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"And then....the most amazing thing happened. We watched Mia come outside in this fantastic dress that made all of us just fall in love with her even more, some more than others." Kate said, slightly drunk but the other royals laughed. Looking at Harry as she spoke, he just laughed and casually put a comforting arm around Amelia. It was the night before the wedding and they were having their rehearsal dinner.

"I think, we should calm down on the alcohol," Amelia said through laughs, getting up from her chair and walking towards Kate, taking the alcohol from her. Will nodded, understanding where Amelia was getting from.

"Kate, we want you sober for tomorrow," Will said, trying to calm down his fiance, soon to be wife.

"Nooooo... I wanna keep drinking." Kate said, Harry and Amelia slowly chuckled as they watched Kate be off her rocker on the alcohol. Amelia turned to see Elizabeth watching from the other end of the table with a small smile on her face. Beatrice and Eugenie, the Princesses of York were laughing a little bit as they watched the bride-to-be get drunker with every drink taken.

"I actually would like to say something," Amelia spoke, standing up with her class in hand, she looked at the Queen who smiled and nodded at her

"First of all. I have known Will since the year 2000 and I was the one to introduce him to his now fiancé, Kate, you all know my love for acting and also my love for this family. I will always put this family first before others and before even myself. I only ever wish Kate and Will the best of luck for their marriage and I know that these two were just meant to be together because truly they were if anyone was to argue that they weren't they can now. Kate has helped Will through the hard times of his life being a royal and he has helped her adjust to being a part of this lifestyle which will now become hers in less than 24 hours. I am so proud of you my cousin, you are like my sister and my closest family member and I just know that you will put your everything into this marriage, you will do what you think is right and you will also support Will. Which is what I hope to aspire to become like in my own relationship with Harry." Amelia apple, looking at the royal couple as she did so. Kate had tears in her eyes as she looked at her cousin giving a big speech in front of the royal family and her parents and siblings who were also Amelia's family.

Amelia took a deep breath and continued on with her speech, finishing it in a way that left Carole and Pippa Middleton in tears

"Harry and I, wish Kate and Will. The very best as they start this new chapter in their lives. As they bring together different people and make this world stronger and make many believe in love if a Prince can marry. And for a common girl like my cousin to find love with a prince." Amelia said, looking at the happy couple sitting opposite them.

"Thank you, Amelia. That was very lovely." Granny said, looking at Amelia as she spoke, she continued to admire the girl more and more as the wedding grew closer. She was glad to be able to call the girl her soon to be granddaughter in law.

"Yes, Granny's right. That was very lovely. I couldn't have asked for a better best friend and a maid of honour to pull all this off in just five months. We are forever in debt to you and we love you very much Amelia, we thank you both for putting up with us through the hard times and more." William said, holding a glass up in the air in a toast towards Amelia

"Amelia." He said the royal family repeated her name before drinking to her.

"So, before I take Kate upstairs, I just want to say thank you, everyone, for coming tonight and being here for us. It really does mean a lot. And we hope you enjoy tomorrow, so, a final message from Kate and myself. Good night and thank you." Will said, looking at his grandmother to see if it was okay for the pair to leave. Elizabeth nodded, gesturing that he could take his fiance upstairs and get her ready for bed.

Ten minutes after Kate and Will had disappeared upstairs, the guests in the room started to leave, they were all calling it a night. Amelia was approached by Princess Eugenie and Beatrice

"We want to thank you for everything you've done for our cousin and Kate. It does mean a lot to us as well, it shows us that you will do anything for this family and we thank you for it. If you ever need anything, just call for us and we'll come." Beatrice said, looking at Amelia with a smile on her face as she spoke. Amelia smiled

"Thank you, Beatrice, Eugenie. It means a lot that you accept me. I promise that I will support Harry through everything and be there for Kate and Will like I have for the past nine years. I will also be there for you two if you ever need anything, and I promise you on that one." Amelia said Eugenie smiled. She had taken a liking to Amelia since she first met her, and did not like Chelsey Davy, like the rest of the royal family, they all knew from the start (before the pair got engaged) that Amelia was the one for Harry, even though they both fought their feelings for each other for years because they didn't want to ruin the friendship they had with each other.

"We believe you. The venue looked amazing though, I want to especially congratulate you on that." Eugenie said, changing the topic after the heavy stuff was moved out of the way. Amelia chuckled a little bit, seeing the Princess's move.

"Yes, I did hope that it would suffice. I put a lot of hours into planning what everything would look like, I couldn't even begin to imagine having to redo everything in just a short span of a week." Amelia said. Beatrice chuckled, she admired Amelia's enthusiasm towards being involved in the royal family and everything they do.

"Well, we'll leave you to get some rest. Your part of tomorrow's big day and we don't want you tired. Have a good night Amelia." Beatrice spoke, looking behind Amelia as she did so. Amelia followed her gaze and saw her fiance walking towards the three of them.

"Keeping my girl company are you cousins?" Harry asked the Princesses of York smiled.

"Yes, we hadn't had the chance to formally congratulate her on the work she's done for the wedding. But we do suggest that you two get some rest, we'll all need it tomorrow, especially with a three-hour wedding ahead of us." Beatrice continued. Harry nodded, smiling as his cousins congratulated his fiance for all the hard work she had put in over the months of planning Will and Kate's wedding.

"Thank you, I appreciate it. You two have a good night won't you?" Harry said.

"We will see you guys tomorrow," Eugenie said, as she locked arms with her sister and the pair walked out of the room, their parents had left earlier.

"Were their words true?" Harry asked

"Well I'd hope so, they seemed genuine enough. But it doesn't matter, all that matters is getting through tomorrow." Amelia said, smiling as she looked at Harry. Harry gave her a smile, and touching her checks he pulled her in for a kiss. He was looking forward to tomorrow, not just because his brother was getting married but because he got to see what his fiance looked like in a white dress. Giving him ideas of their own wedding, a fantasy that would happen in the near future.

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