Tough Love

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The City of Townsville, the city of brotherly love, or should I say sisterly love. Love for those devote duers of dangerous deeds and dudable dead things..... The Powerpuff Girls

Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup heard a kitten cry as they zoomed down to help the old lady whose cat was stuck in a tree. They quickly took action saving the cat as the women gave them each a pat on the head.They zoomed off to class, Ma. Keane almost fell to the floor but was saved by Blossom as the class congratulated them, except Y/n, B/n and G/n who just oddly stared with the same expression as each other, mainly Y/n. The Powerpuff girls soon left as Y/n, B/n, and G/n looked to where they left with a blank expression.

Those little scamps are so adorable, how we just love the Powerpuff girls

"Oh how I hate the Powerpuff girls, " a voice said.

Hate the Powerpuff girls? Who could hate the-oh no, please don't let it be.... Him

Him sat in his bathtub blowing a fuze about the Powerpuff girls, talking to his duck toy. He then disappeared and was above townsville, "poor unsuspecting townsville, all snug in your beds? Unaware of the evil that is right above your heads. And so with a flick of my wrist and a twirl of my claw, I'll rid these girls once and for all, " Him said as he made a red mist from his clouds seep into townsville.

Y/n felt weird when he woke up, to say the least he felt mad more than usual, he walked outside and glared at the three beams that passed by, B/n and G/n appeared by him glaring in the same direction as there eyes turned red.

-Time skip After the girls beat everyone-

"I'm not done yet, " Him said, Y/n came and bashed Blossom all the way into the tree, "Y/n!! " Buttercup and Bubbles said.

Buttercup charged but was flung to the side by B/n and G/n. Y/n laughed but it seemed to get more high pitched, sort of like Hims'. Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup looked bewildered, but shook it off knowing it was probably Him. Bubbles and Buttercup quickily took out B/n and G/n, it was now a stand off. The girls charged and so did Y/n, to say in small words Y/n was oddly oddly strong. "Hey Y/n!! " Bubbles said as Y/n turned to look at her, she waved at him as Buttercup and Blossom took the opportunity to punch him.Y/n flew back but was about to get up, Buttercup bashed his head, and Blossom kicked him till he fell, he didn't get up. Him looked very mad, extremely mad, "don't ever make us have to do that again! " Blossom said, "or it will be your last, " Buttercup added as they glared at him. Him seemed calm now,

" tisk, tisk, tisk, you girls underestimate me, I never repeat performances bit I assure  you, I'll be back!! Take care of my little boy!! "

Him sang the last part leaving, the girls we're confused.

Everyone was at the hospital with the Powerpuff girls. "So now you know why we had to do what we did. We all fell really bad, " Blossom finished hoping that the would forgive them. "Besides, it hurt us a lot more than it hurt you, " Bubbles said as everyone disagreed and they had a good laugh.

Y/n, G/n, and B/n weren't laughing yet by a corner just looking at each other. B/n and G/n walked limped away as the girls flew away as the girls flew next to Y/n who had bandages around his upper head, torso, and was wearing crutches. "Hey Y/n are you ok? " Blossom asked, Y/n grunted but put on a rare small, almost unvisable smile. But it went away as soon as it came as a scowl went on his face,

"I'M FINE! AND I ALWAYS HAVE BEEN! WHY CARE NOW? " He yelled leaving, the girls looked a each other, they we're shocked Y/n didn't know.

They had put the pieces together,

Y/n was the son of........ Him.

Oh no not Y/n! Will he turn out like his father?
I doubt he would he is such a..... Sweet boy!!
Because once again the day is saved thanks to the Powerpuff girls!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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