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The screams grew louder as Kate got help from her father out of the car, Amelia left the bishop's side to help immediately to fix Kate's dress. She smiled as she watched her cousin interact with the crowd. She was going to make a beautiful and kind duchess. Amelia bent down in a way that would have made the Queen proud and slowly fixed out Kate's dress. Amelia's own engagement ring was in a safe place in apartment 1B so that she'd be able to find it later once everything is done later on in the evening. The excitement went through her as Kate gave her the nod that she was ready once she straightened up again. Michael stood next to his daughter and Kate gave the crowd a final wave before Amelia picked up the ends of her dress, preparing herself for the arrival of the bride. 

Kate moved at a pace that was fast but not too fast, just enough for Amelia to keep hold of the dress as she followed the bride inside the abbey. They climbed the steps of the abbey and once they were inside Amelia looked for Kate's bridal party. They were all ready to go, waiting at the sides like Amelia had instructed them to do earlier on this week during the rehearsal. The archbishop spoke a few words to Kate and her father to give Will and Harry enough time to get to the front of the Abbey before Kate started her procession. I was Glad by Sir Charles Hubert started playing by the orchestra, indicating that it was time for Kate to walk down the aisle to her soon to be husband. 

Amelia held the hands of the two youngest bridesmaids and followed Kate and Michael at a distance, keeping her eyes on her cousins back. The walk was antagonising as she knew Will would keep to tradition and keep his back forward, not once glancing at his fiance as she walked towards him. When they reached the main parlour Harry glanced at Amelia first, he wore a smile so bright that made Amelia's heart burst. He whispered to his brother with the smile still on his face 

"Wait 'till you see her, she looks beautiful." Amelia could tell what Harry was whispering to his brother because she knew her fiance so well. When Kate reached Will, Amelia settled the bridal party onto their seats and sat with them, her uncle would stay with Kate until the archbishop told him he could take his seat, once his part was done. Amelia kept her eyes on her fiance, seeing that he was trying to sneak a glance her direction but knew that it would set the media off if they saw the glances between the two. Amelia looked around the crowds, before seeing three empty seats near Prince Charles. He saw her looking and smiled, nodding slightly and indicating towards them. On the seats read 'Princess Diana' and next to them read 'Sophie and Adam Middleton' tears formed in Amelia's eyes. The three people that were important to the bride and groom made it in spirit. Amelia was happy to know that Kate wanted her aunt and uncle to be there on her special day just as her cousin would be. 

Amelia drifted off, keeping her face neutral as she listened to the Archbishop speaking to Kate and Will. Michael kept his daughter's hand in his and once he was able to, he gently gave Will Kate's hand, which he grasped gently and looked at her with a wide smile. Michael took his seat that was indicated for him to take allowing the procession to continue on. Amelia watched Harry as he took his seat next to his father, his seat was next to his mother's. Which he looked at in surprise before looking at Amelia who smiled at him. He returned it before turning his attention back to his brother's wedding. It came to the part where the choir would sing and then the national anthem God Save the Queen would play which everyone would stand for expect the Queen herself. After that Amelia could tell the kids were starting to get restless, but they had to last at least another hour and a half before they could leave the Abbey respectfully. She looked to the otherside to see Harry smiling and watching her whisper a few words to the children, he wanted kids with her, that much was true. 

After more vows were made between Kate and Will, which Amelia watched happily knowing that all their preparation was leading up to this moment. Amelia was given the nod by the archbishop, an indication that it was time to go to the backroom to sign the witnesses sheet and hear the new titles that the Queen has given Will and Kate earlier this morning. Amelia moved at the same time as Harry, they moved like clockwork, everything falling into place. She came up behind Kate and slowly picked up her dress, she didn't want the world to see something they shouldn't, something that was only reserved for Harry. Once she had her cousins dress in her hands she gave it a small tug to let Kate know that she had it since the girl hadn't turned around yet. Harry followed his fiance at a slow pace, behind him was Kate's younger sister Pippa, Kate's parents, Harry's father and mother-in-law and Amelia. That was all they needed to sign the witnesses form including Kate and Will's signature as well. 

Once they were in the room, Carole closed the door behind them and chatter immediately happened, everyone was just so excited for the new royal couple. 

"You did beautifully cousin," Amelia said, pulling Kate into a hug, Kate hugged her back and Amelia was careful not to smudge her cousin's makeup at all, or even her own which she was wearing small amounts. Harry congratulated his brother by hugging him, which surprised Amelia they hadn't done that in a while and Will seemed to enjoy it. He hugged his brother back and thanked him and whispered a few words in his brother's ear which made him laugh. 

"In a year." Amelia heard Harry say, Will just chuckled and ruffled his younger brothers hair. Harry moved his brother's arm from him before going to stand beside his fiance. 

"I thought you'd forgotten me." Amelia joked, Harry chuckled before kissing her. It was a short kiss because they both realised that other people were in the room and it wasn't their wedding day but Kate and Will's. The archbishop came into the room when they broke apart, Harry's arm holding Amelia close to him as the archbishop held out a piece of paper that was lying on a heavy-looking cushion. 

"At 5.30 this morning it was decreed and agreed upon by the Queen, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the II, that Catherine Middleton and Prince William of Wales, will be henceforth known as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. And it is customary for witnesses to agree to be the first aside from the royal couple to know about the royal titles." The archbishop spoke. Amelia and Harry nodded, as did the others standing in the room. Amelia smiled as her cousin walked forward with her now-husband to sign their names on the form. She did it so delicately that it made Amelia think of her own wedding that was going to happen in 365 days time. 

Amelia and Harry were the next to sign the form, considering Amelia was the maid of honour and Harry being best man to Will. And in a year, the roles would be reversed, Amelia had already decided. Once they had signed it went in order, Pippa and her brother, then Kate's parents, and then Prince Charles and Duchess Camila of Cornwall. Once the paper was fully signed by everyone present in the back room of the Abbey, it was removed from their sights, meaning that it was time for them to leave the Abbey.

Harry kissed Amelia's check before she resumed her place as the maid of honour and picked up Kate's dress again, once the married couple were ready they moved out from the room and entered the Abbey again. Slowly the three of them moved, Amelia would keep onto her cousins dress until they passed the Abbey steps again, once they were in front of Queen Amelia let go of her cousins dress, letting it fall to the floor before standing back. Letting the royal couple leave first. Amelia watched on as Kate and Will bowed in front of the Queen who gave them a smile, she was beyond happy that her grandson was married to Kate now. It was Harry and Amelia's turn, they were leaving together as their regarded responsibilities and not as an engaged couple. Once Kate and Will had moved on, Amelia and Harry did before following at a small pace, Amelia had given Kate's flowers back which she had taken for most of the ceremony. The screams grew louder the closer they walked towards the Abbey front doors. In the crowds, Amelia could spot Elton John, a friend of her soon to be mother-in-law, who had come to not only Diana's funeral but her eldest sons marriage. 

Amelia and Harry had their arms interlocked together, they were standing apart but not too close that would get the public thinking something they didn't want to be known until at least another six months time. They separated when it was time to help Kate into the carriage where she would ride with William to Buckingham Palace for the balcony kiss, signifying the union between the two. William got on first and held out a hand for his wife, which she gladly took, holding her other hand on her dress and allowed her husband to help her in with her cousin carefully getting her wedding dress inside the carriage. 


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