Chapter VII

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After sleeping with Chloe, Beca finally found the wind in her sails. For the first time in her life, she felt good about herself. Beca hadn't experienced anything so euphoric before in her life. Chloe was such a woman. She was beautiful, kind, caring, patient, soft, fun, and energetic. Chloe was everything Beca had imagined and more. Beca never thought that she could feel so good with another person but she did. She felt amazing and Chloe left her begging for more. The first session where they had sex, Beca felt like a teenager. She was so inexperienced and she never lasted very long. She was quite embarrassed but Chloe reassured her that it was fine and normal.

Beca walked out of Chloe's office feeling on top of the world and the brunette couldn't wait to go back and see Chloe next week. When she did, she threw herself onto Chloe, kissing her vigorously and making her out with her for a little while before they had sex. Soon, the two had a routine - Beca would enter Chloe's office, they'd make out, they'd have sex, then they'd have their actual session. Of course, the talking part of the session wasn't that long but Beca was okay with that. She found that having sex with Chloe on a regular basis was helping her a great deal with her anxiety and her confidence issues. It helped so much that everybody noticed a change in Beca. Her father and step-mother thought it was because Chloe was doing an amazing job with Beca, which she was but they weren't privy to everything Chloe was doing with Beca.

Beca's friends were curious as to why the brunette was acting so chipper and un-Beca but Beca simply told them that she was feeling good about herself and that she was getting help for her anxiety. Stacie was quite dubious though. Stacie knew that people only acted that way unless something really good happened to them, especially sex and that's how Beca was acting. She was acting as if she had the best sex of her life and she did but Stacie wasn't to know that nor was anybody else. Beca held up to her agreement with Chloe and didn't tell anybody about what was happening between them. She knew what would have happened to Chloe if she said anything and she didn't want that for the beautiful redhead. Chloe didn't want it either so she was very happy when Beca agreed to keep their affair a secret.

Chloe knew what she was doing was HIGHLY illegal that could result in Chloe losing her license and being thrown in jail but Beca was too addictive. Despite not having a clue about sex, Beca was extremely good at it. Beca was everything Chloe wanted and more. Chloe counted down the days when she would see Beca next. She was so eager to see Beca and when she finally did, it was as if she could breathe again. Chloe had been sleeping with Beca for a good two months now and Chloe was falling hard for the brunette. The redhead knew that she was getting herself into a big mess but she couldn't help who she fell for. She hated that she fell for her patient and she felt so guilty and awful for sleeping with her but she couldn't stop. Chloe was putty in Beca's hands and Beca didn't even realise.

Chloe was willing to do whatever Beca wanted and give Beca whatever she wanted. Chloe hated herself for it since she was digging herself into a hole but Chloe was addicted to Beca and she couldn't stop.

"Oh my God..." Beca breathed, stepping back and pulling her pants back up. "Thank you."

Chloe laughed, standing upright and fixing her skirt.

"You don't need to thank me, you know?"

"I know but I feel like I need to. I mean, you let me have sex with you every week. The least I could do is thank you."

"You thank me enough by paying me at the end of the session in a non-prostitute way."

Beca laughed as did Chloe. The two of them got respectable then sat down.

"Now," Chloe began. "How have you been?"

"Good. Really good."

"Oh, yeah?"


"You seem chipper than usual."

"Oh, I am. My confidence level has shot through the roof and I'm really confident about who I am."

"That's great, Beca! That's so good to hear!"

"And I've got you to thank for it."

"Aww," Chloe blushed.

"I mean it. You've been great to me."

"That's really sweet. Thank you."

"No, thank you! Without you, I wouldn't have been able to get the confidence to approach girls."

Chloe froze. "W, what?"

"Yeah, now that I've grown confident in myself, I've been able to approach girls and take them to bed."

"You... You've been sleeping with girls?"

"Yeah!" Beca nodded happily. "I never thought I'd be the one-night stand kind of person but it turns out that girls are actually really into me! Like, they're not creeped out by me. They're actually intrigued and they want me. I tell you, taking a woman to bed, undressing her, kissing her, having sex with her... It's amazing. Women are just so hot and sleeping with them is amazing."

Chloe felt her heart break into two. Beca was sleeping with random women whenever she wanted. She was willingly giving it to every woman who took an interest in her. Chloe didn't want to overreact but she truly did feel heartbroken. She thought that she and Beca had something between them. Chloe felt hurt, humiliated, and heartbroken. She thought that there was a possibility that she and Beca could be together. She thought that Beca wanted her as much as Chloe wanted Beca. The way Beca looked at Chloe, treated her, spoke to her, acted around her, smiled at her - Chloe honestly thought something was there. Even though what they were doing was strictly casual and confidential, Beca made Chloe feel like she was the only woman in the world. She felt like she was appreciated. She felt things she had never felt before but now, all of those things got ripped out from under Chloe and she was left heartbroken.

"Well, if that's what you want to do, then that's what you do," Chloe snapped. "So, if you're feeling good about yourself and sleeping with other women is helping you, then there's no need for me to see you anymore."

Beca was taken aback by Chloe's abruptness. "I'm sorry, did I... Did I say something wrong or...?"

"No, of course not." Chloe stood and walked over to her desk, avoiding looking at Beca. "You seem to be happy and your anxiety doesn't seem to be an issue anymore. There's no need for you to keep coming back to me."

Beca sat in confusion until she noticed Chloe throwing her notepad down and ditching her pen in her pen holder.

"Are... are you jealous?" Beca stood.

"What?" Chloe snorted. "Of course not. You're my patient, Beca," she hissed. "There's nothing to be jealous of."

"Yeah, but... you're acting as if you're bothered by what I'm doing..." Beca approached the redhead. "Chloe, if I've upset you, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I just thought what we were doing was something fun..."

"Fun?" Chloe choked out, tears brimming in her eyes. "Is that what you thought?" Chloe finally looked up at Beca and Beca knew right then that she hurt Chloe.

"I... I..."

"I have feelings for you, Beca. I thought that was obvious enough... But it doesn't matter now so you can go."

"Chloe, I-"

"I said go, Beca," she snapped, pulling herself together as much as she could to not cry.

Beca went to speak further but she didn't want to push Chloe so the brunette reluctantly turned on her heel and left. Once Beca was gone, Chloe sat at her desk then crumbled.

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