Chapter III

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Chloe Beale had been a psychologist for a number of years now. She loved her job. She loved working with people, getting to know them, and helping them through their problems. Sometimes things got tough whenever Chloe got a patient who had a bad life or a sad life but Chloe was more than willing to help them and turn everything around for them. Chloe always had a passion for helping people. She had a really big heart that many admired and sometimes envied. Chloe was just as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside. Some of Chloe's patients were even a little intimidated by her because of her beauty. Chloe had gorgeous red hair, piercing blue eyes, and a perfect, white smile. She truly was a naturally beautiful woman. She didn't have to wear makeup to look beautiful and when she did, it only enhanced her beauty.

But Chloe didn't let things go to her head since she was raised to be better than that. Chloe grew up in a loving home. She was raised by two beautiful parents who cherished their daughter more than anything. Chloe was an only child but that didn't bother her. She enjoyed having her parents to herself and it wasn't like she was lonely either. She had a bunch of friends that kept her company and made her happy. To put it simply, Chloe had a very stable and rather healthy childhood, which was what made her into the lovely young woman she was today. Chloe was a glass half full kind of person. You could always rely on her to turn your day around and make you smile. She was perfect to talk to, cry on, laugh with, and enjoy the good times with. Everyone wanted to be around Chloe. Even Chloe's co-workers enjoyed Chloe's company and wanted to hang out after work hours.

The redhead had a nice, stable life. She lived alone in her house with her dog Billie and she was fine with that. Chloe wasn't looking for a romantic partner at the moment. The woman hadn't been in a relationship for a while. She lost interest in partners nearing the end of her college degree since she became really focused on her work and planning to be the best psychologist she could be. Plus, Chloe wasn't really a relationship person in college either. She spent those years experimenting and just having fun while also studying. She wasn't really interested in relationships either back then but she wasn't against the idea of being in one. Chloe was very open to being in a relationship if the right person came along but they never did and that was fine for Chloe. Chloe wasn't someone who was desperate to be in a relationship by a certain age. Chloe had just turned thirty and she was still single. Some people tried to encourage Chloe to be with someone but Chloe didn't let that bother her. She was happy being single and Chloe always put her happiness first.

After another successful day at work, Chloe went home and was immediately greeted by her dog Billie who rushed over to her.

"Hello, beautiful girl! How are you? Did you miss mommy? I missed you!" Chloe leaned down, picked up her dog, and cuddled her.

Billie showered Chloe with kisses. Billie loved her mommy. The two of them did everything together and Chloe spoilt her rotten. Billie had a dog bed of her own but she only used it when Chloe was out. Billie slept on the bed with Chloe at night and sat on the couch with her. Billie was well trained so she didn't just jump up on the furniture whenever she wanted to. Billie was Chloe's little girl and she treated her as if she were an actual human being but Chloe was always an animal person. While she was in college, Chloe was deciding whether or not she wanted to be a vet or a psychologist. It was a tough decision but Chloe had a bigger desire for psychology. Even though Chloe would have loved to work with animals, she would have had a hard time dealing with sick ones that needed to be put down. Just thinking about it broke Chloe's heart.

"Now, let's get you something to eat, missy!" Chloe put the dog down and went into the kitchen.

Chloe grabbed some chicken and rice from the fridge and put it into Billie's bowl. Chloe insisted on feeding Billie healthy homemade meals because Billie had dietary issues. Chloe had to take Billie to the vet more than she would have liked to but that dog was her world and she would have done anything for her.

"Mm, yummy!" Chloe put Billie's bowl down on her special mat that had her name on it.

Billie sat until Chloe told her it was okay to eat, which Billie did without hesitation.

"Now, time for mommy's food."

Chloe grabbed out some vegetables and chicken of her own that she quickly whipped up for her own dinner. Chloe had a nice routine throughout the day. She would get up, feed Billie, get ready for work, put Billie to bed, go to work, come home, feed Billie, have dinner and relax for an hour or so, go to the gym, come home, shower, have a small meal to replenish the energy she used at the gym, relax, then go to bed. On the weekends, she spent time with her friends or family or just stayed at home. Chloe was very organised and she made sure that she got all of her work done at work so she didn't have to take it home. Chloe wasn't always as organised as she was but her job was a good incentive to become organised plus it made the redhead's life a lot easier.

Once Chloe had done her routine, it was time for bed. The woman climbed under the sheets with Billie by her side and got comfortable.

"Goodnight, baby girl." Chloe kissed Billie on the head then turned her face so Billie could kiss her cheek. "I love you and I'll see you in the morning."

Chloe reached over and turned off the bedside lamp then closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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