The Chase Is On

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Derek, Keiley and Codie were at the van in the alley.

Derek was leaning forward in the driver seat with his hands under the wheel, trying to hot-wire the van

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Derek was leaning forward in the driver seat with his hands under the wheel, trying to hot-wire the van. Keiley leaned on the side of the passenger seat, watching him attempt to start the vehicle and Codie stood outside at the back doors of the van, keeping a lookout for passersby.

"Derek, are you sure you know what you're doing?" Keiley asked.

The toned boy worked his way with the wires, trying to pull the ends off the wires he just pulled apart. "Of course!"

"I'm not talking about a video game or anything like that."

"Do movies count?" Codie asked, poking his head in to join the conversation.

The sarcastic blonde rolled and let out a sigh. "No Codie, movies don't count 'cause they're not in real life."

"Live action ones are though. They have real people doing real things."

Keiley saw this escalating and was gonna shut it down quick. "Name one."

"Jackie Chan."

"Ooooh, nice one!" Derek interjected.

Keiley opened her mouth to contradict, but she thought and eyes went wide as she was at a loss for words since that was SO true. Jackie Chan was one of the biggest action stars out there. And he had the broken bones to prove it.

'Well, that backfired.' She said to herself.

"Ok, name another one."

"Tom Cruise."

Now, Keiley's face showed confusion as she didn't see that coming.

"OOOOH!" Derek exclaimed, looking up from his work. "That's a REAL good one, Code! For SURE!"

He laughed at that, but it was cut short by a hard slap to his back. "AHHH!!! What the heck was that for?!"

"For laughing at me, D-bag!" Keiley retorted with a smirk.

Now it was Codie's turn to laugh. The two heard the younger sibling cackling outside.

"SHUT UP, CODIE!!!" Derek shouted before going back to work on the wires. He hated when Keiley used his name to roast him...even when it was a good one.

"Sorry!" Codie replied, still laughing but slowly calming down.

Having taken care of Derek, Keiley put her attention back to Codie. She definitely didn't expect her little brother to mention those actors who did their own stunts. Thinking there couldn't be much more, she pushed a little further. "Ok, Codie. One more, try one more."

It didn't take long before gave one. But it didn't stop there.

"Sylvester Stallone. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Christian Bale. Harrison Ford. Jason Statham. Angelina Jolie. Chloë Grace Moretz!! Uh, lemme see....Oh! Keanu Reeves. Matt Damon and-"

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