Chapter V

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When Chloe got home that evening after work, all she could think about was Beca. Chloe had many patients and had worked with many people but none of them were like Beca. Beca was so different from everybody else and not just because of her anatomy. Beca had a very badass, rebel attitude and it enticed Chloe. Listening to Beca talk and getting to know her, Chloe found herself very interested in the brunette. She had a rough childhood and the redhead's heart broke for Beca. Chloe had heard a lot of stories but for some reason, Beca's really tugged at her heart. Beca spoke with such emotion even though she tried not to. Chloe could see and hear Beca's pain but Beca just buried everything so she wouldn't have to face it again. Chloe knew that it was going to be a lot of hard work to bring Beca out of her shell but Chloe wasn't going to give up on her.

Chloe began her usual routine of feeding Billie and getting herself something to eat before she went to the gym. Chloe tried to take her mind off of Beca but she couldn't. Everything she did, everywhere she went, Chloe's thoughts were on Beca. There was something about Beca's badass demeanor that drew Chloe in. Chloe knew it was wrong to keep thinking about her patient as she was. There was a strict code that Chloe had to follow as a psychologist and she never thought about breaking them. Chloe was always a good person who never broke the rules but now, Chloe was thinking about her patient in a very inappropriate way. Chloe thought her thoughts about Beca would go away but they didn't. The more Chloe saw Beca, the worse it got. Chloe eventually got excited to see Beca once a week. She looked forward to talking to Beca and getting to know the woman more. It took a while but Beca eventually opened up to Chloe and told her about her past and how she felt about certain things.

Beca was the most interesting person Chloe had even met. There was something different about Beca that Chloe couldn't put her finger on. Beca was a very mysterious person and her outlook on life was an interesting one. Chloe felt more deeply for Beca than any other of her patients. The more Chloe spoke to Beca, the more she became attracted to her. Again, Chloe knew it was wrong but she couldn't help it. Beca ticked all of Chloe's boxes. Chloe loved the badass look and the "I don't care" attitude. Beca was the opposite of Chloe and Chloe didn't necessarily believe in the saying "opposites attract" but in this case, she did because it was true. Chloe became more attracted to Beca the more she saw her and soon, she started to get feelings for the brunette and wished that Beca reciprocated those feelings.

After a few weeks, Chloe starting spicing up her clothing a bit. On the days she saw Beca, she wore short skirts and low-cut tops. She wore a jacket for her other patients but when Beca walked into her office, Chloe removed her jacket and pulled her top down, giving Beca a nice view of her cleavage that was supported by her push-up bra. Those things didn't go unnoticed by Beca. Beca had thought that Chloe was very attractive the moment she met her and like Chloe, Beca looked forward to seeing Chloe, which was extremely odd. Beca hated talking about herself but with Chloe, it was different. Chloe was beautiful on the inside and out and Beca liked that. Chloe knew a lot about Beca and she knew of Beca's anatomy and Chloe wasn't disgusted or anything. Of course, Beca knew that Chloe was only being professional and simply doing her job but Beca felt as if there was something else there. It was in the way Chloe spoke and how she looked at Beca that made Beca feel differently.

Beca trusted Chloe and that was saying a lot. From a young age, Beca had trust issues and she still did but she didn't have a hard time trusting Chloe. Yes, part of it was because she was a psychologist and she had to maintain doctor-patient confidentiality but Beca believed that if Chloe wasn't her doctor, she would still be a trustworthy person. Chloe was different from anybody Beca had ever met and Beca wanted to get to know Chloe more. The sessions were all about Beca but Beca wanted to know who Chloe was. She tried every now and then, asking how Chloe's weekend was, what her plans were when she went home - small things like that. Like Chloe, Beca also looked forward to her sessions but it was only to see Chloe. Just looking at Chloe and being in the same room with her was the highlight of her week. Beca even made the effort to dress a little better for Chloe by wearing nice jeans, boots, and shirts and also styling her hair a bit. It wasn't over the top and she still wore what she liked but she dressed to impress the redhead and it worked.

"How are you today, Beca?" Chloe asked when Beca entered Chloe's office.

"I'm well, thanks. How are you?"

"Very well, thank you. Take a seat, I'll be right with you."

"No worries." Beca sat where she usually did and snuck a peek at Chloe who was wearing a short, black skirt, a low-cut white top, with black boots.

Chloe could feel Beca's eyes on her, which wasn't the first time. Chloe decided to entice Beca more by purposefully dropping her pen when she approached her seat.

"Oops!" Chloe said innocently, turning around and bending right over in front of Beca.

Beca bit down on her knuckles to suppress her groan.

"Oh! I forgot your water!" Chloe put her note pad and pen on the table and quickly grabbed water for Beca. "Here you go." Chloe leaned forward and placed the glass on the table, granting Beca a good view of her cleavage.

"T, thanks." Beca cleared her throat and drunk some of her water to cool her down.

It helped her a little bit but Chloe was looking extremely beautiful today and Beca had to cross her legs and put her leather jacket over her lap to cover up her growing friend. Beca had feelings for Chloe but she knew that actually being with Chloe in any way was impossible and she didn't want to embarrass herself or make Chloe uncomfortable. However, Chloe noticed Beca's flushed face and she knew why Beca crossed her legs and put her jacket over her lap and it flattered Chloe. Her attempts at seducing Beca were working. Chloe knew it was wrong but it felt good knowing that Beca was attracted to her. Now, Chloe just needed to figure out a way to get into Beca's pants...

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