Chapter VIII

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It had been several weeks since Beca last saw Chloe. The brunette was still shocked about what happened between the two of them. Beca did find Chloe attractive and she enjoyed the time they had together but she thought because Chloe was her psychologist, that they could never be more than what they were. Beca didn't want to jeopardise Chloe in any way and Beca would have been lying if she didn't see herself in a relationship with Chloe but she knew that was impossible so it was just easier to push her feelings aside - something Beca was a professional at. However, seeing how hurt and heartbroken Chloe was really made Beca think that she screwed up. She didn't think that Chloe had feelings for her. Well, not really anyway. The whole situation was one big mess.

Chloe did help Beca gain her confidence and Beca found the courage to approach girls since she didn't think that being with Chloe was possible. Beca enjoyed having sex with women a LOT but it was nothing like it was with Chloe. Chloe was everything Beca wanted and the women that Beca slept with didn't hold a candle to the redhead. Beca thought that sleeping around would help take her mind off Chloe but it didn't. It only made her want Chloe more. Beca thought about Chloe every time she was with a random woman. Chloe was constantly on her mind and she wished that she wasn't. Beca didn't like falling for people because it was a quick and sure way of getting hurt but now, Beca was the one doing the hurting and she felt terrible.

Beca didn't have the heart to sleep with any other women after what happened with Chloe. She just wanted to talk to the redhead and sort things out but after seeing how hurt Chloe was, Beca knew there was no way that Chloe would want to talk to her and that hurt. Beca had no idea what to do. She had never been in this position before. She knew that if she told anybody, she would have put Chloe in danger and Beca didn't want that. She just wanted Chloe. She knew she shouldn't have wanted that but she did just as Chloe wanted Beca. There was a chemistry between them that went deeper than either of them thought but they knew it couldn't be their reality. Beca thought about Chloe all the time and dreamt about her more than she ever thought. In some of her dreams, Beca was with Chloe and everything was bliss. She was with the woman of her dreams so waking up to reality was like a nightmare. In other dreams, Beca was back in Chloe's office as she watched Chloe crying. It broke Beca's heart and she woke up in a cold sweat. It was awful.

Chloe was no better. She thought about Beca every day and she was still heartbroken by what happened. It affected her so much that even the way she did her job changed. She had a hard time being the upbeat woman she always was. She knew she couldn't let her personal life get in the way of her professional life but Chloe had very strong feelings towards Beca. She wanted nothing more than to be with Beca romantically. Chloe felt so guilty and ashamed of herself by what she did. She knew she was taking a big risk by sleeping with Beca but she had no idea or even thought that Beca would turn to other women. That's what hurt Chloe the most. The redhead felt that she wasn't good enough for Beca. She thought that she and Beca had something. She had hopes and dreams for the two of them, despite their situation.

Chloe was currently pacing around her room, raking a hand through her hair and trying to calm down. Chloe hadn't been feeling the best lately and she hoped that she wasn't coming down with the flu or something. It was flu season and Chloe did have her fair share of patients that were sick, which she didn't like. She always told her patients to stay home if they were unwell, even it was just the flu, she didn't want to catch it and nobody else did as well. Chloe wasn't a germaphobe but she didn't like getting sick and she did like to keep things clean, which was fair enough. Nobody likes getting sick and living in filth.

However, this was different. Chloe had been sick several mornings in a row now and she was experiencing things that didn't add up to the flu such as sore boobs, frequent headaches, morning sickness, intense food cravings, difficulty sleeping, and much more. Chloe didn't plan on getting pregnant. She wanted to be in a steady relationship and preferably be married before she had kids or thought about having them but unfortunately, that wasn't the case this time. The timer on Chloe's phone went off and the redhead froze. This was it - the moment of truth. Chloe took a nervous breath as she walked into her ensuite and over to the sink. On top of the sink was Chloe's pregnancy test. The woman was terrified to look at it but she knew that she had to.

With shaking hands, Chloe picked up the stick and saw two parallel lines in front of her. Chloe's heart dropped and she began to cry. Chloe wasn't opposed to having kids but this wasn't how she wanted to have them. She was pregnant and alone and the parent of the child was Chloe's former patient. It was all a big mess. Chloe fell into the bathroom floor and sobbed. She had no idea what she was going to do and it scared the life out of her.

Author's Note: I strongly recommend listening to Infinity/Wicked Game by Carolina Wallace. I listened to it while writing this chapter. I think it fits well with the story all up. If you do listen to it, let me know what you think!

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