Insect Inside

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The City of Townsville,but enough about that,here at the Powerpuff girls suburban home is where our story begins

Bubbles scream was heard inside as she tried to shoo away the roach while Buttercup raced behind trying to kill it but missed everytime.Soon Blossom started chasing Buttercup to tell her to not smoosh it but Buttercup didn't listen as she advanced forward Blossom still following." Girls no....Ew!Gross!Professor your letting Y/n touch it!" Blossom said disqusted,"Oh so not gross hm?" Buttercup remarked to Blossom."It's not,I just wouldn't want to touch it!Ble!" Blossom replied as the bug crawled around Y/n's hand."Actually girls,to the roach your pretty gross yourselves.With your big heads,large eyes,small bodies-" "Ok," the girls said obviously not wanting to hear what he said as Y/n held back a laugh,then the Professor started to give a long speech about the roach's history.

"Now who wants to touch it?" The Professor asked as the girls moved away.

                  [Time Skip]
Y/n watched in disappointed as the Professor let the roach outside and told them to come inside.

All right little guy,you heard the Professor,now scurry on home.....Hmmm something bugs me about that roach

            [Small Time Skip]
"Skippy,what do you have to report!" The strange man asked as the roach spike in its language,"Wahoo!We must call in the troops!" The man said blowing a whistle of some sort causing enormous amounts of roaches to come from everywhere as the lined up in front of him.

The man gave a small speech about the one thing that kept them from controlling the world.

"It's seems the Powerpuff girls think your icky,gross,disqusting. There afraid of you,they won't touch you,and most importantly they won't squish you!And together you and I,Roach Coach,will rule the world!" The man laughed evily as the roaches covered his whole body.

It's a beautiful day in Townsville

[Time Skip after short happy(sadistic) musical]

Roaches flooded into the streets of Townsville,everything was being infested from buildings,to cars,to people,the man responsible chuckled evily from the shadows.

The Mayor noticed this as he panicked,Ms.Bellum told him to make the call in which after a moment of misunderstanding he did.

  [At Pokey Oaks Kindergarden]
The Powerpuff girls phone was ringing,Bubbles picked up the phone as Y/n and (Boy name) raced by while playing with airplanes and making Noises.

"Powerpuff girls"
"Bye" Bubbles said hanging up the phone.
"It's an emergency!"
"Bye" Bubbles said hanging up the phone again.
"Get down town!"
"Bye" Bubbles said hanging up again as Y/n and (Boy name) just stared at her blankly and Blossom and Buttercup glared."Yes Mayor?" Blossom said answering the phone,"Gross!Do we have to?Ok.Somethings Buggin' the town!Let's roll!" The powerpuff girls left."Hey (Boy name) wanna go see?" Y/n said as a (fav. Color) aura appeared below him as his feet moved as fast as the speed of sound (image a car moving in place and smoke coming out,kinda like that). (Boy name) nodded as he grabbed Y/n's hand and they zoomed to Townsville.

             [Small Time Skip]
Y/n and (Boy name) arrived quickly and saw a bunch of roaches infesting the town,"Awesome! (Boy name) get your camera out!Come on!" Y/n said as out of nowhere (Boy name) pulled out his trusty camera and started recording everything."Stop!Don't you remember what the Professor  said,he said and I quote,'It's not right to harm an insect just cause it's yucky on the outside,it's the insect Inside that's important," Blossom said to Buttercup who was trying to smash the roaches.

"Oh what are you gonna do,put em in a giant jar?" Buttercup said as Blossom got an idea and zoomed off."Where do you think she's going?And why is her brother so mean?" (Boy mame) asked,Y/n paused,"she's probably going to get a giant jar,and Buttercup's a girl," Y/n said as Blossom came back with a giant jar and started to collect the roaches."Wait....Buttercup's a girl?" (Boy name) asked as Y/n facepalmed.

"No fair,how dare you trick my army of roaches with a giant jar!" The man from before said angrily,"So you're responsible for this mess!" Blossom said.

"That I am,I am sick you human scum infesting the planet!!" He said blowing the red whistle causing the roaches to break the glass and surround the man to create a giant roach monster.

"(Boy name) are you getting this!!Are ya huh!" Y/n practically yelled in his ears.

(Boy name) nodded as he winced at the loudness but nodded smirking as the powerpuff girls got lost in the giant roach,"Oof," Y/n said.

A couple minutes later,the girls bursted out and started to crash,smash,and bash the roaches until they knocked the man out of the giant roach monster,which fell apart."And who says girls aren't gross?" (Boy name) said as Y/n laughed as he bent down and slapped his knee."Look that man was a robot!Awesome!" (Boy name) said as Y/n and him got closer to better record.

"Oh no,I definitely know it's not ok to squish a person!"
"No matter how yucky they are on the inside!"
"Wait look!"

It turned out a roach was controlling the robot the whole time and the only two people who found it fascinating was Y/n and (Boy name) who got really closer to get a better view.

"We'll girls thanks again for uh..."
"Saving the day sir"
"Oh no,no for saving the day," Mayor said as a spider was in front of the Professor,he then smashed it starling (Boy name) and Y/n from their gaze of the imprisoned roach."Professor!You just squished that spider!Oh I get it,better safe than sorry right?" Blossom,"No spiders just creep me out," The Professor said as everyone laughed.

"Wait.....Buttercup's a girl?"



Oh (Boy name) you are an oblivious friend of Y/n's and once again the day is saved thanks to....The powerpuff girls!!

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