Surprise (SFW)

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     Hannibal had blindfolded Will with his tie, guiding him through the front door and into the bedroom. Will felt his face heating up, knowing it had to be some kind of sexual thing if they were heading to Hannibal's room.

     "Ready?" The psychiatrist asked, his hands already undoing the blindfold.

     "As I can be."

      Hannibal chuckled, strangely dark.
      The doctor opened the door, pushing Will in.

     "So, what's-" Will stumbled, feeling a sharp pain in his neck.

     "Shhh...Rest now, dear."

     Will fell backward into the psychiatrist's arms. Hannibal held him, resting his head on Will's shoulder.


      "Shush," Hannibal commanded.

      Will's vision blurred, then all went black.


     Will awoke in the doctor's bed, arms and legs handcuffed to the bedposts. Hannibal was standing off to the side, wearing a plastic suit over his clothes, slipping on plastic gloves.

     "Ha...Hannibal." Will croaked, his head was fuzzy and his throat dry. "What happened?"

     "I gave you a sedative. How do you feel?"

     "Like shit. W-why the...the sedative?"

     "So I wouldn't have to fight with you."

     "I'm not sure I'm uh-understanding, Dr. Lecter."

     "I am the Chesapeake Ripper," Hannibal revealed calmly, walking over to the bed, laying out a collection of surgical instruments. "I'm the killer you've all been hunting. Working along with you. Tell me, how does that make you feel?"

     Will was silent, lost in thought. This is a nightmare. That's all it is. I'll wake up any second. I'll wake up and I'll be in my own bed, or Hannibal's. But it won't be like this. This isn't real. I know it can't be. If he was The Ripper...he wouldn't love me. Would he? Could he be faking it? Just an elaborate scheme to get me here? Then why not kill me sooner? He's had so many opportunities...

     "Will," Hannibal said, selecting a scalpel.

     "This isn't a nightmare, is it?."

     "I...I s-still love you." Will said, his eyes tearing up. I won't cry. I won't cry. I won't cry.

     The psychiatrist was silent, pulling up Will's shirt. He pressed the knife to Will's chest, preparing to make the incision.

     Will closed his eyes, taking in deep shuddering breaths, his whole body screaming to do something, to fight back. But what could he do?

     Hannibal was perfectly still for a few seconds, then he threw the scalpel to the other side of the room, where it landed on the floor. He sat down on the floor, back against the bed. Will had never seen the doctor like this. Frustrated, maybe disappointed.

     Will decided it was best to stay still, and quiet.

     Eventually, Hannibal got back to his feet. Slowly, he put the surgical instruments away. He then unlocked the handcuffs and left the room, expression blank.

     Will laid there for a moment, unsure if what to do. Is this... a test? A trap? Something to makes things more fun for him? Or...can he not bring himself to actually kill me? He got up from the bed, hesitated, then left the bedroom, grabbing the discarded scalpel.

     Hannibal was in the kitchen, leaning against the counter with his eyes closed. Will crept past, part of him knowing that it didn't matter. Hannibal would kill him if he wanted to if he could. If he couldn't, he would let Will go.

     Will made it all the way to his car without incident, then he saw Hannibal moving in the house, but he didn't chase after Will, who started the car and drove away.


    When he got home, Will locked up the house, took care of the dogs, then went to bed. He thought of going to the police, Jack specifically, but something held him back.

     He didn't dream that night.


     Hannibal didn't show up for their appointment the next week. Will hadn't expected him to. He didn't really know why he went.

     Jack said Hannibal had come into the station earlier, saying he wouldn't be available for a while. The psychiatrist wouldn't explain why just telling Jack it was due to "personal reasons he would rather not discuss at the moment".

     Will went through his workday, acting as normal as possible. He was jumpy and unfocused, he couldn't help but feel watched.

     Dr. Bloom had asked him one day if he was doing alright.

     "I'm fine, really. I just didn't get my coffee this morning."

     "You can talk to me, Will. I know Hannibal has been out."

     "I'm ok, Alana. Don't worry about it. I just need to get extra sleep tonight."

     He'd lied. It felt wrong, lying to her, to Jack, to the whole department. He could tell them. And the hunt for the Chesapeake Ripper would finally be over. But he couldn't. Just as Hannibal couldn't make that cut.

      As Will watched the hours tick by that night, he made a decision.

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