Fuzzy Logic

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The City of Townsville, a community where random acts of kindness are in every day accuracies and gazes of more fuzzy smiles from everyone you meet,except some people *cough* Y/n *Cough* and others who live far far away,some people who don't visitors,People like-

"Hey you!Get off of my property!" Fuzzy yelled shooting at the narrator

Some people like Fuzzy Lumpkins

Fuzzy Lumpkins sat in his chair,looking around to make sure nobody walked so much of a meter within his home or as he says property.He aimed his shot gun at a butterfly and blasted it,he was determined to keep his stuff confined."Does anyone else wants to try and get on my property?" Fuzzy said to anyone in particular near the area,"Good,now it be time for some good old fashion relaxation," Fuzzy replied to himself as he grabbed his necessities,he freak out for a bit but soon relaxed as he yelled to no one in particular to get off his property.

He then sat down in his chair as he started to close his eyes,very slowly,until he spotted a squirrel that is and shot at it but missed,he shot himself in the face trying to shoot the squirrel which caused him to get angry.

He got up and started chasing the squirrel through out the forest,as the squirrel then led him into Townsville.

Fuzzy was so focused on trying to kill the squirrel that he didn't notice he was on the streets and was hit by a truck which sent all of his belongings flying everywhere.An old lady saw Fuzzy's hat land next to her as she picked it up and walked up to Fuzzy taping his shoulder and trying to politely give him his hate.Fuzzy started to turn red seeing the lady have his hat as he punched her which cause her to fly back.He breathed heavily,another person tried to give him his stuff but met the same fate as the old lady,more people tried to be kind and give him his stuff,but it only made him angrier and angrier as he appeared more lager and redder as he yell,"QUIT TOUCHIN' MY PROPERTY!!!!"

And just like that,Fuzzy was trashing the city,throwing cars,bashing windows attacking other people etc.Fuzzy went on a complete rampage.

[At Pokey Oaks Kindergarden]

There was arguing,feet racing after each other,shouting. Bubbles was trying to pull her Octi away from Buttercup who was trying to take it,and G/n was racing around taunting Y/n by holding his favorite (fav.Animal) which held his possessions and occasional apple juice cartons,Y/n was getting ticked off wishing he could just speed after her,but no not in front of everyone.

"G/n give it back or i'll-!" Y/n was cut off by Blossom who said,"Everyone!What was that lesson he had about sharing?" She questioned,"wait..that was a lesson?" Y/n asked as Blossom glared,she then made Y/n share his stuff with G/n and Bubbles let Buttercup have Octi.Suddenly,the powerpuff hotline rang as Blossom picked it up.Buttercup took the opportunity to hit Bubbles on the head with Octi.

Y/n took advantage as he yanked his backpack from G/n,harshly smacking her head with it and staring at the girls leaving for the emergency.Y/n put on his backpack and was about to leave until G/n tugged on him,"Let me go Y/n!" G/n pleaded,"No," Y/n said bluntly until G/n looked at him sad,"Fine sheesh hold on!" Y/n grunted and G/n got on his back and he zoomed into the city.

Y/n raced up the a high building as G/n held in for dear life,once at the top Y/n saw the girls looking around and asking people questions to which non were helping.

Y/n laughed as he watched Bubbles talk to a squirrel,he then saw the girls following the squirrel into the woods.

"We're not following them are we Y/n?" G/n said worriedly,Y/n only smirked as he jolted forward off the building and after them while G/n screamed a little.

Y/n stopped behind a tree as he watched the girls bash down Fuzzy's door,and went inside Y/n zoomed up to the window as he and G/n watched the Powerpuff girls get beat up but Fuzzy,until the squirrel held his banjo,Joe, and soon tossed it to Blossom.It was a ring a round the rosy for Fuzzy,G/n watched in confusion as Y/n took Fuzzy other shotgun and walked out casually,G/n didn't question it as Y/n was next to her once again staring as Buttercup drew Fuzzy closer to Joe."Watch out Fuzzy,she's gonna-!" Blossom covered Bubbles mouth before she could spoil it as Buttercup hit Fuzzy on the head with Joe knocking him out cold."I told you," Bubbles said in an annoyed voice.

Wat to go girls!Tops that squirrel....TOWNSVILLE PRISON

"Well,at least I still got you Joe," Fuzzy said,he then felt a tap on his shoulder but when he turned around there was no one in site.He looked back in his hand to find Joe gone,the last thing he saw was H/c hair rounding the corner of the prison leaving.

Haha how do you like that Mr. No share,and so once gain the day is saved!Thanks to.....The powerpuff girls!I get a qarm Fuzzy feeling just saying that......

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