1 || Immortal?!

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"Isn't he so beautiful?" the woman smiled as a tear ran down her cheek. "He is indeed" the man smiled as the baby boy stared into his mothers eyes. "He will grow up to be a brave young man, he will take on my legacy and be the next superhero that this world needs.. he'll be the strongest on earth" the man said.

15 years later

Jason McCann yawned as he sat on the passengers seat in his best friends car. "Thank you!" Kyle said as he grabbed the bag from the McDonald's drive thru and continued driving while grabbing his egg McMuffin from the bag with one hand. "Ah shit it's cold again" he said "I've got it" Jason rolled his eyes and heated up the sandwich with the palm of his hand. "Thanks dude, I can't believe this is our first year of high school!" Kyle said in excitement. "I'm not, I'm fucking tired" Jason said with an eye roll.

Jason had spent the entire summer training with his father day and night. "Oh don't be such a downer! This isn't just any normal high school, we're going to a SUPERHERO SCHOOL!" Kyle cheered and took a bite out of his sandwich with one hand. "I don't get why you wanted to drive here, I could have just teleported us here" Jason said in annoyance, "well I wanted to show off my cool car" Kyle frowned.

Kyle parked his car and the boys walked down the bridge that lead to the school. The school was on an island and the only way to enter was by walking down the bridge, no one could fly, sneak in, or teleport into the school because it was secured with an invisible shield. The only way to get in was by having a student or teacher ID. Once Jason and Kyle passed through security they looked down at their schedule. "Im going to find my locker" Jason said. "Okay! Wait let me see what classes we have together" Kyle said and peaked at Jason's schedule.

Jason looked around and noticed people showing off their powers, talking, and laughing as he only let out a sigh, he had to admit that he was nervous. He's only a freshman.

Jason began walking down the halls in search for his locker and once he spotted his locker he entered the combination and opened his locker, hanging his hoodie as he looked down. "Hey" he heard and looked up at a girl.

"I'm Monica, you're pretty hot" the girl smiled and stretched her arm, wrapping it around his neck as he raised a brow. "Flexibility?" he said and the girl smirked "wanna see how flexible I am?" she said and walked closer to the boy. "Uh" Jason said and was interrupted by a boys voice.

"He doesn't wanna catch an STD" the boy said. Monica rolled her eyes "fuck off Tyler" she said in irritation. "Ladies first" Tyler said and Monica rolled her eyes before leaving. "Dude stay away, she's gross" Tyler warned as Jason smiled. "I was honestly caught off guard" he said, "she's a junior" he said as Jason's eyes widened. "I'm Tyler Rivas, my ability is invisibility" he said and Jason's eyes widened "that's cool, I'm Jason McCann and I can create fire and heat" he said as Tyler smiled "that's awesome" he said and soon Kyle joined them.

The three friends walked down the halls together as they laughed and Jason let out a sigh in relief, beginning to feel better about high school.


"Yay we're in high school!" Justin said happily as his best friend Winter smiled. "Which means cute boys" she said as she winked at a random boy. "Soon we're going to get promoted and then we'll be off saving the world!" Justin said proudly as they walked into their first class. "Where should we sit?" he asked his best friend and Winter shrugged. "Oh by that cute guy" she said and skipped over towards the desk next to him. Justin rolled his eyes playfully and followed his best friend. The bell rang and the teacher walked in with a student. "Hello students, welcome to your first day of hero high school! I am Mrs. Garcia and I'd like to introduce you guys to Bianca Vastillo, she moved here from Italy! She is immortal."

Everyone in the classroom gasped "how?!" someone spoke up. "She's immortal?" Justin whispered as Winter's eyes widened "wow I've never met anyone immortal.. she looks so normal" Winter said. "I was just born an immortal" Bianca said and everyone gasped in amusement. "That's so cool, you'll be beautiful forever and you'll never have to worry about getting old and wrinkly" Winter said and Justin snorted as Bianca let out a laugh. "Well what's your ability?" Justin asked, "Reality warping, I can make people see things, get into their heads and change their past and present" she said. "That's so fucking cool" Justin said and everyone laughed as the teacher rolled her eyes "language" she said as Justin laughed "sorry" he said.

"Okay take a seat Bianca" "sit with us" Winter said and Bianca walked towards the best friends. "You're our friend now, okay? From now on we have your back" Justin said and Bianca only stared at them in amusement but nodded as she cracked a smile.

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