Chapter IX

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Another week had gone by and Beca decided that it was time to do something about her and Chloe. The brunette had been thinking about Chloe non-stop and she couldn't take it anymore. Beca was never one to be a relationship person of fall for someone but she fell for Chloe and she fell hard. Chloe was amazing and even though she and Beca strictly had sex, there was more to it than that. So, that's why Beca was on her way to Chloe's office. No, she didn't have an appointment but she did make her way to Chloe's office when she knew that Chloe was getting ready to go home. Beca needed to talk to Chloe. She wanted to fix things between them and possibly be in a relationship with her. Beca knew it was a longshot but she was willing to give it a go. Chloe was worth the risk.

"Oh, hello, Miss Mitchell," the receptionist greeted. "I haven't seen you on Doctor Beale's patient list for a while. Are you here to make another appointment?"

"No, I'm actually here to see Doctor Beale."

"Oh... Isn't taking any more patients today. Is she expecting you?"

"No. I just want to surprise her by thanking her," Beca held up a bouquet of flowers. "She's been really great to me so I thought this was the least I could do."

"Aww! How sweet! She's just in her office. If you're quick, you can still catch her before she leaves."

"Thank you." Beca turned down the hall and walked to Chloe's office.

Beca wasn't going to come with flowers but she did want to apologise to Chloe and she also needed a good excuse to see Chloe without the receptionist or anybody else being suspicious. Thankfully, Beca's plan worked like a charm.

"Here we go..." Beca uttered once she reached Chloe's office.

The brunette raked her hand through her hair nervously and knocked on Chloe's door.

"Come in," she answered.

Beca took a steady breath before stepping into Chloe's office.

"Hey, Chlo," Beca said and Chloe's face fell.

"B, Beca... What... What are you doing here?"

"I... I came to say that I'm sorry. These... these are for you..." Beca walked over to the woman and handed her the flowers.

"Oh... Thank you." Chloe gently placed the flowers on her desk.

"That's not the only reason I'm here though," Beca began playing with her ring. "I really like you, Chloe. I like you more than my psychologist. You've helped me become who I am and I don't know where I'd be without you."

"You don't need to do this, Beca. You really don't."

"No, I do. I feel really bad about how we left things and I want to fix it."


"No, I do. I mean, I know things between us are... messy but that doesn't change the way I feel about you. I... I like you, Chloe. I'm not good at expressing my feelings and stuff but I like you. I like you a lot. I've never met anybody like you before. I know you're my doctor but I see you as more than that and I know it's wrong but I can't help it."


"I only slept with those women because I didn't think we could ever be together but I realise now that I don't want any other woman but you. I know what we did was illegal but you're not my doctor anymore and I still want to be with you and I'm not just saying that to get back into your pants. I mean, the sex was good, like, it was fantastic, but that's not why I want to be with you."

"Beca, just stop."

Beca did as Chloe said. "What?"

"I'm pregnant."

The blood drained from Beca's face. "You're... you're... pre... pregnant?"

"Yes," she nodded.

"With, with m, my... baby?"

"Yes," she nodded again. "I haven't slept with anybody but you."

It any other person said that Beca wouldn't have believed them but she believed Chloe. She knew that Chloe wasn't interested in men because Chloe told Beca she wasn't. Chloe was attracted to women and more so, Beca.

"How... How long?" Beca asked.

"Eight weeks. I got a blood test from the doctor the other day to confirm it."

"Whoa..." Beca sat down on the couch, trying to adjust to her out of body experience.

"Are you okay?" Chloe sat next to Beca who was staring blankly at the coffee table.

"I... I... I don't know. I..." Beca shook her head and shrugged, having no idea what to say.

"Do you want this baby?"

Beca finally looked at Chloe who was scared beyond words.

"Were you ever going to tell me about it?"

"Eventually. I just... I wanted to figure things out for myself first."

Beca nodded. "Fair enough."

"You didn't answer my question."

Beca looked into Chloe's vulnerable eyes then placed her hand on Chloe's stomach.

"I do," she answered.

"You... you do?"

"Yes. Chlo, the whole reason I came here was to tell you that I wanted to be with you."

"R, really?"

"Yeah," she chuckled faintly. "I can't stop thinking about you, Chlo, and you've helped me become a more confident person. I only slept with those women because I never thought we'd have a chance but I realised that I don't want other women - I want you."

Chloe wasn't expecting her day to turn out like it was but she wasn't complaining. She wasn't sure if it was the pregnancy hormones or the genuineness in Beca's tone but the redhead began to cry.

"Shit," Beca scooted over to Chloe and held her. "I'm sorry, Chlo. Did I do say something wrong?"

"No," Chloe shook her head. "You said exactly what I wanted to hear. I just never thought I'd hear it."

Beca smiled with relief and kissed Chloe's head. "I really do want to be with you, Chloe. I really like you and I don't want to be with anybody else. This pregnancy is unexpected but I'm willing to have a child with you."

"Oh, Beca..." Chloe held onto the shorter woman tightly. "You have no idea how much that means to me... I was so scared..."

Beca's heart broke, causing her to pull Chloe off of her and kiss her hard. Chloe melted into the kiss, falling even harder for Beca.

"You don't need to be scared anymore, baby," Beca reassured her. "I've got you and I'm going to look after you. We'll do this together. I promise."

With those words, Chloe leaped onto Beca and kissed her passionately and it was then that Chloe knew she was going to be okay no matter what.

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