Boogie Frights

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The City of Townsville,and like most cities Townsville prepares its young for bed as evening approaches.The same is true in the home of the powerpuff girls and even in the L/n's,speaking of L/n's let's see how their doing (for the beginning half it focuses on how you get to bed)

"Ugh! (Father's name)!Can you get your stubborn son to go to sleep!I have to take care of Margaret and Jessie (Your younger siblings,in the future you will know why I named them and not you)!" (Mother's name) called to your dad as he sighs and heads up to your room.

"Y/n,it's time for bed," (Father's name) says as he watches you attack and wrestle your pillow,"Bed is for the weak!Besides I want you to tell me the story of boy wonder!Ya know the horror version!The legend!" Y/name says jumping up and down in his bed,(Father's name) sighed as he sat down next to a well rested Y/n in bed and started to tell you the story(I made up the story,says on basically it about a boy would was living his life a lie and one day turning into this monster who steals shafiws,becomes shadows and terrorized kids for fun if they had 'perfect lives' but boy wonder is only made when a boy has been living a lie and doesn't know it yet).Y/n had already fallen asleep as (Father's name) got up heading to the door,before he left he gave Y/name a worried,guilty looked then leaving.

              [Small Time Skip]
Bw/n (Your boy wonder/evil name) emerged from the bed where Y/n once slept,his body was now all black with all white yes,a smile that similar to a Cheshire cat showing off white teeth,you could just classify him as a shadow version of Y/n.He demon tail flicked as got he pulled himself away from the real Y/n and stares at him.Bw/n tilted his head as he stared out the window,he opened it smirking as he saw a big disco ball in Gulf the sun.He then went from shadow to shadow as he entered over to the party of monsters.

"Look out everybody!Look would decided to join the party after 100 thousand years!It's the one!The only!Boy wonder!" A voice sang as they rest of the monsters cheered."Please,enough with the formalities,call me Bw/n," A echoy charming voice said.

     [Another small Time Skip]
"Right on!Right Bubbles?" Buttercup said teasingly as Bubbles replied,"Well it's got a good beat,and I can dance to it!" She finished but her and Buttercup were addmediately scared by a skinny cat monster,"Hey you got scared!" Bubbles exclaimed."Ya little girl,I thought you liked to party," the cat monster said as Buttercup looked at her and replied,"let's get down with it." The girls started fighting and attacking monsters but there were way too many for them to handle.

"Well,well,well if it isn't the powerpuff girls crashing my party!" A voice rang out,"Ah!It's the boogie man!" Bubbles stated as Blossom shouted,"So you're the one keeping us awake!"

"That he is Blossom," a echoy charming voice said as the girls looked in horror as a shadow like body formed from a monsters shadow.

"It's can't be"
"But your just a legend"

"Boy wonder," the girls said in a unison,"Ya he doesn't come out much...." Boogie man started but then smirked and said," But now that I've blocked out the accused sun,we're all gonna party all night long!" Boogie man sang the last part making it known that he was proud of his work and accomplishing bringing back a legend.What the girls didn't know,was that while they were distracted by Boogie man's small speech,Bw/n had snuck into Bubbles's shadow.The girls Then quickly zoomed off toward the giant disco ball to destroy it as an angry Boogie man followed behind in his vehicle.

As they girls were trying to destroy the vault,Blossom and Bubbles found themselves slowly down for some odd reason,they looked back and saw in their shadows a Cheshire cat smile,Buttercup noticed they were about to get hit by one of Boogie man's rays that shot at tjem,Buttercup moved Blossom out of the way as Bw/n switched back into Bubbles shadow unknowingly slowing her down,"I can't do this!" Bubbles thought but then remembered what the Professor told her as she looked determined.She then zapped a lazer straight into the vault as Blossom and Buttercup took out Boogie man and the Disco ball exploded as they monsters in Townsville faded away.

As the girls landed home,Bw/n took the shadow form of Bubbles,Bubbles looked over at Y/n's house to see her shadow self waving at her with a creepy smile before following Bw/n into his house.

Bubbles thought she was hallucinating,but little did she know that her shadow was missing (from now on until I say so Bubbles's shadow is no longer with her,Bw/n took it).

Bw/n walked up to Y/n's sleeping form as he picked up Bubbles's shadow self and placed it on Y/n as it disappeared amongst him,Bw/n gave a wicked laugh he he hopped inside Y/n.A few minutes later,Y/n woke up with a start,his hair was messy and and his eyes were still tired looking as he scratched his head."What happened?" Y/n asked unaware of his own shadow that usually mimicked him smiling creepily.

Some night wasn't it Y/n!So once again the day is saved,get it the day is saved??Because there was going to be perpetual night!Ya know day light,save the day litterly!Hahaha haha "Shhhh!" Oops sorry,thanks to the Powerpuff girl......

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