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All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey was playing in the apartment 1A at the Kensington Palace. The Christmas tree was being put up by the Princes while Kate and Amelia bought out decorations. It was smaller than the big one in the halls of Kensington Palace. Later this evening, Will, Kate and Harry would head over to Buckingham Palace to spend Christmas Eve with their grandmother. Kate had said that Amelia could stay in their apartment while they were there, watch whatever she wanted and eat whatever she wanted. It was only 10 am and she was having the time of her life. Amelia and Harry hadn't officially made their relationship official, but their love was real. They knew that, and Amelia would take that any day.

"What do you guys feel like for lunch?" Harry asked

"I can make some pizza," Amelia said

"I'll help," Harry said. Amelia tried not to smile as she walked out of the living room and headed to the kitchen. She went to the fridge and pulled out what she needed, cheese, sauce, meat, then she went to the cupboard to get the flour and other dry ingredients.

"You've done this before?" Harry asked as he entered the room

"Yes, I used to make pizzas all the time with my mom-" Amelia stopped, she hadn't really spoken about her parents in years. She had tried to move on from their deaths by putting herself in her work as an actress. And it helped, it kept her mind off of them, but she was only just realizing she never properly grieved for them.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm sure they'd be very proud of everything you've accomplished." Harry said. Placing a hand on the 28-year-old's back. She nodded feeling a tear run down her cheek as she looked at him. He pulled her into a hug which lasted a minute before Amelia pulled away and looked at her task of making lunch.

"Um, can you grate some cheese while I sort out the dry ingredients?" Amelia said, Harry nodded and grabbed the block of cheese and the grater from in one of the many kitchen cupboards. They quietly went to work on making lunch.

Within an hour, with the pair working together they had made two pizzas. Both of them to be shared between the four of them and if any were left over, Kate and Will could save them for lunch in the next few days.

"This is amazing Mia," Kate said as she sat beside her fiance on the couch opposite Amelia and Harry. They had put some distance between them, a seat in fact, so that Kate and Will didn't think anything of it. Kate was sitting close to her fiance and he didn't mind, he loved being in Kate's presence, he loved being in the presence of everyone in the room, his fiance, his brother, and his best friend. He did, however, feel guilty at the thought of leaving Amelia here while the three of them went to his grandmothers Christmas Eve dinner. He had tried asking but she had told him that it was for family, Kate was officially family now as she was now engaged to him. But the only way Amelia would be able to come was if Harry proposed, and for all he knew, they could absolutely hate each other. But from the way they had been acting, he knew it wasn't true.

"Thanks, I just made it using my mom's old recipe," Amelia responded. Kate and Will exchanged glances. They knew that the blonde Middleton missed her parents dearly, and wished that there was some way they could help her, but some things people had to go through on their own.

"Thanks for giving me the option to stay here for the night, but I think I might go home," Amelia said placing her empty plate on the table in front of her. Kate smiled sadly at the woman. Harry gave her a worried look and quickly hid it.

"Okay, this apartment is always open to you Mia," Will said, Amelia, nodded and got her things together. Harry just gave her a look and she subtly nodded slowly at him. She headed towards the door and let herself out. Instead of going straight home she went to the cemetery where her parent's bodies laid deep underground. She sat down in front of their graves, not caring that the ground was cold at all. She pulled out her notebook and pen and started to draw as well as talk

"Hi Mom, Hi dad, things have changed over the years. I'm now a movie star in Hollywood but I always come home in London. Two years ago I was cast as Sophie in Mamma Mia, you would've loved it, Mom, it was a musical. All the songs from Abba put into a movie with amazing chemistry from Sophie and Sky. I ended up falling in love with Sky's actor, Dominic Cooper, we dated until nearly eight months ago when he ended it. My relationship with Harry and Will caused the media to follow me around, everywhere. We never got a minutes peace and quiet, until Will and Harry both released a rare report from Kensington Palace to the media, to stop harassing me. It's been roughly a year since that happened, you'll be happy to know that Kate and Will are getting married, they got engaged two months ago and we've already started the wedding planning, which the queen has approved most of. I wish I could use your guidance Mom, I'm stuck, I don't know where I stand with Harry. I love him, Mom, I really do, but it's like we have to keep our relationship quite so that the media doesn't find out and so we don't upstage Kate and Will on their wedding. Maybe we should just wait till their married before telling everyone. I've been spending a lot of time with the Queen, mostly going over wedding plans for Kate, and yeah. Things have never really been the same since you left." Amelia rambled taking a breath before carrying on speaking and drawing

"Basically, I came here to say that I love you guys and will forever love you. I miss you loads, Mom, Dad. I'll come by next Christmas." Amelia said, she always came by on the same day. Her birthday. Mostly in the morning before Kate and Will dragged her out to do something fun and take her mind off of things.

"Wow, that's beautiful." A voice said behind her. She turned to see Meryl Strep standing behind her.

"Meryl." She got up and gave the older woman a hug. Meryl was meaning the drawing she had done of her parents. It was like the one she had sitting on her mantlepiece but in color.


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"Thanks. How'd you know where to find me?" Amelia asked

"Honey, ever since you told me about what happened to your parents. I guessed, to be honest. But then I remembered that Kate will be busy with the royal family over the next two days and I thought. Why not surprise you?" Meryl said. Amelia smiled and hugged her again.

"I've missed you since we finished filming," Amelia said.

"As have I. Now, let's get back to your place and have some dinner yeah?" Meryl said. Amelia nodded and together, she and Meryl walked out of the cemetery. Amelia's drawing sitting underneath flowers near her parents grave.

She spent the night telling Meryl things, only, she didn't tell the old woman about her relationship with Prince Harry. She trusted her, she really did. But she just didn't want the news to be public just yet. She wanted to have some time with Harry by herself before that happened. Because once the media knew, they would never see a minutes peace and quiet again.

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