Chapter 1: Another Day

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Just a quick note so you don't get confused:

Just italic wording: whoevers POV is thinking

Just underlined: somebody's speaking

All: Author is speaking

*Words in these little symbols* : An action

Underlined and italics: Changing POV, Setting change, OR Time skip

That's all for now, ON TO DE BOOK!

Bryan's POV:

"Ughhhh, I hate the rain!", I remarked to myself as I jogged through the rain to get to the pizzaria. I then thought to myself, "Ok, just keep the hood up and keep your head hidden." I then sighed and proceeded to jog to the pizzaria.

Once he got there.

"Finally, here," I mumbled while catching my breath. "Somebody doesn't like the rain, hello Bryan." Molten said, greeting me. "Hello, Molten," I said. I proceeded to swipe my keycard and go inside. "Hi guys!" I exclaimed happily. "Hey Bryan!" I was greeted by Baby and Springbonnie. "Are you two the only ones online today?" I asked. "Right now, yes," Baby replied. "Also, why do you have your hood up?" "O-Oh! U-Ummm, can I choose not to say?" I replied, immediately knowing what she would say. "Bryan, are you hiding something?" She said. *gulp* "Whhaaaaatttttt, n-no, why would I h-hide something f-from you guys?" "Are you sure?" She said. "I-I'm sure..." I said. "Hmmmm, ok then." She said. "That could have ended VERY badly!" I thought. Just as that conversation ended, I heard something, it sounded like more animatronics were turning on! Then Rockstar Foxy and Lefty came online. "Hello!" Lefty said. "Hi Bryan." Foxy said. "Hello!" I greeted them. I went over to the stage and we all started talking. A few minutes later Ballora came out of the arcade area. "Hello!" She said happily. "Hello Ballora!" I said. "Hi, mom!" Baby said. "Hello," the others said. "Alright," I said, "who wants to play minigames!" "ME!!!" They all said. "Alright, let's go then!" I said. "I just hope I still have my hood up when we get into minigames..." I thought. "Or else this isn't going to end very well for me..."

Baby's POV:

"Bryan's acting off, I wonder what's wrong with him. Hmmmmm..." I thought to myself as we were heading to the portal room. "I think he's hiding something from us, but what?"

Bryan's POV:

"She thinks something's up, I just hope they don't find out what I really am, or see the scar." I thought as we went to the portal. Of course Molten was there waiting for us. "Are you tagging along today?" I asked, annoyed. "I guess." He replied. "Greeeaaaattttt," I said. "Anway let's go. Ready, 3......2......1..GO!" We all jumped into the pitch black portal.

In Minigames:

I could tell we were in murder mystery... and I was the murderer. I quickly pulled out my sword and threw it at Baby. "AHH!!" She screamed. "Welp, Baby's dead." Molten said. "Did you see who did it?" "N-No, I-I think they threw i-it at me f-from behind," She responded. Then the game went silent, I haven't spoken a single word all round. I then saw a fox trying to hide. I went into a sort of hiding place as well, then I threw the sword right at him. "AH!" he screamed. "AAAnnnddd there goes another one." Molten said. "Did you see who did it?" "N-Nope." he replied. The round went on, I had killed all of them except Molten and none of them saw me when I got them. "Heheheheh," I laughed.

Molten's POV:

"How is he doing so good at being killer, i-is he laughing now!?" I thought. This is the first time I'm actually scared of him. Seriously, HOW IS HE SO GOOD ALL OF A SUDDEN!? Then I felt myself get stabbed in the back... "HAHAHA!" Bryan laughed. "I WIN!" "WE'RE GOING BACK TO THE PIZZARIA!!" I yelled. Then everything went black for a moment.

Back at the pizzaria & Bryan's POV:

I hit the wall, Baby landed on top of Ballora, Springbonnie landed next to them, Rockstar Foxy and Molten landed on their feet, Lefty landed sitting on the floor next to the door. "Owwww!" I said. "Since when were you that good at being murderer!?" Molten exclaimed. "Eh, let's just say I've been getting better at it." I said. "One question though, WHY DID I GET THROWN INTO THE WALL!?" "Oh, uh, I dunno I guess you're just the unlucky one?" Molten replied. "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO ME-" I got cut off by my phone, it started ringing. I look at the caller ID, "Justin". "Why's he calling me? He knows I'm at work." I thought. "I've got to take this." I said while walking out of the portal room. "Yeah?" I answered my phone as I walked out of the pizzaria. "Hey, Bryan!" Justin said.  "Hey! Soo, why are you calling me at work...?" I asked. "Oh! Right! Sorry, these three won't stop bugging me about this!" Justin replied. "These three?" I questioned. "Oh, heh yea, Jubper, Kat, and Cam." He said. "Annnndd, this involves me, how?" I asked, a bit confused at why he was calling me at work, just because the girls and Jubper are bugging him. "Heh yeaaa, soooo we wanted to know if, since the four of us have tomorrow off. Can we come to work with you tomorrow and visit your pizzaria?" He said a bit nervously. I wasn't expecting THAT of all things... "Oh, let me make sure it's okay, give me a minute and I'll call you back." I said. "Alright just don't take too long, these three are getting impatient..." He said. So, I ended the call and walked back inside. "Hey, uh Afton can I talk to you for a sec?" I said. "Sure...?" A.I. Afton/Springbonnie said as he walked over to me.  "So, what's up? Who's calling you while you're at work?" He questioned. "Oh, right, about that... it was one of my friends, uh apparently him and three of my other friends, want to know if they can come in with me tomorrow...? I just didn't know if that was ok or not so I thought I should ask you." I explained. "Oh! Yea, that's just fine, tell them that they can come in whenever they want with you!" He replied happily. "Alright, thanks. Could you tell the others, I have to call him back and let him know. Plus it's time for me to leave anyways!" I stated. "Oh! It is, I lost track of time there for a minute!" He said. "Yep! Anyway, BYE GUYS, it's time for me to go!" I shouted to the others. "Bye Bryan!" they replied as I walked out and dialed Justin's number. "Hey, soo?" he asked. "Hey, it's fine if you come. You guys can come anytime you want!" I told him. "Ok! That's awesome!" he said. "Yeah, so, I guess that you four can just meet me at my house and we'll all walk there together?" I said, planning it out in my head. "Oh, sure! That should work fine. What time should we be there?" he asked. "Oh, hmmmmm. I guess 6:30 ish in the morning?" I suggested. "Yeah, that should work!" he said happily. "Alright, see you then!" I said, as I hung up the phone and continued walking home.

I hope it isn't too long, I should be able to update it more than I thought, but there all probably going to be long... I hope it's ok and you can understand everything. Anyways that's all for this chapter!

I had to fix a few mistakes... that took a minute.

Words:  1,225 (before fixing stuff)

Words:  1,271 (after fixing stuff)

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