Mommy Fearest

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The City of Townsville,which is kept safe from crime until.....

"Bonk Bonk" "Who's there?" "Bonk" "Bonk who?" "Just Bonk" the TV show characters as the girls and the Professor had a good laugh.

"7 O'clock,time for bed girls," the Professor said as the girls zoomed to the bathroom to get ready.

"Bubbles....Bubbles?" The Professor said as Bubbles snuck past him,"Come back here young lady!" He said going after her as he caught her and told her to go to bed."Goodnight girls," Professor said turning off the light and closing the door but went back to open the door slightly for Bubbles who finally went to sleep.He left again,changing his clothes and dragging himself into bed looking at the empty spot and sighed.

                 [The Next Day]
"Wow,I want these!"
"No way,these are better!"
"I love these!"
The girls fussed causing the Professor to accidentally bash into someone else's cart."Oh I'm sorry I couldn't see where I was going I-I-I-I," The Professor said caught in a trance as the women in front of him stared smiling sweetly as she held the cart with one hand and holding Y/n's hand with the other.Y/n looked grouchy as ever,but for the Professor it was love at first sight."Y/n who's this?" Blossom asked him,"my nanny," Y/n said flatly still with a upset look on his face. "Ms.Goodlady,Ms.Imagood lady," the lady said in her sweet voice. "Were the Powerpuff girls!" Ms.goodlady laughed slightly,"I know exactly who you three wonderful girls are but,who is that strapping gentleman behind you?" Ms.Goodlady asked as Y/n face gagged.

"He is the Professor"
"He sings awful-" "Bubbles"
Y/n snickered silently."What they mean to say is,perhaps if your not too busy maybe he could take you out?" Blossom clarified."Why that would be spended," Ms.Goodlady said.

"Saturday night then?"
"No,how about Sunday?"
"How about never," Y/n commented earning a quick shove from Ms.Goodlady.
"I like Friday!" Bubbles butted in as Ms.Goodlady agreed.
"Say 8 O'clock?"
"I like 7!"
"Seven sounds great"
"Yay!Friday at Seven!" The girls said happily."Y/n will stay over,we'll see you then,and of course,you too Professor," Ms.Goodlady said leaving with Y/n still leaving the Professor in a trance.

Boy,the Professor is one smooth  operator...THE BIG NIGHT!

"I found your bow!Oh it looks so Lovley." "Bubbles it's a bow tie and it goes down here see?" "Oh,I guess that looks Lovley too." The girls bickered as they got the Professor ready for his date.Soon Ms.Goodlady arrived with Y/n.

"I won't be late girls,and Y/n.Mayor thanks again for baby sitting!" "Goodbye Professor have fun!" The girls said happily as Y/n rolled his eyes still looking mad about something.

[Time Skip after Professor sends Mayor home]

"Wakeup everyone,I have a suprise for you," The Professor said as he opened the door to reveal Ms.Goodlady.

"Nuts," Y/n said turning away as he tried to go back to sleep not wanting to see HER."I'm so excited to be helping out around here with you girl," Ms.Goodlady said."Helping out?" "With what?"
The girls questioned.

"We'll girls-" "Why don't you let me explain to them alone," Ms.Goodlady said causing the Professor to smile and leave." You see its quite simple girls with the Professor as busy as he is, it will be good having a female touch around here." "But we don't need any help we're THE POWERPUFF GIRLS!" The girls exclaimed proudly as Y/n snorted.Ms.Goodlady,Aka Ima,sweetly knelt down as she laughed.""And it is THAT kind of attitude that's gonna change around here!" Ima yelled suddenly shocking the girls and causing Y/n to fall of the couch startled.

Uh oh,something is a Ms. Or maybe even soon,a Mrs.The next Moring!

"Come on girls,Townsville's in trouble!" Blossom said as she and her sisters were about to leave but were stopped by Ima,"and just WHERE do you think your going?" She says.

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