6 || Homecoming

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"Alright students, we ask that you go online and vote for this years homecoming theme, you can find the link to the voting site in your email" a teacher said while Winter and Bianca opened up their laptops. Justin rested his hand on his cheek as he scrolled through the homecoming themes. "Our first homecoming!" Winter smiled, "who are you guys going to ask?" she said as Justin shrugged "I'm actually not sure" he said sadly. He wanted to go but there hasn't been anyone who's caught his eye yet except maybe one very hot boy. Bianca also shrugged. "Winter? Would you mind passing out tonight's homework?" their teacher said and the girl smiled as she stood up and grabbed the pile of papers from the woman.

"Justin do you think we could talk after school?" Bianca said as Justin raised a brow "Okay?" he said in confusion "Okay meet me at the parking lot" she said and Winter handed them their papers as Justin finally voted a theme and closed his laptop.

"So you guys heard about the villain that wiped out SunnyVille?" "Yeah, me and my mom went to the scene" Bianca said "seriously?!" Winter gasped "Yeah since we're immortal they think it's better we go check it out, we discovered slime that causes things to dissolve and the villain left an arrow at the center of the hole, whoever can pick up the arrow might be able to defeat it" Bianca whispered as Winter gasped. Justin was amazed by this information, he wanted to know who could be strong enough to remove the arrow. He loved learning about the history of different villains.

When school was over Justin walked down the bridge as he read a book. "Hi Justin" he heard and looked up at Monica. "Oh it's just you" he said and turned his head back to his book. Monica glared and knocked his book to the ground. "Listen, I don't know much about who you are or where the hell you came from, but stay away from Jason. He's mine alright? And he's taking me to homecoming" Monica said as Justin picked up his book. "Okay?" he said and continued walking, Justin rolled his eyes as Monica continued to follow him. "So you're going to listen to me, right?" she said as Justin shrugged "yeah yeah whatever" he said and once he made it to the parking lot he walked towards Bianca.

"Hey" he said "hey so I wanted to ask you if.. you think Winter would be interested in me?" Bianca said as Justin's eyes widened "you like her?" he said in surprise "yeah.. pretty much since I first saw her and I just really want to take her to homecoming so do you think you could help me?" Bianca said as Justin smiled "yeah of course" he said "thank you!" Bianca smiled "and maybe I could even help you ask Jason" she said as Justin smiled "you don't have— wait what?! No no no, I-I wasn't going to ask Jason" he panicked as Bianca smiled "Justin I know you want to ask him" she laughed and Justin blushed as he scoffed "whatever" he said with his arms crossed. Bianca laughed and waved to Justin before making her way towards the pace bus.

Justin frowned as he thought about Jason, remembering all the times he messed with him in middle school. Jason never really hurt him physically well.. except maybe once or twice, he would usually always tease him and say things about him. Justin turned around and bumped into someone as he groaned "s-sorry" he said and looked up at Jason. "That's okay" he said with a grin "where's your friend?" he said as Justin blushed "she's staying after school for a cheerleading meeting" he said "do you need a ride?" Jason asked as he walked towards his car. "Um no it's fine I can walk" Justin said and heard thunder as Jason smiled "okay" he said and unlocked his car "Okay on second thought yes" Justin said as Jason laughed "well come on" he said as Justin followed him and sat on the passengers seat. Jason turned on his window wipers as it began to pour, Justin leaned his head against the window. "Wanna grab something to eat?" Jason asked suddenly and Justin smiled "sure" he said as Jason made a turn. "You're quiet" Jason pointed out and Justin frowned. "Well this is the first time we're hanging out" Justin said and Jason shrugged "well yeah I guess so" he said "are you shy?" Jason teased "no" Justin said. He didn't know why he felt nervous. Jason stopped at Denny's and the boys made their way inside the building as it continued to pour.

The host led the boys to their table and left as Justin grabbed his backpack "hope you don't mind but I have homework, it should be quick and easy" he said as Jason shrugged and peaked at Justin's homework. "That's all you have?" Jason said in surprise as he stared at the worksheet. "Yeah.. i mean I have more assignments from other classes but they're usually like this" Justin shrugged "we get packets, it's so stupid" Jason scoffed. "Sorry to hear that, is it difficult?" Justin asked "Well.. for some classes yeah" Jason said. "Well if you ever need help on something I'm always here" Justin smiled.

"Hello gentlemen, what can I get you two today?" A waiter smiled as he grabbed his notepad and a pen. "Spaghetti and meatballs please with a side of garlic bread and a sprite" Justin said "anything for you, and for you?" the waiter said as Jason raised a brow "uh a cheese burger with fries please and a sprite" Jason said as the waiter nodded "okay! I'll bring that out to you as soon as it's ready!" he said and grabbed the menus. "That guy so had his eyes on you" Jason snorted. Justin rolled his eyes playfully "yeah right" he said and continued his homework.

"Do you think he's cute?" Jason asked, Justin looked at the waiter once more then turned to Jason with a shrug "he's okay" he said. "Would you take him to homecoming?" Jason asked as Justin raised a brow "I don't know? Why?" Justin said "no reason, just curious" Jason shrugged. Justin thought back to what Bianca had said earlier. "Are you going to homecoming?" Justin blushed, immediately regretting what came out of his mouth.

"Well.. I don't know actually, it depends if the person I ask says yes" Jason said.


Jason laughed, "Monica? What made you think it's her?" "Well she likes you doesn't she?" "Monica likes anything with a penis attached to it" Jason said "but I don't feel the same way towards her" Jason said and Justin didn't know why but he was happy to know Jason didn't feel the same way, but he wondered who he was planning to ask. "How are you going to ask this other person?" "I'm not really sure.. I suck at romance, it's just not really my thing" Jason sighed. Justin couldn't help but imagine how Jason could ask him.

"Here you go boys" the waiter suddenly said and set down their plates, Jason immediately smiled and began eating his fries. Justin smiled as he began to eat and thought about who Jason could be talking about.

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