Chapter IV

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Beca didn't want to go to a psychologist - not at all. She fought against going to one but the brunette had suffered a severe panic attack and it wasn't the first time. Beca was taken to her parent's house where Shelia, her step-mother, insisted that Beca see a psychologist and ended up making an appointment for the girl since Beca wasn't going to do it herself. Beca didn't want to go but she had to. Deep down she knew she had to and she didn't want to continue living the way that she was - in secret and in shame. Beca didn't want to live that way anymore but going to a psychologist meant that Beca had to talk about herself and more specifically, her past. That was something she absolutely did NOT want to do but again, it was to help her.

Stacie took Beca home that night and Beca had no other choice but to tell Stacie about who she really was. Beca was prepared for the worst. She was ready for Stacie to call her a freak and degrade her but she didn't. Stacie instead hugged Beca and told the tiny brunette how proud she was of her and how she wished that Beca had told her sooner. Beca was shocked but not overly shocked. She knew that Stacie was a very supportive person but she didn't think she would have been that supportive towards her. Beca was grateful for her reaction though. She apologised to Stacie for not telling her but she explained her reasons. Stacie understood Beca's reasons but she thought it was quite absurd since Stacie would have never degraded Beca or pushed her away because of her anatomy. However, Stacie knew Beca took things to the extreme and always saw the worst in a situation so she wasn't surprised that Beca thought such awful things.

Thankfully, Stacie agreed not to say anything to anybody else about her secret. Beca needed to do that herself and Stacie understood completely and respected Beca's wishes. Now that was taken care of, Beca was sitting in the waiting room of the psychologist building. Beca played with the ring on her index finger nervously. She really didn't want to go to a psychologist but she had no choice. She didn't want to have to argue with her father and step-mother over it again. So, Beca sat anxiously and thankfully, she didn't have to wait too long until the receptionist called out to Beca.

"Miss Mitchell, Doctor Beale will see you now. She's the last door on the left. Her name is on the door."

"Thank you." Beca stood and made her way down the hall.

She took steady breaths through her mouth and dragged a hand through her hair and before she knew it, she was standing in front of Chloe Beale's office. Beca grabbed the handle nervously and opened the door.

"Hello, Miss Mitchell!" Chloe beamed once she saw Beca.

Beca froze as the redheaded woman got up and made her way over to her. Beca had never seen anybody so beautiful before in her life. Chloe was smiling brightly at her and everything about her enticed Beca.

"I'm Chloe Beale," Chloe extended her hand, allowing Beca to shake it and take note of Chloe's soft, warm hands.

"B, Beca... Beca Mitchell."

"Yes, you're Shelia's step-daughter, aren't you?"

"Yes," she nodded.

"I've heard a little bit about you and it's good to finally meet you. Why don't you take a seat and we'll get started?"

"Ah, okay. Sure." Beca stepped over to the couch and sat while Chloe grabbed her notepad and pen and sat across from her.

"How are you feeling?" Chloe began.



"Because I don't like talking about myself."

"Don't you?"


"Well, that's okay. Not many people like talking about themselves either. Let's just start with the simple stuff. Tell me a little bit about you. Like, what your interests are and such."

"Ah... Okay... Well, I like music. I want to be a music producer one day. I work for a music company but it's not ideal."

"So, do you want to make your own music and produce it?"


"Wow! That sounds exciting. I love music, too."

"You do?"

"Yes, I sang a capella in college."

"You did?"

"I did. I loved it. I loved getting up on the stage and singing and dancing with my fellow Bellas... It was great. Anyway, back to you."

"Ah... I'm not very interesting I'm afraid."

"Oh, don't say that. Everybody is unique."

"What did... what did Shelia tell you about me?"

"Nothing much. She only said that you suffered from anxiety and you had a severe panic attack. Tell me about that."

"It was terrible. I felt like I was going to die."

"What caused it to happen?"

"Ah..." Beca began fiddling with her ring again. "I, ah... My friend, um... I... I don't want to say."

"It's okay, Beca. You can tell me anything - that's what I'm here for. I won't judge you or criticise you. I'm here to help."

Beca looked up at Chloe's soft, blue eyes and succumbed. She was terrified about telling Chloe but as the woman said, she was there to help.

"I was at a bar with my friends and one of my friends spilled her drink on her shirt and her shirt was see-through. I saw her bra and I got..."



"So are you attracted to women?"

"Yes," Beca nodded. "But as she was trying to clean herself up, she leaned over to me and tried to get a napkin but her hand slipped and it fell onto my..."

"Your private area?"

"Yeah... But... there's more to it than that."

"What do you mean?"

"I... I don't... I have..." Beca sighed angrily then decided to just get it out. "I have a dick."

"Oh, okay."

"Yeah, I was born with it... Nobody knows except my dad and now, my friend who grabbed me."

"And that's what caused the panic attack?"

"Yeah, like, I didn't want her to know. I didn't want her to think that I'm a freak or anything."

"Do you think that people will call you a freak if they found out?"

"Well, yeah, why wouldn't they? I wouldn't go near me."

"Don't say that about yourself. You can't help it. It's who you are." Chloe's words were soft and kind and they brought Beca some comfort and Beca was even more surprised by Chloe's unshaken reaction.

"Thanks, but I kinda hate it because I get aroused so easily. Like, when I see women in short skirts or shorts wearing low-cut tops and stuff and I get aroused."

"Have you ever had a significant other who knew about your anatomy?"

"No," Beca shook her head. "I've never had anybody. I haven't even had sex and I'm scared that I never will."

"Because of your anatomy?"


Chloe looked at Beca and felt her heart crack. She could see that Beca was hurting and all she wanted to do was give the woman a hug and tell her that everything was going to be okay.

"Well, let's talk about that then. As I said, I'm here to help you and my goal for all of my patients is to help them lead healthy and productive lives where they are comfortable about who they are and are not afraid to strive for what they want."

Beca smiled softly at Chloe and Chloe smiled back.

"Okay," Beca agreed. "Let's talk about it then."

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