Chapter VI

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Today was the day Chloe was going to get into Beca's pants. Chloe knew was extremely wrong but Beca was on her mind every day and Chloe wanted nothing more than to be with Beca. Recently, Chloe had been talking about Beca's sexuality with the brunette and how Beca was sexually inexperienced. To put it simply, Beca didn't know much about sex. Of course, she knew the basics but Beca had never experienced any form of sexual contact with anybody else. Beca did please herself as any other normal human being did but that was it. That only made Chloe want Beca more. Beca often got shy when she spoke about sex, which Chloe found extremely cute.

Beca arrived at Chloe's office, nervous yet excited and let herself in.

"Hello, Beca!" Chloe greeted happily as always.

"Hey, Chloe. How are you?"

"Good! And yourself?"

"Yeah, I'm good." Beca sat down and waited for Chloe to sit.

"How are you feeling after our last session? We explored a lot of things." Chloe sat across from Beca with a fresh note pad.

"Yeah, I'm feeling alright, I guess. I mean, it was a bit awkward."

"Are you alright to continue talking about that?"

"Ah, yeah. Sure, I guess."

"We don't have to if you don't want to."

"Yeah, I know. I'm okay to keep talking about it. It's just a bit awkward that's all."

"I know, but you're doing really well. Talking about sex and things surrounding sex makes people very uncomfortable but it's important that we talk about it so we can understand it."

"Good point."

"Now, how do you feel when you think about sex after we spoke last?"

"Ah... I still feel the same..."

"Does it make you uncomfortable?"

"A little bit."

"Talk me through that."

"Well... It's not something you talk about, is it? It's one of those "hush, hush" topics. It's private."

"It is. It's a very private thing."

"I guess I don't really like talking about it because I've never had it so I don't know what it's like."

"Would you like to know what it's like?"

"Ah... Yeah, I guess," she chuckled nervously, wanting nothing more to know what it's like with Chloe.

"And you would want to know what it's like with a woman? Correct?"

"Yeah," Beca nodded.

"You never thought of being with a man?"

"No," Beca chuckled. "And it's not because of my anatomy. I've never been interested in guys and if I was then I'd be royally screwed. I'd only be able to find a guy who was into weird shit and I'm not into weird shit like that."

"How do you know what you're into if you've never tried anything?"

"Well, I've never had the desire to try any of that stuff - I'm not like that."

"Do you think it'll change when you do have sex?"

"Ah... I don't think so. I hope it wouldn't."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, it's weird, isn't it? It's not... normal... I don't know. I'm just not into it. I don't have a desire to try any of those "kinks" out there. I've never been like that."

"So you just want to stick to normal things?"

"Yeah," Beca shrugged. "I mean, if I got with a girl, I'd treat her right. I wouldn't pressure her into anything. I'd go slow and stuff. Like, if I found a girl who wasn't bothered about my anatomy and who could put up with my shit, I'd treat her like a queen."

Chloe's heart melted at Beca's words and that's when she decided that she couldn't wait any longer to have Beca. She knew that what she was going to do would make or break her career but Chloe was extremely good at reading people and she was very confident that Beca felt something for her. All of the signs pointed to Beca liking Chloe.

"Can I ask you something, Beca?"

"Ah, yeah..."

"How do you feel around me?"

"Ah... What do you mean?"

"When you see me. When you look at me. When you talk to me. How do you feel?"

"Umm... I feel... comfortable. I like talking to you and stuff."

"Do you get aroused?"

"Huh?" Beca choked.

"Is that why you put your jacket on your lap all the time?"

"Ah..." Beca swallowed hard, feeling her cheeks heat up.

"It's alright, Beca," Chloe chuckled. "I'm flattered. I really am."

"I... I'm sorry. I..."

"It's okay," she reassured. "As I said, I'm flattered. Do you ever think about me being more than your psychologist?"

"Umm... Ah... I, ah... Some... sometimes, I guess."

"Do you think about what it would be like to have sex with me?"

Beca gulped at the question, feeling as if she were going to pass out. Her face was red with embarrassment. She cursed internally. She thought she was being so subtle but Chloe was onto her and Beca was terrified.

"It's okay if you do, Beca. I want you to be comfortable enough with me to say so."

"Ah... I, ah..." Beca raked a hand through her hair. "Yeah... Yeah, I do."

Chloe bit down on her smile and that's when she got up, putting her pad and pen on the table. Beca watched carefully as Chloe strode over to her, grabbing her leather jacket and putting it next to the brunette. Beca's heart was hammering in her chest and she felt like she was about to expire. Chloe then grabbed Beca's shoulders softly and straddled the woman's lap. Beca moaned ever so softly as Chloe nestled on her crotch. Chloe smiled seductively at Beca then leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on her lips. Beca nearly whimpered at the contact. Chloe smiled and kissed Beca again before pulling away. Beca looked up at Chloe then lunged forward and kissed her hard, hungry and desperate for another kiss. It took the redhead by surprise and it made her giggle but Chloe gently pushed Beca back.

"Easy, baby," Chloe told her. "I know you're eager but if I'm going to help you understand sex, we need to go slow. Can you do that for me?"

Beca nodded. "Y, yes."

"Good." Chloe smiled then leaned forward and kissed the brunette again.

Beca melted into the kiss and just as she was getting used to Chloe's lips on hers, the redhead reached down to Beca's pants and began undoing them.

"Isn't this illegal?" Beca mumbled against Chloe's lips.

"Very," Chloe sat back and undid Beca's pants fully. "If you don't want this, you need to tell me now."

"No. I want this. Like, you have no idea how much I want this. I mean, I've dreamt about this. Literally. I've had so many wet dreams about it. Like, I don't want you to be grossed out by it but I have. You're really beautiful and hot and sexy. Sorry, I'm rambling. I don't mean to it's just I-"

"Shh," Chloe pressed her finger to Beca's lips. "It's okay. I get it. It's cute. But you need to promise me that this will stay between us and only us. Understand?"

"Yes," she nodded. "I promise."

"Good girl. Now, let's get started, shall we?"

"God yes," Beca breathed.

Chloe smiled and swooped Beca's lips with her own in a searing kiss.

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