2 || Puberty really slapped him, huh?

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"This is amazing! So much better than the lunch they gave out in middle school!" Kyle said as he took a bite out of his burger. "Yeah everyday it's something new" Tyler laughed. Jason, Kyle, and Tyler sat outside behind the school. The school has the option to eat in the cafeteria or outside. "So did you hear about the new girl?" Kyle said "oh yeah the immortal one?" Tyler said and this caught Jason's attention. "Immortal?" he said.

"Yeah there's this new girl name Bianca and apparently she's immortal, rumor has it" Tyler said as Jason raised a brow "interesting, is she a freshman?" "Yeah, she's from Italy and she's in hero honors classes" Tyler said. "How do you make it to honors?" Jason asked, "you have to have control of your full abilities, there's still some people who haven't unleashed their full power and need a little help on that so they're just put in regular classes." "So you're saying is that I still have more hidden power?" Jason said as Tyler nodded. "Usually only freshman and some sophomores are in regular classes but once you're a junior you should be in honors."

"Hey boys" Monica walked towards the boys and sat down as Jason raised a brow "uh hi?" "You guys going to open gym this Friday?" Monica said "open gym?" Jason said in confusion. "It's where students get to battle for fun, it's just a friendly competition they do every Friday but to be able to get promoted you have to win one open gym battle per year." "Seriously? That's cool! Jase we should go!" Kyle said as Jason shrugged "well I'll check it out" he said as Monica smiled "I'll come with you" she said and Jason rolled his eyes as Tyler snorted.

"There's the immortal one" Kyle whispered and Jason turned to Bianca and her friends. Jason glanced at the boy by her and felt his heart skip a beat. "Who's that by her?" he asked, "That's Justin" Kyle said. "He was in the same middle school as us remember?" Kyle said and Jason raised a brow "he was?" he said and glanced at Justin again.

Justin caught Jason looking his way and licked his lips before looking away. "Don't you remember him? We picked on him all the time" Kyle said and Jason frowned "I don't remember-" Jason paused as he began to remember.

Justin had glasses and braces, and longer hair and so much damn acne. Jason's eyes widened and he turned to Justin again wide eyed. "That's him?!" he said in shock, "yeah puberty really slapped him huh" Kyle shrugged. Jason had to admit that Justin looked very attractive. He couldn't believe that Justin changed so much over the summer. "You guys picked on him?" Tyler said "it was mainly Jason" Kyle pointed out and Jason stood up. "Where are you going?" Kyle said "to talk to him" he said and walked towards Justin's table.

"Ew it's Jason" Winter said as she watched the boy walk towards them. "Jason?" Bianca raised a brow "he used to mess with Justin all the time" Winter said. "Justin" Jason said and Justin looked up at the boy in confusion "what do you want?" he said and Jason smiled awkwardly. "Y-you look so different" he said as Justin raised a brow "Yeah so?" "I-I'm sorry for how I treated you before."

"You mean for always tripping me over and embarrassing me?" Justin said as Jason sighed "I'm sorry" he said and Justin stood up, standing in front of Jason with his arms crossed "are you sorry because I look different to you now or because you're just really sorry?" Justin asked and Jason frowned "Look I wanna start over" "after everything you did to me? I don't think so" Justin said and Jason began to feel frustrated. "Look I'm trying to apologize!" He raised his voice. "Well fuck off" Justin said and Jason shot him a glare as he formed a flame on the palm of his hand.

Winter and Bianca stood up and backed away. "Jase!" Kyle said and Justin only stood there. "Throw it" he said and Jason aimed the flame towards Justin before finally throwing it. "Jason stop!" Kyle said as Tyler and Monica watched. Suddenly the flame dissolved. "Huh?" Jason said and Justin smiled innocently "how did you do that?!" Jason said "I have the ability of water" he said as Jason's eyes widened.

"W-What?" he said as Justin smiled "I discovered my powers during summer break, and trained constantly.. you're not getting to me anymore because now I control you.. just be lucky I didn't fight back" Justin said and walked away as Winter laughed and Bianca was impressed with the interaction she just witnessed.

"Holy shit" Kyle said as Jason just stood there wide eyed. "Jason?" Tyler said as he waved his hand in front of the boys face. "He's just a bit shocked that's all" Kyle said and eventually Jason shook his head, "that piece of shit!" he said as Kyles eyes widened "dude calm down" he said.

"You're joking right?! I have every right to be pissed! I tried to apologize and he wouldn't listen!" "You only apologized because he's attractive now though" Kyle pointed out and Jason let out a growl as Kyle backed away. "Not as attractive as me right Jase?" Monica said and Tyler and Kyle snorted as they walked away, leaving the two outside.

"Why are you still even here?!" Jason spat as Monica crossed her arms "like I said before, I think you're hot and I wanna hook up" she said as Jason rolled his eyes. "You're so.. blunt" he said and Monica smiled innocently as she ran her fingers down his chest, towards the zipper on his jeans. Jason looked down at her hand then looked around, noticing that there wasn't anyone around anymore. "Let's have some fun" Monica whispered into his ear before dragging him inside the school.

Jason followed the girl as they walked down the halls, and they both looked around before entering the closet.

And for the first time, Jason had received head.

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