Chapter X

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Several years later...

"Babe, you need to calm down," Chloe giggled at her wife who was pacing back and forth in their bedroom.

"How can I be calm in a situation like this? This is big, Chlo. BIG."

"We'll be fine."

"I know we'll be fine but it's still nerve-racking, you know?"

Chloe giggled again as she stared adoringly at the brunette. Beca and Chloe had been married for five years now and after the birth of their first child, Valentine, the couple decided that they wanted to have another one. The couple had been trying for a baby for the last month but they had trouble conceiving and Beca was hoping that this time would work. She wanted another baby with Chloe more than anything. Chloe was a terrific mother and she was so good with their daughter as was Beca. They both loved their little girl so much and they wanted to love another little one just as much.

"Okay, time's up!" Chloe announced.

"Okay..." Beca breathed. "Okay, let's do this. Come on," Beca took Chloe's hand and led her into the bathroom where the pregnancy test was.

Chloe decided to just get it over with so she grabbed the stick and looked at it.

"What does it say?" Beca asked.

Chloe smiled at her wife. "We're pregnant."

"We are?"

"Ah huh." Chloe showed the test to Beca.

Beca's eyes lit up as well as her smile. "We did it!" Beca laughed then picked up Chloe and twirled her around.

Chloe giggled, loving Beca's reaction.

"I'm so proud of you!" Beca said, putting Chloe down and kissing her.

"You helped, you know?" Chloe reminded her.

"I know but you're going to carry it, grow it, and birth it. I just gave you some of my stuff. You did the rest."

"You're sweet." Chloe pulled Beca in and kissed her softly.

"Are we going to tell Val?"

"Not yet. Let's just wait until we're in the clear first. I don't want to tell her then have something happen to the baby. You know how excited she is about having a little sister or brother."

"I do," Beca nodded. "Are you going to get a blood test just to make sure?"

"Yes. I'll always get a blood test when it comes to things like this."

"Good idea. I'll come with you when you get it."

"I'd be surprised if you weren't."

Beca chuckled. When Chloe fell pregnant the first time, Beca was amazing with her. She attended all of the doctor's appointments, birthing classes, and so on. She even moved into Chloe's house temporarily so the redhead wasn't left alone when she was getting on in her pregnancy. Chloe fell more and more in love with Beca as the brunette looked after her. Beca was everything Chloe had hoped and more. Beca was already maternal and the baby wasn't even born yet! When the baby was born, Beca fell in love with the child and she fell in love with Chloe and vice versa.

The couple soon decided that they should be together as a family. So, Beca fully moved into Chloe's house then after Beca's music career kicked off, they bought a bigger house that was suitable for kids and animals. Beca knew just how much Chloe loved animals, especially dogs so the house had to be pet-friendly. Not too long after Beca and Chloe moved in together and Valentine was born, Beca proposed to Chloe. She was hopelessly in love with the redhead and wanted her to be her wife. Chloe couldn't have said yes quick enough and they got married months after. Putting a ring on Chloe's finger was the best decision of Beca's life.

Beca was so excited to tell her friends and family that Chloe was pregnant for the second time and hitting the twelve-week mark felt like forever for the brunette. Thankfully, the doctor told Chloe that she was healthy as was the baby. Chloe was over the moon as was Beca and when they picked Valentine up from preschool and took her home, they decided to give the girl the good news.

"Val, we've got a present for you!" Beca announced.

"You do?" The little girl squeaked.

"I do! Come and sit down."

Valentine sat on the couch with her mothers.

"Here you go," Beca handed Valentine a small, wrapped gift.

The girl smiled and opened it, revealing a white t-shirt. Valentine turned it around and read the writing on the front.

World's Best Biggest Sister

The girl's eyes lit up, then she looked to her parents.

"Am I going to have a sister?"

"We're not sure if she's a girl yet but you're going to have a little buddy soon," Beca told her.

"YAY!" Valentine leaped onto Beca and hugged her then hugged Chloe. "Is she in there?" Valentine pointed to Chloe's stomach.

"Yep!" Chloe confirmed.

"So cool!" Valentine leaned down to Chloe's stomach. "Hey, baby sis, it's Val - your big sister. We're going to have so much fun when you're born. I can't wait until you get here."

Beca and Chloe's hearts melted at their daughter. They knew that Valentine wanted a sibling but seeing her reaction made them so happy.

"Are you gonna help look after her when she comes along, baby?" Chloe asked, gently dragging her hand through Valentine's hair.

"Ah huh!" She nodded. "I can't wait!"

"Do you like your shirt?" Beca checked.

"I love it! Thank you, mama!" Valentine hugged Beca again then Chloe.

"You're welcome, dude."

"Is she going to stay in my room?"

"If she's a girl, probably."

"Yes! How long until she gets here?"

"Nine months."

"Nine months! That's so long!"

Beca and Chloe chuckled.

"Trust me, kid, she'll be here before you know it," Beca stroked her daughter's hair.

"Why don't you go and get your juice, baby, then we can pick out some names?" Chloe suggested.

"Okay, mommy!" Valentine slipped her t-shirt on over the shirt she was already wearing then skipped into the kitchen.

"She's so cute," Chloe uttered.

"Just like her mommy." Beca scooted in next to her wife and held her arm around the woman.

Chloe hummed and snuggled into Beca's side. "Let's just hope she gets my height."

Beca chuckled. "One can only hope." Beca kissed Chloe's head then made room for Valentine who sat between her mothers as they began going over names for their future Mitchell baby.


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