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"No, that's not how you get out the vehicle, you must do it with your knees clasped together and pivot. You don't want to show the press your underwear." Maria spoke, Kate chuckled at Amelia's expression, the Duchess watched her cousin attempt to hop out of the car they were using to help Amelia get the hang of leaving it like a royal. Maria gave an exaggerated sigh and looked at the Duchess beside her. 

"Let's see if the Duchess has remembered any of her training. Will you give the girl an example please Kate?" Maria asked, Kate, nodded and laughed as she walked towards her cousin who looked at her angrily, but she was joking. She grabbed her cousins' hands and Kate pulled her up. Amelia stood beside Maria and watched her cousin enter the car in a royal way, making sure her dress didn't come up with the wind and flash the two women her underwear. 

"Now, pivot," Maria spoke, Kate clenched her knees together and swung out from the car and allowed her feet to land perfectly on the concrete. She had been sure to avoid the seat in front of her otherwise she'd feel the pain instantly from colliding with it the leather. Maria was beside Kate as soon as her feet were on the ground again and she held out her hand. Kate took it and allowed the older woman to pull her up from the seat and allow her to stand in front of Amelia. 

"Show off," Amelia muttered, Kate, unfortunately, had heard her and smiled anyway. Knowing that Amelia was only joking, she knew that her cousin would be able to do it with practice. Maria turned to look at the soon to be the wife of Harry, seeing the blonde's eyes looking at the car seat in front of her.  

"It's easy, just like that," Maria said

"Kate had practice though," Amelia said

"And you will get better, but to be able to get better you must practice. Otherwise, this is all for naught." Maria said, she reminded Amelia of Queen Ellena from the Disney movie Brave, just in the way she spoke. Sometimes, when Amelia and Harry were able to spend a night together, they'd sit in the living room with a blanket over them and popcorn in between them and watch their favorite Disney movies, Amelia would always be visited by Salem as he had always liked popcorn since he was a kitten, and Amelia knew he wasn't allowed it but sometimes gave him one piece just to let him leave her happy. 

Coming back to reality, Amelia tried a few more times until she had finally got it perfect, it seemed that Maria had been impressed with her attempts because she ended her training day then and there, saying she was pleased with the progress Amelia was making and that they would revisit it the same time next week. Amelia and Kate walked into the palace laughing at the attempts Amelia had made to leave the car perfectly, they joked about the fun times they had in college and how much their lives had changed since the boys walked into their lives and stole their hearts. Not that either girl was complaining. Kate was now married to Will, the boy she had loved on and off for at least ten years before Will finally popped the question, and Amelia with Harry. 

"So, what do you want to do later?" Kate asked 

"Not too sure to be honest, don't you have some engagements to do?" Amelia asked 

"Not until tomorrow. I can spend today with you if you'd like, we haven't spent time together just ourselves since before I got married." Kate answered, 

"Your right, I'd like that. What should we do? Harry and Will have an engagement together at a local hospital." Amelia said, Kate, nodded. 

"That's good, gives us some time to go shopping," Kate said, Amelia let out a laugh as the two girls entered apartment 1B, Salem opened an eye and looked at the pair entering the apartment, he didn't even budge but that didn't bother Amelia, she still loved him no matter what. He had been with her for years, and she knew that one day she would have to let him go. She just hoped that it didn't have to be soon. 

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