and slid them in my hoodie pocket before joining Gerard who was waiting outside with his keys, ready to lock the goddamn door after me. I wonder if we're going to get along as roommates. I wonder if Gee likes the same sorta things I do. I wonder what the future holds for us.

Authors note:
Mkay so that took waaay longer than expected but I still got it out and it's only 7 mins past 12 so BOOM IN UR FACE AMANDA.  I hope anybody that if you're reading this, you've enjoyed this chapter and I'll be on chapter 3 soon (I promise)! Remember to eat Ur vegetables, not be Frank and drink Ur wudder and don't die, baiiii vros.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2019 ⏰

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