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22: we're one of them.

after school, it was just like another normal day of me, renjun and jaemin visiting the other DNYL members who volunteered. i sat in the art class, sketching letters on a big banner as renjun sat forward me, mixing paint whilst singing, filling the room peace with his mellifluous mellow voice. we were alone since the teachers let us be here all by ourselves, since what we were working about was related to the prom.

"i don't need your love~ don't need it, don't need it need it no." renjun sang like an angel, it made me automatically smile as my head looked up. "don't need your love? that should be DNYL's new song. do you write songs injunnie?" i asked very impressed.

"i just... came up with it you know?" renjun spoke proudly, smirking at himself and continued mixing.

the door swung open, revealing mark with haechan, holding hands. "here we come kick in the door!" they both exclaimed and idiotically giggled like dorks as they ran to us.

"oooh! p-r-o- hmm let me guess m!" haechan said as i nodded. i just need to write m, then renjun can paint them and make it look creative like himself, art. "that's good guys, keep going!" mark cheered and patted both mine and renjun's back.

"hey you guys want food?" mirae's head popped in, along with harvey after a few seconds. "we'll buy some, me and mirae." harvey informed.

"mhm! just whatever food, we're just really hungry." renjun spoke weakly as they nodded and left.

"wee woo, the coolest are coming." chenle ran in the room with jisung, making renjun sigh. "oh god please no."

"oooh, can i write the m done?" chenle asked and looked up at me, i smiled and let him have the pencil. "yeah sure, just make it straight and pretty yeah? jisung would help you." i slowly placed my hand on jisung's back, carefully pushing him near chenle. "yay thank you!"

"i'll go and grab more paint inside the room." i said as renjun whined. "what?! you're letting the kid destroy the banner?"

i ignored renjun and went in the room where there were art materials. i saw jaemin and jeno, randomly trying out some pens, paint, and colors out of boredom.

"oh you guys are here." i said and joined them, searching for the paint.

"helping here is actually tiring." jeno admitted and sat down the solid floor, pouting cutely making me smile. "aren't you happy me, jaemin and renjun always visit you?"

jeno smirked and quietly chortled. "you don't visit us, you're helping us and turning into those who help, you just haven't noticed it yet." jeno's words made me stop. shit, now i do realize that we help even though it wasn't our job.

"we're allowed to right?" jaemin asked and jeno nodded. "of course, is not like teacher's are gonna be mad cuz you're helping." jeno scoffed making jaemin roll his eyes. "i just wanted to make sure." jaemin turned around and left the room, leaving me and jeno, the room was now filled with silence.

"uhh... have you heard that harvey asked mirae for prom?" jeno questioned which made my head instantly pop up. "what?! harvey asked mirae?" i asked as if i heard it wrong, but jeno nodded and showed that i heard right. "yeah, it's pretty cute right?" he smiled at himself while collecting some colored papers.

i rapidly blinked my eyes and glanced at him. "isn't it against the rules?" i asked which made him look up, flashing a playful smile while he had his eyebrow raised. "what? it's like a friend-to-friend prom date, it's not really romance it's more... friendmance uh... i guess that's a word." jeno let out a warming chuckle.

"oh ahaha, hmm okay i get it now." i giggled softly and let out a small exhale. "well, i'll go now, renjun need this paint." i looked down at the bottles of paint, smiled and slowly walked out.

"hey uh nana!" jeno stopped before i could step out of the room. "hmm?" i turned my head around, looking into his eyes while grinning slightly.

"w-would you uh... you know?" he scratched his head and ignored eye contact with me. "be my date in... prom?" he asked shyly and avoided eye contact with me, frantic of what my reactions was gonna be.

my blush seared through my cheeks and for a minute i thought my face was on fire. i felt my heart beating fast as i uncontrollably smiled.

"you know?" jeno started. "as like mirae and harvey, bromance- no i meant uhh friendmance." jeno sheepishly laughed and covered his red face, feeling the warmth and the embarrassment.

"yeah sure... of course." i happily said as he smiled, mouthing the word yes once he turned around and continued what he was doing.

i felt my heart flutter as i left the room, skipping and saw renjun shouting at chenle. this was just making me fall deeper in love with him, it's bad but i love the feeling so bad.

note: thoughts of rv's new comeback? ZIMZALABIIIIM!

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