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26: going back home.

my eyes wagged open, blinking as i awoken by someone breathing that wasn't mine. awoken by a beating sound. i realized my head pressing peacefully against jeno's chest, i heard his heart-beat, very soft and gentle. his arms around me, protective and jeno wanted to provide me with comfort and safety. it's called the sweethearts cradle position.

my heart started to beat fast and fluttered. i always love being close to him, but i knew it was the wrong idea, it's related to romance. i carefully sat up, making sure he wouldn't wake up. i stretched my arms and legs, looked around and realized everyone was still sleeping.

mark hugging haechan from the back, while haechan silently slept with his mouth ajar.

renjun and jaemin laying beside each other, eyes closed.

mirae laying softly on harvey's arms while his hands grabbed mirae's warmly.

chenle and jisung, just like kids. chenle had his legs on top of jisung's stomach, snoring loudly while the youngest slept quietly.

then last but not least. i smiled and turned around. lee jeno, laying while sleeping peacefully with a blanket covering him from chest to toe and a fluffy pillow protecting his head.

when he was asleep he lay as still as a brick. the only movement was the slight rise and fall of his chest. in sleep he was angelic, his face as fresh as a dew drop, making gentle snuffling noises as he breathed. he just looked like an angel, sleeping and i had no idea how possible it was to see such a beautiful boy. he seems so unreal, too unreal. he's beautifully indescribable.

i leaned closes to his face and smiled. "you're so beautiful lee jeno." i whispered and smiled, watching him peacefully sleeping.

suddenly his straight lips formed into a curve, into a small smile. "you're beautiful too ryu nana~" he cooed with a husky voice.

i immediately pulled my face away, far away from his and sat trembling. the fact that he wasn't sleeping was terrifying, he heard it and it surprised me, but his respond surprised me more. did he really mean it?

he didn't open his eyes, instead he smiled widely and turned to the other side, continuing to sleep as if nothing just happened.

"what the hell." i mumbled to myself and didn't realize how my face turned red, as red as thick blood.

"you're awake nana." someone spoke behind me, raspy and tired. i turned around and saw mark sitting up, still let haechan sleep on his lap. "oh um yeah, it's still pretty early." i spoke and looked up the clock. it was precisely 6:05.

"shouldn't we start going? remember it's still thursday." i remarked which made realization hit him. "oh shit yeah, and school starts at 8:00. we still have loads of time, but it's better to start cleaning up now." mark said which made me agree with a nod.

"full-sun wake up." mark leaned his face close down haechan's, rubbing his soft cheek and secretly pecked his forehead. "come on and shine for us~"

i started to wake up the others. "what? but it's so early~" chenle whined and sat up, along with a quiet jisung. "my first class is english, and it's at this class." jisung informed with an unexpected deeper voice. "we need to hurry because mr cha goes to school very early." jisung stood up and started to grab the pillows.

jeno finally woke up, even though he already was awake before, he just showed that he's now awake. he looked at me and smiled, it made my cheeks blush and all i could do was avert my eyes away from his.

"ugh... fine." renjun yawned, watching jaemin struggling to sit up. "harvey wake up, mr cha is gonna be here soon-" mirae got disrupted by a door getting opened.

there we saw mr cha eunwoo standing with his round glasses and attractive face. his arm wrapped around books while his other hand held a cup of coffee. eyes on us and was utterly confused yet so shocked. he probably thought why the hell were we sleeping.

"what's happening here?" mr cha queried and squinted his eyes while lowering his glasses.

mark immediately stood up and ruffled his tousled hair. "mr cha we can explain."

mr cha gave him a nod, a signal to commence explaining and he seemed oblivious about the situation happening.

"we were stuck in the attic yesterday, all of us when we were preparing stuffs for the upcoming prom tomorrow. it took us a while to get out, and when we finally did we saw the dreadful storm outside so we couldn't really just walk our way home, it was too dangerous. the gates were also probably closed anyway. we also couldn't contact anyone because all our phones were dead, no battery so we had no choice to stay here." mark explained which made mr cha nod his head, it was very explicit, still stunned since it was odd to see his students sleeping.

he looked at us, sleepy and lazy. "hmm i suggest and will give you permission to leave the school, take a rest at home and skip school for today. it seems like you haven't gotten that much sleep and rest, also food so you may go and i'll be responsible to clean this class. sounds good yeah?" the teacher smiled at us, making us sigh in relief. we could skip school and got permission to do that?! oh that's sick!

"no mr cha it's fine. we can clean this up." harvey stood up, grabbing the blankets as mr cha shook his head. "please don't bother, i can do this. now go home, that's an order." he winked which made us blush, even the boys did.

"thank you, we are very thankful mr cha." mark bowed and so did we all. "you're welcome, now chop chop! go back home eat and rest."


once we left the school, messy hair and tired face we sighed and stopped right near the gates. some students already arrived as well, giving us looks since we did look odd.

"well guys, we should go home now and get some rest." harvey lazily rubbed his eyes, grabbing firmly on his bag straps and stood beside mirae very close.

"yeah.." renjun said and started to walk away. "i'm out." he mumbled and left us, jaemin saying bye to us and ran to catch up with renjun.

"are you guys still coming after school? prepare for prom?" i queried curiously as they all nodded. "we have to come, it's our last whole day to prepare." mirae explained which made me nod.

"okay bye then." i said, waving and lazily turned my heel around and started to walk. "hey! nana!" jeno shouted which made me stop. "hmm?" i turned around, when our eyes met both our cheeks blushed.

"are you still coming with us? prom preparation?" he shyly asked. i nodded. "good, see you~" he smiled as i blushed.

shit stop nana, don't fall deeper in love with him. it's a mistake and you might regret it, you'll get kick out of DNYL.

note: hey what's up?! we have summer break soon and i'm so excited!!

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