Special Chapter

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How Y/n Met The Girls




Aaaa a beautiful day in the ever growing city of Townsville,let's head over to the suberbs to see what the Professor is doing!

Professor Utonium was currently working on different experiments,he wanted to get this one right and not let it end in an explosive way.He grumbled as he got the same results over and over again,'Kaboom' and 'kapow!'

He was about to try again for the one hundredth time but was stopped by crawling noises.He looked around warily,"Wha? He said in confusion,he shrugged it off as he was about to lower the liquid into the second,but was stopped harshly when more crawling and things moving was heard though out the lab.The professor started to get worried and scared thinking it was a robber,"C-come out!I'm not s-scared of!......you?" The professor stated in confusion as he turned around only to see nothing.He sighed in relief as he turned around,

"Aaaaaaaa!" He screamed loudly.

"Gigi bibi lebooo ba!" Said the small (hair color) haired baby boy with (eye color) eyes who had two different tubes of liquid in his hands as he giggled in an almost evil way.

The Professor was shocked,how did a BABY get into his lab!?And the (last name)'s baby at that!!

That didn't matter now,what mattered was the chemicals that were in the baby's chubby hands.The Professor had to act with caution,the baby seemed to lean the chemicals together every time he stepped close.

"Eeeeeeehhh," the baby said as it tipped one of the chemicals slightly above the other.The Professor shook his head at the baby to make him understand but the baby only tilted it further until the liquid started to fall into the other.

"No!" The Professor said horrified that the baby would get hurt,he shut his eyes thinking of the possibilities but he didn't hear the 'kaboom' or 'kapow'.Instead,he looked up to the the baby holding the new chemical solution in one hand as he through the empty tube on the floor shattering it."H-how did you-Y-you DID it!!" The Professor said amazed at the baby who only slobbered in reply,the Professor cringed a bit as he took the tube and set it down before returning to the (last name)'s baby boy,aka Y/n.

"I should probably give you back," he stated picking you up,"but how did you know wat chemical to use?" He questioned more to himself.

y/n gurgled as he spit past the Professor,the spit flew around the room surprisingly not breaking anything as it hit a shelf tube with a grey chemical.The chemical tipped over and the liquid fell into a round bottle that was labeled 'Chemical X'.

The Professor started in amazement as the solution mixed perfectly.

"On second thought I'll keep you for a while,then return you," the Professor stated as Y/n responded with blowing a raspberry.

And that's how it started with a healthy relationship between a baby and a scientist!Now last fast forward a little bit!To where Y/n is 5 years old!!!Isn't he cute!!!

After that awkward meeting of Y/n and the Professor,Y/n since that day has been sneaking out,across the street to head over to the Professors',now he is five years old and in the lab with the Professor right now.

"Get this Y/n,I've been thinking about having kids of my own,so I'm using the right about of ingredients to make the perfect little girls," The Professor said with pride as Y/n rolled his eyes without the Professor seeing.The Professor smiled as he started adding sugar,spice,and everything nice,Y/n had by then was was just standing on on foot to pass time and attempt to have fun.Suddenly,he lost balance and bumped into the Professor causing the Professor to hit the chemical X which leaked into the ingredients Professor was working on.

A blast of light was present as the Professor sheilded Y/n as they flew back into the wall.The Professor was knocked out for a quick second as Y/n walked over to the now empty bucket of ingredients,he didn't see anything but he did stare in amazement at how the chemicals exploded.

Suddenly,Y/n felt a gust of wind and looked up to see three floating girls,one wearing Pink,one blue,and the other green.

They floated down as the one with pink eyes,orange hair,and pink clothing got close to Y/n observing him,she smiled and said,




Hello guys,I'm sorry I wasn't updating but I thought Id do this small thing to let you know I'm alive and that I'm working on the next chapter 'Telephonies'

I might do 'Telephonies' and 'Tough love' then publish both so you can have two chapters to read

Anyway I would continue this but I think there's a episode where the Professor creates then an it's the first time they meet so you'll have to wait for that

By my Grumpy Power Boys(and girls reading this!)~

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