Chapter 5: All Stitched Up

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Sorry this one took forever to get out too, I didn't have any idea what to do for this chapter and wound up confusing myself...

Molten's POV:

I soon see my surroundings, I see what looks to be a pitch black bottomless hole in front of me. Everyone else was getting off the ground and rubbing their heads, they must've hit their heads coming out of the portal. They were all back to how they were before we jumped into the portal, we're back in the pizzaria. "Thank god" I think. I look down to see a blood covered Bryan out cold in my arms, well mostly back to normal. Justin takes one look at Bryan and runs over to me. "Mind if I take him?" he asks. "As if I care," I reply. I hand Bryan to Justin and Justin goes over to Jubper, Kat, and Cam. They start whispering things to each other, I don't think that anyone could hear what they were saying except for them. "I feel bad about the way that I am, but it's either be this way or... Afton kills me, I have no choice."

Justin's POV:

"What! No! Are you crazy!?" I whisper yell at Kat. "What other options do we have?" she whispers back. "A lot of options!" Cam chimes in, agreeing with me. I look down at Bryan, "He's not gonna survive much longer at this rate...!" I think. "For once," Anarchy replies. "I agree. He's in pretty bad shape. As much as I am evil... I don't want to lose him again...!" I'm scared, scared for Bryan and everyone else in our friend group. "Once these guys," I whisper, gesturing to all of the animatronics who were staring at them in confusion and curiosity. "Once they find out who he is... things are going to be CHAOS!" "He's right!" Cam whisper yells. "Plus we need to get him home, and quick!" Jubper chimes in gesturing to the unconscious, half-dead looking Bryan in my arms. "Even Anarchy doesn't want to lose him..." I say quietly. They look at me shocked. "Either I'm going crazy, or you just said that Anarchy CARES for someone..." Cam whispered. "Second one..." I whisper quietly. They look at me as if I'm crazy, which I, in a way, am. Molten clears his throat, "What're you guys talking about?~" he asks. "N- Nothing!" Kat's quick to reply. "Riggghhhhhhttttttttt," he says, obviously not buying it. "I think it's about time we take Bryan home and take care of his scratches." I say, changing the conversation. "Agreed, those need bandages, I can just tell..." Cam says looking at Bryan. "Are you sure he'll be alright on the way there?" A.I. Afton asks. "We can get him there quicker than you think..." Kat says. "Alright," A.I. says. "Go ahead and take him home." We quickly leave not bothering to reply as a few animatronics that had turned on after we had left tried to talk to us. "They can explain, we need to get him home." I think to myself.

Once they get to Bryan's house:

Cam got the spare key she had and unlocked the door and I laid Bryan down on his couch. "I'm surprised that none of the animatronics questioned the fact that we were all so calm about everything that had just happened." I say to myself. Cam ran off to grab some bandages from the bathroom, Kat and Jubper are doing their own thing, more than likely telling EVERYONE in our friend group that Bryan remembers his past. "Let's just hope none of the animatronics find out..." I think. "If they do then, well, Afton's not gonna be happy..." Anarchy responds. I simply nod my head and look over at Bryan, he looks like he's actually sleeping peacefully. Soon Cam came back with bandages and try and figure out where Nightmare Fredbear had scratched him. I look at his back, "my god.." I mumble. "What? Did you find the scratch, he can't lose too much more blood..." Cam asks. "Yep..." was all I could say. She too looks at his back, "oh my god..." was all she said while pulling out the stuff to stitch things up. Across his back were three long claw marks, they continued to bleed. I looked away, I felt like was gonna be sick... "My god..." I hear Anarchy's voice loud and clear in my head. "Yeah..." was all I could think to tell him. Questions swirled around in my mind as my ears start to ring. (Idk how to phrase that, but he's saying he's hearing ringing in his ears. Just wanted to make that clear... :/) I'm pulled out of my trance by Cam who's yelling my name. "JUSTIN!" she yells. "Huh!?" I reply as the ringing in my ears fades. "Can you give me a hand with this!? PLEASE!?"  she says impatiently. "R- Right..." I say. This is going to be a long day.

After the stitches are done (I can't, I'd probably throw up if I tried to write that. I'm sorry, I HATE blood...) :

God, I feel like I'm going to throw up... so. Much. Blood. Cam wrapped the scratches in bandages just in case and finished up by putting everything away, while I went to go wash my hands, which were covered in Bryan's blood. As I was walking through the halls to get to Bryan's bathroom Anarchy spoke up in my head. "That was a lot of blood..." his voice trailed off. "Yeah, it was..." I say quietly. I continue to walk down the halls as I think about everything that has happened today.

About 4 hours later: (Srry for so many time skips... ;-;)

I was sitting in a chair in Bryan's living room, waiting for him to wake up. Cam was in another chair, but she fell asleep a while ago, Jubper and Kat were off doing whatever they were doing. I see Bryan starting to wake up, I get up and walk over to him. He looks at me with a sad smile, "I remember..." he spoke. "I know, I know..." I told him. "H- How bad are the scratches from..." his voice trails off. "You don't have to say it... the scratches are pretty bad... Cam and I had to stitch them up..." I shudder as I think of all the blood. "Thank you..." he says. "For what...?" I asked, confused. "For always being there for me when no one else was, for sticking up for me, and just... for everything you've done for me...!" he says. "There's no need to thank me we've always been there for each other!" I told him. "I- This is a lot to take in, all the memories and everything else.." he looks sad. We sit and talk for a while with Cam quietly snoring in the background, until I see Bryan look over my shoulder staring at something behind me. I turned around to see a small plush on the table behind me... "How did...?" my voice trails off as I look at the small Fredbear plush that's sitting on the table. (Pic is in another chapter, I'm lazy :P ) "I don't know, but I never kept him." Bryan says as he gets up and walks over to the plush. "That plushie always did follow you around like you were its mother!" I say. "You're right about that!" he replies while he picked the small plush up. "Hello, Fredbear..." he says quietly, I just smile. "It's getting late, me and Cam should head home..." I say, looking at the time. "Don't you guys have tomorrow off too...?" he questioned. "Yeah, we do... why?" I asked, confused. "Well, why don't you guys just stay here and come to the pizzaria with me again tomorrow..?" he suggests. "Sure!" I say, glad that we can go see the place again. "Here we go again off on another one of your adventures... yay!" Anarchy says sarcastically. "Oh, shut up!" I reply in my head, rolling my eyes. "Anarchy being annoying?" Bryan asks. "Very..!" I reply. "Hey, so what do you want to be called, now that you remember everything...?" "O- Oh... I hadn't thought about it..." he says. "I guess you could just call me by my real name...?" "Alright then, Chris!" I reply. "It feels weird to actually be called Chris after all these years." he says. "I know, it feels weird to call you Chris... how will your animatronics react, especially your family..." "I... I don't know, we'll think about that when the time comes. Just call me Bryan when we're in public I guess..." he looks sad. Soon Cam woke up and we all talked for a while before going to bed for the night.

Bryan/Chris's POV:

I went to my room and began getting ready for bed. "I wonder what the scratches look like, how long are they...?" I mumble to myself. I lay down and immediately my back burns, I wince. "Right, the scratches are on my back..." I think rolling onto my side. "Time for sleep..." I mumble as I drift off to sleep.

Hey guys...!  I'm SOOOOO sorry that I didn't update this sooner, I was just procrastinating with myself to do this and I didn't know what I wanted to do for this chapter....  FORGIVE MEH PLZ...!!

Words:  1551

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